39,388 Topics
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Hi everyone , below is my update.php code , however , I am seeking for code to update specific user . For example Search Id : _______________________ [search] if user want to search id details for id : 11 the update.php will show open a page that can update that … | |
I've looked all over and ive not found a good answer, is there a way you can take your functions and make them in seprate files and call them to the class? it seems no one has tried this or i am ooking in the wrong place ![]() | |
I have created a multipage form which collects data input by the user before and is then sent by email. I have created a table that the user has to fill in an ammount for each item. They user doesn't have to fill everything in only the items that apply. … ![]() | |
Please help me to fix this ' or " mark: echo '<td>'.'<img src="images/".$data['images']>'.'</td>'.'<br>'; The above code does not seems right. Thanks before. | |
i want to upload file like exe file of an software from admin to database and download it from front end...plz help me out... ![]() | |
Is it possible to run an exe file which is saved on server machine using exec() function? I | |
Hallo, I wonder how to encrypt and decrypt php codes. I found an encrypted php code but do not know how to decrypt it. Anyone knows how to encrypt and decrypt php codes ? Thanks before. Davy | |
how to send an email from localhost xampp?? anyone give me a proper procedure... i'm confused. ![]() | |
Hi! Can anybody tell me about Socket Programming? I want to develop a Live Chat WebApp. Thanks in advance. | |
i have a problem to show the top article in 7 days.. $arc=mysql_query("select *from arc_news where status='aktif' and date IN (SELECT DATE_(NOW(), INTERVAL -14 DAY)) order by counter desc limit 4"); while($a=mysql_fetch_array($arc)){ $banner=mysql_query("select * from arc_sub where id_sub='$a[id_sub]'"); while($b=mysql_fetch_array($banner)){ echo" <tr> <td class='ling'><b style='color:GoldenRod'>•</b></td><td><h1><a href='article".$bb."-$a[id_news]-$b[id_banners]-$a[judul_seo].html' title='$a[judul]' target='_blank'>$a[judul]</a></h1></td> </tr>"; } } … | |
My Rule: `RewriteRule ^(.*)/album/(.*)/?$ watch_album.php?id=$2&video_url=$1 [L]` when i goes to site:epashto.com in google search it shows me url with query string like : http://epashto.com/watch_album.php?id=33 but my SEO Friendly URL is: http://epashto.com/special-hits-volume-4-pashto-songs-album-2013/album/33 Now the issue is that if user click to this url: http://epashto.com/watch_album.php?id=33 it should redirect to my new SEO … | |
Hi I need PHP functions for calculating the area and volume of a cylinder? I will be thankfull for your answer. <form action="functions.php" method="POST"> Enter the radius = <input type="text" name="radius"><br> Enter the height = <input type="text" name="height"><br> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Calculate"><br> </form> <?php //calculates the volume of a cylinder … ![]() | |
Hi All, I have been using a latest version of wamp daily for the last month on this PC and suddenly over the weekend it has stopped working. I have tried the following: I have restarted all services a number of times. Restored back to earlier point on Friday when … | |
i want to show the favorite news base on calculation coment in comment table.. so ? what should i do? | |
we are about to begin our thesis report, we need to create an inventory system using php codes, i chose inventory system of stocks in a pharmacy, can you help me do the system?where should I begin..Thank you :)...really need your help experts :( | |
Hello, I am learning PHP. Now, I am creating login page. This is my index.php codes <?php require "../config.php"; session_start(); $username = $_SESSION['username']; $password = $_SESSION['password']; if(!$username && !$password){ header('Location: login.php'); } else { echo $hello.$username; } ?> And this is my login.php <?php require "../config.php"; session_start(); function loginForm(){ echo … | |
i have a text file as abc.txt which looks like hi hello john how are you jelly fine thank u now i need a php code to select this file from html page and read this text file line by line and store each line as a seperate row in … ![]() | |
Hello, I am following this tutorial: http://www.codefactorycr.com/login-with-codeigniter-php.html It works when I copy it exactly as it is. Now, I only wonder why eventhough I try to imitate it and modify it a little bit to match my system, I wonder why it still does not work ? views/admin/login_view.php <!DOCTYPE html … | |
so i have 2 lists i need to compare $list = array("Apple", "Orange", "Lemon", "Candy"); and $db = $r_bio['other']; $db2 = explode(":", $db); i want to compare the two and if i find the same i want to echo a checked checkbox if not an unchecked checkbox if($db2 == $list) … | |
hello guys am creating site were all users can post for there friends to see ans coment just like facebook where am having problem is how to make sure only a users friends can see there post not the whole site members i have table in my database called post … | |
for($i=1; $i<=($jumlah_row_tabel_atas+1); $i++) { $satuan = $_POST['PP_row_'.$i.'_satuan']; $word_2[$i]="SELECT id_unit FROM manage_unit WHERE name_unit = '$satuan'"; $q[$i] = mysql_query($word_2[$i]); $data_X = mysql_fetch_array($q[$i]); $id_unit = $data_X['id_unit']; $harga_1 = $_POST['PP_row_'.$i.'_harga_1']; $harga_2 = $_POST['PP_row_'.$i.'_harga_2']; $harga_3 = $_POST['PP_row_'.$i.'_harga_3']; $id_drug = $_POST['id_drug']; $value = $value_array[$i]; $word="INSERT INTO relation_mu_and_unit (id_drug, id_unit, priority, value, harga1, harga2, harga3, last_edit) … | |
Hi I need better way to my checkboxes in form.php here is code <h3>Which programming languages should you learn first?</h3> HTML <input type="checkbox" name="cb_html" value="HTML"><br> PHP <input type="checkbox" name="cb_php" value="PHP"><br> Perl <input type="checkbox" name="cb_perl" value="Perl"><br> Python <input type="checkbox" name="cb_python" value="Python"><br> And my form.php code is #checkboxes if (isset($_POST["cb_html"])) { echo … | |
I want to have an image map with hot spots that will run a php script when clicked. I'm new to this so any help will be appreciated. | |
Hi guys, Im a uni student who's just getting started on PHP + i've hit a brick wall already. One of my tasks is to use PHP to show the song lyrics of "10 green bottles" (standing on a wall) using loops and if statements. I was thinking of having … | |
What the webpage would do is after clicking "SUBMIT" button, a php script will be use to add records into my database. But for now i do not know where to put the "signupinsert.php" into the html and to make it run. I have try putting it at form action … | |
Hi How can I pass value of my radio buttons to my form.php code? I will be very thankfull for your answer. <form action="form1.php" method="post"> First name: <input type="text" name="fname"><br><br> Last name: <input type="text" name="lname"><br><br> <h3>What is the best programming language to learn for hacking</h3> Python <input type="radio" name="rb_python" value="Python"><br> … | |
I have a searchable database.. I would like to change the style of how the table is displayed... I have a css file of how I would like the table displayed.. Can that be done? If so..How? | |
i need to upload multiple image randomly in flex with php as backend..can any one help me?? |
The End.