39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for an00p

I have developed a web application in PHP and I wan't to implement licencing system into it so that the application should stop functioning if the licence is not renewed. Can someone help me?

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for sravi.pearl

haiii all, I am new to php, i have a question regarding dropdownlist in php file. If i have a table with 3 columns and 3 rows ,in the last column i have to display dropdown list for each row. I am able to display dropdownlist under the table but …

Member Avatar for sudeepjd
Member Avatar for ruwanaru

[CODE] <?php $qty = $_post['qty']; $rate = $_post['rate']; $total = $rate * $qty; echo $total; ?> [/CODE] i want to print the float number in total but it gives rounded Number

Member Avatar for ruwanaru
Member Avatar for RossCode

I will be building a site soon that requires the use of CSV files zipped up on an ftp which I have never tried before. I will have to connect to an FTP server via PHP, collect a zip file, unpack the CSV file and then use the values in …

Member Avatar for facarroll

Hi everyone, I don't know whether this is a PHP or MySql problem, but I think it is the former. The following code queries the database correctly, (and before you ask, there are no duplicate database entries), but the output duplicates every row. e.g., hammer (jpg image) hammer hammer (jpg …

Member Avatar for facarroll
Member Avatar for sameeya007

in the $admission_id few numbers are available as array,i got those array numbers one by one by using explode function.after that i put those numbers one by one to a query using for loop.that i wanted to know the way i put into a query is correct. specially the variable …

Member Avatar for nonshatter
Member Avatar for eantz

Hi everyone, I have a project that need an API but still in progress. But, I have a problem with this API authentication. The authentication method I want to use is oAuth. But, unfortunately I don't have any acknowledgement about authentication. I've read many tutorial but I still don't know …

Member Avatar for Mouche
Member Avatar for sameeya007

$grade=$_POST["grade"]; $stream=$_POST["stream"]; $a=='A'; $query="delete * from class where grade_id='$grade' and stream='$stream' and class_name='$a'"; $result=mysql_query($query); if($stream==null)( [COLOR="Red"]$query1="insert into class values(null,'$a','$grade','null')";[/COLOR] $result=mysql_query($query1); }else( $query1="insert into class values(null,'$a','$grade','$stream')"; $result=mysql_query($query1); ) in this code runs .the code which color in red is occur error . please someone can tell me the reason for that?

Member Avatar for sameeya007
Member Avatar for nocode

Hi all, Please be gentle with me since I don't know code/databases at all. So, I can't login into my wordpress blog because of this: Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/d/o/o/dooley078/html/wp-content/themes/thetheme/functions.php:717) in /home/content/d/o/o/blue078/html/wp-login.php on line 337 What I did was download the …

Member Avatar for sops21
Member Avatar for farukruet

Dear Sir, I have a PHP script that export CSV with arabic text, for example I download the CSV on the website then save to desktop of my computer and Open it on NOTEPAD... that works fine I could still see all the arabic text OK with no problem, but …

Member Avatar for jazzerman
Member Avatar for Brosa

I am trying to retrieve a value from mysql and put it into an Area box with php and I have been having some trouble's I wouldn't know how to go about this I would really appriciate some help. So far I have just made the textarea and retrieve and …

Member Avatar for Brosa
Member Avatar for loligator

Hello all, I have a feeling this is easy to deal with (at least I hope so) but couldn't find much on google, probably because I'm not 100% sure how to word it. Here goes... We all know how there's different representations for apostrophes. There's the ’ character and then …

Member Avatar for sneldog
Member Avatar for mikeflash

Hey all, I have several cron jobs running but some of them take a lot of time to complete, since it requires fetching data from an external website and then updates my site's database. My hosting provider has a 120 second time limit for PHP scripts, which is too low …

Member Avatar for maba001
Member Avatar for mystique

Hi I"m attempting to edit my website in php platform but i have no programming knowledge. Could anyone tell me where i can download an FTP program such as WS FTP? Can i download this free or must i purchase it? I also also am not sure where to find …

Member Avatar for Zagga
Member Avatar for buggyboy

Hello everyone, I have a database it has 4 columns: id, name, description, cure. I want to be able to type in the name of something into the search bar and for it to show the the result below using ajax/jquery. in php it would be like, select * where …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for sundeep_g

Hi guys...im very happy to interact with you all...I have a problem with my code..i would like to call the javascript value into php.. can any one help me plz.... :- this is my function var cell3 = row.insertCell(2); var element2 = document.createElement("input"); element2.type = "text"; element2.name="name"+rowCount; element2.value="name"+rowCount; cell3.appendChild(element2); .............................................................. …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for achinaseller
Member Avatar for phphit

Basically my table structure are as below. [B]Teams Table[/B] id int(11) team_name varchar(100) [B]schedule Table[/B] id int(11) team1 varchar(100) team2 varchar(100) Now, Basically I want to random 10 team list from table teams (field team_name). What I want to do here is that want to count the no. of matches …

