39,326 Topics
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Please help me to fix this ' or " mark: echo '<td>'.'<img src="images/".$data['images']>'.'</td>'.'<br>'; The above code does not seems right. Thanks before. | |
i want to upload file like exe file of an software from admin to database and download it from front end...plz help me out... | |
Is it possible to run an exe file which is saved on server machine using exec() function? I | |
Hallo, I wonder how to encrypt and decrypt php codes. I found an encrypted php code but do not know how to decrypt it. Anyone knows how to encrypt and decrypt php codes ? Thanks before. Davy | |
how to send an email from localhost xampp?? anyone give me a proper procedure... i'm confused. | |
Hi! Can anybody tell me about Socket Programming? I want to develop a Live Chat WebApp. Thanks in advance. | |
i have a problem to show the top article in 7 days.. $arc=mysql_query("select *from arc_news where status='aktif' and date IN (SELECT DATE_(NOW(), INTERVAL -14 DAY)) order by counter desc limit 4"); while($a=mysql_fetch_array($arc)){ $banner=mysql_query("select * from arc_sub where id_sub='$a[id_sub]'"); while($b=mysql_fetch_array($banner)){ echo" <tr> <td class='ling'><b style='color:GoldenRod'>•</b></td><td><h1><a href='article".$bb."-$a[id_news]-$b[id_banners]-$a[judul_seo].html' title='$a[judul]' target='_blank'>$a[judul]</a></h1></td> </tr>"; } } … | |
My Rule: `RewriteRule ^(.*)/album/(.*)/?$ watch_album.php?id=$2&video_url=$1 [L]` when i goes to site:epashto.com in google search it shows me url with query string like : http://epashto.com/watch_album.php?id=33 but my SEO Friendly URL is: http://epashto.com/special-hits-volume-4-pashto-songs-album-2013/album/33 Now the issue is that if user click to this url: http://epashto.com/watch_album.php?id=33 it should redirect to my new SEO … | |
Hi I need PHP functions for calculating the area and volume of a cylinder? I will be thankfull for your answer. <form action="functions.php" method="POST"> Enter the radius = <input type="text" name="radius"><br> Enter the height = <input type="text" name="height"><br> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Calculate"><br> </form> <?php //calculates the volume of a cylinder … | |
Hi All, I have been using a latest version of wamp daily for the last month on this PC and suddenly over the weekend it has stopped working. I have tried the following: I have restarted all services a number of times. Restored back to earlier point on Friday when … | |
i want to show the favorite news base on calculation coment in comment table.. so ? what should i do? | |
we are about to begin our thesis report, we need to create an inventory system using php codes, i chose inventory system of stocks in a pharmacy, can you help me do the system?where should I begin..Thank you :)...really need your help experts :( | |
Hello, I am learning PHP. Now, I am creating login page. This is my index.php codes <?php require "../config.php"; session_start(); $username = $_SESSION['username']; $password = $_SESSION['password']; if(!$username && !$password){ header('Location: login.php'); } else { echo $hello.$username; } ?> And this is my login.php <?php require "../config.php"; session_start(); function loginForm(){ echo … | |
i have a text file as abc.txt which looks like hi hello john how are you jelly fine thank u now i need a php code to select this file from html page and read this text file line by line and store each line as a seperate row in … | |
Hello, I am following this tutorial: http://www.codefactorycr.com/login-with-codeigniter-php.html It works when I copy it exactly as it is. Now, I only wonder why eventhough I try to imitate it and modify it a little bit to match my system, I wonder why it still does not work ? views/admin/login_view.php <!DOCTYPE html … | |
so i have 2 lists i need to compare $list = array("Apple", "Orange", "Lemon", "Candy"); and $db = $r_bio['other']; $db2 = explode(":", $db); i want to compare the two and if i find the same i want to echo a checked checkbox if not an unchecked checkbox if($db2 == $list) … | |
hello guys am creating site were all users can post for there friends to see ans coment just like facebook where am having problem is how to make sure only a users friends can see there post not the whole site members i have table in my database called post … | |
