39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for feoperro

Hi, I would like to develop a php web application using wamp - just something simple to start out. What IDE should I use? and how do I link it to wamp? Thanks!

Member Avatar for feoperro
Member Avatar for benhowdle89

I'm populating a dropdown from a mysql table with php but some cells in the column are blank, so in the dropdown there are gaps where these blanks are. Can i choose not to show blank cells or something? Thanks

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for hassancool

HI, I am using an Image Hosting Script... I want to modify it according to my needs... Is there anyone who can help me in this? I can also pay for that.... But its Really Urgent.... Regards....

Member Avatar for hassancool
Member Avatar for Venugopal Ravi

i have two different tables table1 - property ================= id,name, address, city state, zip table2 - floorvalue =================== id, rentmin, rentmax, bedrooms, bathrooms i need a query to fetch first min rent values from the two tables query i have : select p.id, p.name, p.address, p.city, p.state, p.zip, f.id, f.rmin, …

Member Avatar for blocblue
Member Avatar for MatthewRuddy

Hi. I'm trying to create a custom meta box on Wordpress with multiple text fields. The idea is that there is initially one text box, then you can click the button 'Add New' and a another text box is added. This needs to be via Ajax; using Javascript doesn't physically …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for epicrevolt

So I have my site templates complete and I know that I have the right database connection because I can register, but I am having problems with dynamic pages. I originally started the site with all the pages in their own unique separate PHP file, but I ran into problems …

Member Avatar for epicrevolt
Member Avatar for SunnySideUp

Hi, I am looking for some help with my script, since only half of it is working. The image path will not be put in the database for some reason and when I process the form all I get is white space: [CODE] $reg_errors = array(); if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') …

Member Avatar for fobos
Member Avatar for stonest123

I'm not sure if this belongs in PHP or in SQL forum but basically... when using odbc_result_all, the bottom results is missed all the time, i don't know why it does this but i think its something to do with the driver. So, to get the last result from the …

Member Avatar for stonest123
Member Avatar for daffi_gusti

Dear all, any one knows how to print string out based on combination using php. the string a b c d will print a b c d ab ac ad bc bd cd abc abd acd bcd abcd Thanks in advance....

Member Avatar for monica singh
Member Avatar for killbill07

I have a folder with pics and I need to use scandir() to show all images in a html file. But scandir returns, for example, "image.jpg1". Why? How can I do that withouth problems?

Member Avatar for monica singh
Member Avatar for navi17
Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for saadi06

//i have a problem i have made an edit page and it is working properly and i have done image uploading in it but if the user updates without uploading any image its previous image is removed can any body help me how to get the previous image my code …

Member Avatar for saadi06
Member Avatar for niths

hi all, i need to save the uploaded image in some images folder with uploaded date folder and then image like images/2010-11-01/image.jpg can any one help me.. i tried this...it is working fine but wat i want is i need to create uploaded date folder and save in that folder.. …

Member Avatar for niths
Member Avatar for vivi288

Hi guys, you've helped me out before and I'm hoping you'll be able to help me out again. This is actually a two-part question. I have a gallery which I'm trying to create, and while the current code I have works with one table only, but after doing union selects, …

Member Avatar for vivi288
Member Avatar for phaedrusGhost

Hi all, I am totally pulling my hair out at the moment. The pages I have included sessions on all work great except when I make submit a form or basically anything I do in relation to MySQL. Is there a typical reason as to why this would happen? So …

Member Avatar for phaedrusGhost
Member Avatar for avocado_juice

Hi, I have this code. It is not working properly. Anybody may know the solution? Thank you [CODE]<?php include 'admin_homepage.php' ?> <div id="sidebar1"> <b></b><br /></br></br><img src="MMU_logo.jpg" width="180" height="150"/><br /> <a href="admin_view_student.php" style="font-size:13px" >View Student</a><br /> <a href="admin_new_student_reg.php" style="font-size:13px">Add Student</a><br /> <a href="student_excel.php" style="font-size:13px">Get Excel File</a><br /> <a href="student_mailing_list.php" style="font-size:13px">Get Mailing …

