39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for bristolspider

i have to the following code which give u a cost price(thats our price) and a RRP i have made it work the difrence out and put its as a % but cant get it to show anything other than "£0" for saving have i missed somthing [CODE]<?php $_REQUEST['type'] = …

Member Avatar for TechySafi

If I put this line [ICODE]$friends = $connection->get('followers/ids', array('screen_name' => '2020volt'));[/ICODE] Twitter api returns something like this : [CODE]Array ( [0] => 173605790 [1] => 187372244 [2] => 17535566 [3] => 190756198 [4] => 184577861 [5] => 119247538 [6] => 183813521 [7] => 18013082 [8] => 149601084 [9] => 186491393 …

Member Avatar for TechySafi
Member Avatar for human2600

Hello, I want to ask you if you can give me an advice in how to make a secure login and register application in php and mysql. If you can give me a link or an idea I would be very thankful. Thank you!

Member Avatar for madiyasa
Member Avatar for muralibobby2015

hello.. i want to do a website wich is having search functionality. in this i have to do search flights,hotels etc.., some one suggested me to use kayak api for this. i searched every thing for this. but i didn't get any idea. anyone could suggest me how to use …

Member Avatar for muralibobby2015
Member Avatar for feoperro

Hi, I have my project folder in www\project - for some reason, some of the images don't work and some do. All pictures are in the same path (project root) but some display a red cross and some display perfectly fine. As far as I know - theres no way …

Member Avatar for feoperro
Member Avatar for jakizak

I seem to be having difficulties when using the following query: [CODE]$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `products` WHERE `name` RLIKE '%$s1%' OR `name` RLIKE '%$s2%' OR `name` RLIKE '%$s3%' OR `name` RLIKE '%$s4%' OR `description` RLIKE '%$s1%' OR `description` RLIKE '%$s2%' OR `description` RLIKE '%$s3%' OR `description` RLIKE '%$s4%' OR …

Member Avatar for n1csaf3
Member Avatar for alanlee9898

I got problem verify the link from the email...now I can receive the email... but the link pointing is a empty link... [CODE]$item_hash = md5($item_id); //Send the email user... $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion(); $subject = …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for wxflint

Hello i am trying to pull the hosted domains from my sql database i am able to pull them and see them I just cant get the links to Phrase properly the link to the working script is here [URL="http://www.a1khosting.com/test/index2.php"]http://www.a1khosting.com/test/index2.php[/URL] as you can see the links are not correct when …

Member Avatar for monica singh
Member Avatar for shahab.burki

Hi, I am new to web development. I am xampp package for development. First I was able to access MYSQL through CLI and PhpMyAdmin. But when I set the root password for the MYSQL, I am unable to access it. Any clue? Thanks

Member Avatar for Surreal_one
Member Avatar for ryan-t

Hi, i wasn't to be able to transfer variable data on to a script that I've include()'d. I've tried passing it through the URL like "include('function.php?username=$session->username');" but it says that it cannot find that file. So I'm kinda stuck at the moment :)

Member Avatar for ryan-t
Member Avatar for Capt Spaghetti

I am allowing the user to select a city and state and presenting them with a list of organizations from a MySQL table which is formatted by the code shown below. The user then selects a particular organization by clicking on the ID for their chosen oranization at which point …

Member Avatar for Capt Spaghetti
Member Avatar for druggeri1

I am using cake php I have a table called relates that holds the primary id values from the other tables. I used cakephp to generate the crud. it works fine. if you click on the number in the relates table it goes to the appropriate table and displays the …

Member Avatar for P0lT10n
Member Avatar for gunderjj

I have read many posts like this and can not get this to work right. The box always remains empty, yet there are rows in the table. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. [CODE] <?php //Variables for mysql database connection $user='testuser'; $password='testpass'; // connect to MySQL $connection = mysql_connect(localhost, $user, …

Member Avatar for gunderjj
Member Avatar for scofro

Hi all, I'm looking for some help with a PHP / MySQL scheduling component that our website users will use to schedule our services. I've drawn out 2 calendars that sit side by side using PHP. One for the current month, and one for the following month...to give users the …

Member Avatar for Surreal_one

I've having very much trouble with the last piece of my site. I retrieve my database including checkboxes. From here I want to check/ucheck the boxes and save it back into the database. The problem I run into is when I check some boxes it doesnt take any notice witch …