for($i=1; $i<=($jumlah_row_tabel_atas+1); $i++) { $satuan = $_POST['PP_row_'.$i.'_satuan']; $word_2[$i]="SELECT id_unit FROM manage_unit WHERE name_unit = '$satuan'"; $q[$i] = mysql_query($word_2[$i]); $data_X = mysql_fetch_array($q[$i]); $id_unit = $data_X['id_unit']; $harga_1 = $_POST['PP_row_'.$i.'_harga_1']; $harga_2 = $_POST['PP_row_'.$i.'_harga_2']; $harga_3 = $_POST['PP_row_'.$i.'_harga_3']; $id_drug = $_POST['id_drug']; $value = $value_array[$i]; $word="INSERT INTO relation_mu_and_unit (id_drug, id_unit, priority, value, harga1, harga2, harga3, last_edit) … | |
Hi I need better way to my checkboxes in form.php here is code <h3>Which programming languages should you learn first?</h3> HTML <input type="checkbox" name="cb_html" value="HTML"><br> PHP <input type="checkbox" name="cb_php" value="PHP"><br> Perl <input type="checkbox" name="cb_perl" value="Perl"><br> Python <input type="checkbox" name="cb_python" value="Python"><br> And my form.php code is #checkboxes if (isset($_POST["cb_html"])) { echo … | |
I want to have an image map with hot spots that will run a php script when clicked. I'm new to this so any help will be appreciated. | |
Hi guys, Im a uni student who's just getting started on PHP + i've hit a brick wall already. One of my tasks is to use PHP to show the song lyrics of "10 green bottles" (standing on a wall) using loops and if statements. I was thinking of having … | |
What the webpage would do is after clicking "SUBMIT" button, a php script will be use to add records into my database. But for now i do not know where to put the "signupinsert.php" into the html and to make it run. I have try putting it at form action … | |
Hi How can I pass value of my radio buttons to my form.php code? I will be very thankfull for your answer. <form action="form1.php" method="post"> First name: <input type="text" name="fname"><br><br> Last name: <input type="text" name="lname"><br><br> <h3>What is the best programming language to learn for hacking</h3> Python <input type="radio" name="rb_python" value="Python"><br> … | |
I have a searchable database.. I would like to change the style of how the table is displayed... I have a css file of how I would like the table displayed.. Can that be done? If so..How? | |
i need to upload multiple image randomly in flex with php as backend..can any one help me?? | |
<?php include("config.php"); if (isset($_POST['submit_val'])) { $cmeal = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['meal']); $meal = "INSERT INTO ebmealplans( MealPlanName, CreatedOn ) VALUES ( '{$cmeal}', NOW() )"; if(!mysql_query($meal, $link)) { die("Error : " .mysql_error()); } $croom = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['room']); $ref_key = mysql_insert_id(); $room = "INSERT INTO ebroomtypes( RoomTypeName, CreatedOn ) VALUES ( '{$croom}', NOW() )"; if(!mysql_query($room, $link)) … | |
Hi, I need to automatically submit button only once. the javascripts i have tried keep submitting the page in an endless loop so to fix the problem the auto submit part only needs to work once when the page is loaded. please help. Thanks | |
So i have a table and a calculate button. the calculate button is responsible to selecting data from specific tables and then the selected data will be displayed and added together along with the calculation. but something is wrong with the process because it is not calculating correctly. table & … | |
index.php coding <td><input type="text" name="slno[]" value="" size="2"></td> <td><input type="text" size="10" name="date[]" id="SelectedDate" onClick="GetDate(this);" readonly="readonly"/></td> <td><input size="24" type="text" name="particulars[]" value="" placeholder="Description"></td> <td><select name="noofnights[]" value="0"> <option value="empty"></option> <option value="1">1</option> <option value="2">2</option> <option value="3">3</option> <option value="4">4</option> <option value="5">5</option> <option value="6">6</option> <option value="7">7</option> <option value="8">8</option> <option value="9">9</option> <option value="10">10</option> <option value="11">11</option> <option value="12">12</option> <option … |
The End.