39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for moroccanplaya

i have random mobile number with text messages, how would i go about only viewing the numbers i want for example 1234 i have [CODE] foreach($message as $msg) echo $msg; [/CODE] which displays all the messages

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for zacharysr

How would i make a text area like Facebook's comment text box's. I want it to auto expand when they type to a new line. And just hit enter to post the forum. How would i make it do this?

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Whilliam

Hey guys. I need your advice on how to pass critical data from page to page. It's just one data. It's an ID from a list. It has to be secure because this data needs to be concealed. I've used: the anchor tag. I did it like this. anchor($link . …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for nick3592

Hi i would like to know how i add the ... when you cut a string in php. For example a string gets cut that exceeds the character limit and gets added with ... You can find this anywhere like on youtube or any big media site. I have searched …

Member Avatar for Sorcher
Member Avatar for himanshu.1691

i have a page for user registration where i a form with a image tag to it. i want the user to fill the form but as soon as he uploads the image i want the image uploaded to be displayed on the image tag. Then i want all these …

Member Avatar for himanshu.1691
Member Avatar for newbie1234

Hi, I want to know. How to filter data. I have two mysql table as follow name: task_id task my_id 22 aaa 1 22 bbb 1 23 ccc 3 23 ddd 4 24 fff 5 subname:: task_id task my_id 24 fff 1 now my id is 1. I want to …

Member Avatar for NinjaMediaD
Member Avatar for Ender330

Hello, I have a form that I really don't want to use captchas with. The problem I have is that people cURL my site and send messages on my system slowing it down for my legit users. I am looking for a way to change the name of the form …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for zack654

My PHP pagination code is quite messy. I use something like this: [CODE]$display = 8; if(isset($_GET['p'])&&is_numeric($_GET['p'])) { $pages = $_GET['p']; } else { $q = "SELECT COUNT(image_id) FROM images"; $r = mysqli_query($dbc, $q); $ps = mysqli_fetch_array($r, MYSQL_NUM); $broj_redova = $ps[0]; if($broj_redova <= 8) { $pages = 1; } else { …

Member Avatar for subrata_ushasi
Member Avatar for n3xtgen

I want to create a blog type site where I post stories and users are able to comment on them. In order to do this must I create a CMS? If so how difficult would it be? Would I only need to use PHP and MySQL? Thank You

Member Avatar for subrata_ushasi
Member Avatar for amrita111

What shall be done in order to avoid access to a particular website on my laptop??

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for Steven_B

Hello potential problem solvers! I want to apologize ahead of time if this is a repeat of a similar question that I did not find, but here's my issue. I have a form I recently have been asked to try to make work seamlessly(no page refreshes), so of course I'm …

Member Avatar for Darkrellin

Hi, I am making a website for a car database. I made a table called Cars with fields Name,Make,Model,Color,Doors. I have also made a search function: [CODE]SELECT * FROM Cars WHERE Name LIKE '%$search%'[/CODE] This is a general search that will search the whole table, but what if I wanted …

Member Avatar for Darkrellin
Member Avatar for natrajmasala
Member Avatar for gilgil2

Hi I am having problems with authenticating session. I moved this over from a different site where I was testing it and didn't change anything but now it doesn't seem to be working. The site connects to the MySQL data base and if the info is wrong it says so. …

Member Avatar for NinjaMediaD
Member Avatar for ruchir7

This is my first post on Daniweb. I am developing a social networking site and the register form isn't quite working as expected. Here is the PHP code : [CODE]<? $title = 'Register' ?> <?require ('scripts/top.php'); ?> <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='scripts/form.css'/> <div id='content'> <h1> Register an account </h1> <div id='form'> …

Member Avatar for NinjaMediaD
Member Avatar for Kunal Aggarwal

I am making a page that uses a login and contact page. Everything is working fine, but I have a small hiccup at one point. The scenario is: When the user isn't logged in, the contact form is to be filled completely and will be sent to a particular email. …