Member Avatar for avocado_juice
Member Avatar for avinash_545

Dear All, I am currently working on a web assignment. But I do not know what is wrong with this ^piece of code. Can anyone of you find the bug in it please ;[code]<? $con=mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); if(!$con){die("could not connect".mysql_error());} mysql_select_db("idareyou",$con); echo("dbconnect is working"); $fname=a;//$_GET('search_fname');echo $fname; $lname=a;//$_GET('search_lname'); // include("dbConnect.php"); echo "blaljfkdjfjdfk"; echo …

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Member Avatar for showman13

OK, I've been searching numerous discussion boards and searching the archives and the web for just the right answer to this question, even posted related questions on a couple, and got some responses, but they never really 'Solved' my dilema. I've concluded that I can't use a url like [url]http://username.domainname.com[/url] …

Member Avatar for showman13
Member Avatar for zuerich-finanz

Hi. i need to have some Vars accessed global. Is there a problem to store the data in $GLOBALS ? regards michael

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Bounty Hunter

I am filling a dropdown list and an HTML page with the contents of a MySQL database (the tablename is in the variable $tablename2). The file contains a single field, "BusinessCat", with 20 or so unique records. The code below is an attempt to display every category on an HTML …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for aMOEBa

Hi, I need help with an algorithm to allocate rooms to people. I need to shuffle through a list of rooms to assign a room to a person and after the fourth person is assigned to the room, it should be out of the list(should be unavailable). I have not …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for mana_panigrahi

Hi All, Can anybody share PHP code to generate excel file by querying MySQL database. Thanks in advance..

Member Avatar for avocado_juice
Member Avatar for TechySafi

Wait you don't need to read the whole things :) Just scroll down, and see what I've asked :) [CODE]stdClass Object ( [friends_count] => 54 [description] => i'TS THE digiTAL vERSiOn 0b devilZ! tECH & mUUsic fReak. sImpLE buT.......! [screen_name] => 2020Volt [profile_sidebar_border_color] => 181A1E [status] => stdClass Object ( …

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Member Avatar for lukemaister

If anyone manages to help me fix this i'll be more than happy. :) SO my problem is this, i have a drop-down menu of different times of day. e.g. 00:00; 00:15; 00:30; 00:45; 01:00; 01:15 up to midnight. What i want to do is load the drop down with …

Member Avatar for lukemaister
Member Avatar for Ritzlore

Hi there. I am early in learning PHP and have been reading your forum with great interest and also admiration for how great you all are helping out newbies and even looking over their code for them. And you're so logical and organized in your explanations. It's a beautiful thing …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for Dani

After being requested to write a tutorial a few times, I've finally found the time to create a mod_rewrite tutorial for vBulletin 3. What this tutorial will allow you to do is make your vBulletin forum search engine spiderable - for Google and all the others. [i]<< update >>[/i] [i][b]This …

Member Avatar for zuerich-finanz
Member Avatar for Borzoi

If I was to set a wildcard in my subdomain (*.example.com) to redirect to www.example.com, would that affect any pre-existing subdomains (for example, blog.example.com) or would it only redirect things I haven't set?

Member Avatar for Borzoi
Member Avatar for sha11e

$fname = "Kevin"; $fname_match = preg_match('/^[A-Za-z]{2,20}$/', $fname); if($fname_match==true) { echo "All matches... true?"; } else { echo "All matches.. noo?"; } I should be getting the first one right? But i get the else message.... Why? 'Kevin' should match?

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for ShubhadaLitke

Hello all, I have same problem. in javascript i called php fun using <?php fun1()?>. it run successfully. But i want to pass variable to that function which is a value of input text box. i.e var tt=document.getElementById('cname'); and i want to pass that tt value to php function. How …

Member Avatar for Gilette
Member Avatar for Borzoi

Hello everyone, If I was to set my site to redirect any subdomain to the main page in the htaccess file like so: [code] RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(.*).example.com RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www.example.com [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.example.com/ [P] [/code] Would this mean that if I was to type in elephant.example.com it would redirect …

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The End.