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for sakush100

[CODE]<script type="text/javascript"> function submitmyform(){ { var docx = document.getElementById(formID) document.docx.submit(); setTimeout(function(){self.close();}, 10); }} </script> <?php $xyz=20; $stackid=0; while($stackid<$xyz){ echo'<div align="right"> <form id="'.$stackid.'" name="'.$stackid.'" method="POST" action="updates/comment.php"> <table bgcolor="#E4EFF8" border="0" width="90%" style="border-collapse: collapse" id="table1"><tr> <td align="left"></font></td> <td align="right"><font size="2" face="Verdana"><a href="#div'.$stackid.'" onclick="toggle('.$stackid.')">Comment</a> | Rate&nbsp;</font></td></tr> <tr><td colspan="2" align="center" bgcolor="#E4EFF8"> <textarea rows="1" name="S1" cols="45"></textarea></td></tr> …

Member Avatar for sudeepjd
Member Avatar for JustmeVSI

Hy guys how can I go through each column of a result returned form the database. In other words do this: [CODE] $command = "SELECT * FROM Persons"; $result = mysql_query($command); while($row = mysql_fettch_array($result)) { [COLOR="Red"][INDENT]foreach($column in $row) {[/COLOR] [INDENT]if($column!=null) { ... }[/INDENT] [COLOR="Red"]}[/INDENT][/COLOR] } [/CODE] How to do the …

Member Avatar for JustmeVSI
Member Avatar for iamfrank

Hi everyone I know there already is a thread on that one, but not enough for me to make it work. So I know I can do : $command = "mysqldump -u [username] -p [password] [databasename] > [backupfile.sql]"; then system($command); the thing is, I'm on a web server (hosting company) …

Member Avatar for guyinpv
Member Avatar for pamdooley

I have the following code:[CODE] if ((isset($_POST["MM_insert"])) && ($_POST["MM_insert"] == "form1")) { $insertSQL = sprintf("INSERT INTO inventory_software_request (Software, Name, NISD, Room) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)", GetSQLValueString $_POST['software[]'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($_POST['name'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($_POST['nisd'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($_POST['room'], "text")); [/CODE] to send data to a MySQL database. the form includes a list of software …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for SunnySideUp

Hi, How do I go about creating a XML document from information requested from multiple tables ? Do I need to split the queries up or can I just run it as one complete query ? Then how do I set it up so that information is output into an …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for nurul_208

hye guys.. i've got a problem on inserting the data from mysql database into the textbox in php.. i dont get any error reply..but im still cant retrieve the data from the mysql database into text box in php.. below are the print screen and my sourcecode: this is the …

Member Avatar for nurul_208
Member Avatar for vaibhav1983

Hi All, I am trying to implement a directory like url rewriting in php. My URL goes like this [url]www.xyz.com/Parameter1/Parameter2/1[/url] This request is forwarded to a php script, getParams.php Parameter1 and Parameter2 in the URL are GET parameters. "1" in the url indicates the page number. The URL rule that …

Member Avatar for vaibhav1983
Member Avatar for teedoff

Hi new to php and I'm trying to learn how to set up connections to the database on my remote server. I'm using dreamweaver to create recordsets, then dispaying the results. Dreamweaver creates a connection file(I named student.php) automatically based on your database connections and login info. However, this poses …

Member Avatar for teedoff
Member Avatar for joshisumitnet

Dear Friends, I am following the bestuff.com's active member session. I am doing the following thing... 1. when user logs in, I update my database's field with value 'O' (means user is logged in and fires query which has flag value 'O') But the problem is how to check user's …

Member Avatar for joshisumitnet
Member Avatar for debasishgang7

im new to php i have a problem.. i wanna design a website that will have index.php as the Home page. The index.php will include header.php(the universal header) menu.php(unuversal menu) topics.php(topics of my websites like global warming,child labour etc..) content.php(a welcome note for Home page.) ___________________________________________________ header.php ___________________________________________________ | menu.php …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for slap01

im working on something that will display the title and the author, but i have seperate table for the title and author, my code displays the title but not the author, what should i do? heres my code [CODE]<html> <body> <form method=post action="find.php"> <h2>Search For:</h2> <p> Academic Year : <input …

Member Avatar for slap01
Member Avatar for vivekdizzal

[code]<?php $host = "localhost"; $user = "root"; $pass = ""; $db = "register1"; $conn=mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass); $db3=mysql_select_db($db,$conn) or die("Unable to connect to local database"); $caption = " Add "; if($_GET['id'] != '') { $sel_qry = "SELECT * FROM details WHERE id = ".$_GET['id']; $rs = mysql_query($sel_qry); $result_data = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs); $caption …


The End.