Member Avatar for nice123
Member Avatar for NinjaMediaD

I have been having some issues with a date compare I have been getting a date from a database in YYYY-MM-DD format, and trying to compare todays date to that date to see if it has expired, then also a 30 day from the YYYY-MM-DD to check if it is …

Member Avatar for NinjaMediaD
Member Avatar for Gaurav Bindal

I am working on a project like Google calendar.I want to send email on a particular time(defined by client) to the client's email ID using PHP-SMTP protocol.Can i do it using php only, or i have to use java for it? tell me the code and flow of the program? …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Davetew

Dear Experts, I'm newbie in php. Can anyone please help to check my code as below: Blank value inserted to Mysql using dropdownbox. Thanks in advance. [CODE] <?php mysql_connect("localhost","root","") or die("Error: ".mysqlerror()); mysql_select_db("project_Test"); $Serial_Number = $_GET['Serial_Number']; $sql = "select * from `TestTable` where Serial_Number = $Serial_Number"; $query = mysql_query($sql); $row …

Member Avatar for Davetew
Member Avatar for gopi17

heyy guys...really could use some help here... my table is not updating its value, but there are no errors...the syntax seem to be correct [CODE] <?php session_start(); $host="localhost"; // Host name $username=""; // Mysql username $password=""; // Mysql password $db_name="test"; // Database name $tbl_name="testing3"; // Table name $invoice_no=$_SESSION['invoice_no']; $container_no=$_SESSION['container_no']; // …

Member Avatar for gopi17
Member Avatar for Awah Mohamed

hey people please tell me what to do , when ever i use mysql_fetch_array(data) i get this error : [CODE] Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, null given in C:\xampp\htdocs\awah.biz2\classes\class_lib.php on line 34 [/CODE] please tell me what to do , here is the class_lib.php: [CODE] <?php class …

Member Avatar for bavenbabu
Member Avatar for Darkrellin

Hi, I am making a website for a car database. I made a table called Cars with fields Name,Make,Model,Color,Doors. I have also made a search function: [CODE]SELECT * FROM Cars WHERE Name LIKE '%$search%'[/CODE] This is a general search that will search the whole table, but what if I wanted …

Member Avatar for macebooks
Member Avatar for anthonyjpv

If php file cannot be viewed from users browser, what are the advantages and disadvantages of having to process a form in same php file or processing a form with a different script? ie mail_form.php or with process_mail.php thanks!

Member Avatar for anthonyjpv
Member Avatar for imonbayazid

In my website i want to download the current page's content as pdf whenever i press download button on that page.what will be the php code?? please help me..

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for asprin

Hello everyone. First, a little about me. I started off web development in .Net (C#) and found it to be not suiting my style. Then I moved on to PHP and instantly fell in love with it. I've been practicing it for the last 40-45 days and have covered up …

Member Avatar for FreeGeezer
Member Avatar for Surfsup

I have a simple JS script (below) that on click (of the element with an id of #addClass) adds a class (.switcher) to the body tag. The script uses jquery. I would like to know if it's possible using PHP to store that info and keep it intact when the …

Member Avatar for Surfsup
Member Avatar for jacksantho

Hi, I am Using iframe for the URL masking. But it's not working for me. Am using Xampp: [B]1. [url]http://localhost/professor.html[/url][/B] (a).professor.html page in xampp htdocs folder [B](htdocs/professor.html)[/B] (b).professor.html page -> Is a authenticated Page, getting userid and the password in the professor.html page and once the login gets true, moves …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for irwallace

Hi Guys, I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction. I have a nusoap server that I am trying to pass an array of data to. For now I just want to simply pass this array back, before handling this data, mainly to help my learning process. …

Member Avatar for h2so4_2003

I would like to pass values in anchoring. Keeping it visible I can use <a href=xyz.php?ID=123&action=delete> In above I would like [B]action=delete[/B] to be hidden. What to do? I cannot use [B]input type=hidden[/B] as I'm not submitting the form.instead requires onclick by clicking on reference page in anchoring and passing …

Member Avatar for ko ko
Member Avatar for ravi52542

hi friends please send some links for how to use proper css and jquery......

Member Avatar for anand01

The End.