Member Avatar for HelenLF

Is it possible to make the first letter of every word uppercase unless it is one of a group of words? I have to get some data from a database and present it on a page as a menu. The format would be that all words would start with a …

Member Avatar for quasipickle
Member Avatar for andrewliu

Hello, I have a variable that I want to pass into my include file but not sure how to do this say i have this in my index.php file [CODE] <?php $new_id = $row['id']; include('main.php') ?> [/CODE] How would my $new_id get passed into my main.php file? I'm trying to …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for hassancool

Hi, I want a simple Email form script that I can implement on this form.... [URL="http://intedupk.com/inquiry_form.html"]http://intedupk.com/inquiry_form.html[/URL] If you can share just php code for that it will be ok..... Regards....

Member Avatar for hassancool
Member Avatar for knrakesh

Hello Friends, I am Rakesh, iam facing a problem regarding HTML in PHP page iam pasting the link of error can any one please tell the solution. [URL="http://screencast.com/t/yrFqDdsf"]http://screencast.com/t/yrFqDdsf[/URL] iam unable to understand why its comming so please tell the solution Thanks in Advance

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for junjua

I need some help to theme my website a test project to learn cakephp 1.3.4. I have created files for these like default.ctp for website default layout. and home.ctp for home page layout, I try Google for help but there I found nothing a good tutorial for a beginner to …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for avinash_545

Dear All, I am currently working on an assignment. I am having one error with this php file but I cannot figure out the problem. Can you please help. Fatal error: Function name must be a string in C:\xampp\htdocs\idareyou\searchUser.php on line 2[code]<?php $fme=$_GET('search_fname'); $lme=$_GET('search_lname'); $con=mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); if(!$con){die("could not connect".mysql_error());} mysql_select_db("idareyou",$con); echo("dbconnect …

Member Avatar for avinash_545
Member Avatar for edwoodt

hi, i'm entry level webdesigner- following the advice of youtube tutorial "rrphillps" of serverside includes. [url]http://www.youtube.com/user/rrphillips?blend=2&ob=1#p/u/143/9TrsRxFtgSA[/url] really simple stuff; the idea is to put all your hyperlinks in an ".inc" file and link all your webpages to it. but then he explains that your server needs to know to look …

Member Avatar for edwoodt
Member Avatar for saadi06

HI Can anyone tell me that how to configure php.ini For $_FILES['name']['type'] I am trying to upload a flv video and it is uploading successfully but it is not showing me the type. But if i upload a .mp4 extension file it is giving me the type also and can …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for navi17
Member Avatar for niths

hi all, i had a image upload code and it is working fine but while uploading i need some progress bar. so i got some progress bars..so can any one suggest me how to integrate that progress bar in my code...Is there any examples... Thank u.

Member Avatar for muralibobby2015
Member Avatar for alanlee9898

I have all the php coding Insert, view, delete. The problem now is user only can use once email address to register at my website. I would want them to register with same email at my website. is it possible? Thanks!

Member Avatar for alanlee9898
Member Avatar for saadi06

//this code is for upload,i have successfully uploaded my file in to uploads folder please can anyone tell me how can i get the image from my folder if(isset($_REQUEST["upload"])) { $name=$_FILES['uploadedfile']['name']; $type=$_FILES['uploadedfile']['type']; $size=$_FILES['uploadedfile']['size']; $check=$_FILES['uploadedfile']['name']; $uname=str_replace(" ","_",$name); $tmp_name=$_FILES['uploadedfile']['tmp_name']; $target_path = "uploads/"; $target_path = $target_path . basename( $uname); if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploadedfile']['tmp_name'], $target_path)) { echo …

Member Avatar for naveedkhalid
Member Avatar for Agnusmaximus

Hi guys, I'm new to this site and I have a question regarding internet bots in general. What I want to do is to use C (or php) to create a bot that will scan the internet (perhaps log into sites, retrieve data, get links, play internet games?) on the …

Member Avatar for Agnusmaximus
Member Avatar for simirnov

Hi all, I am a newbie in php and is developing a cms. I am verifying the email address of the new user when creating an account on a site. The email goes to the email address with activation code of the account, but this email is not having the …

Member Avatar for simirnov
Member Avatar for scofro

Hi all, I'm somewhat of a PHP noobie so be kind:) I have a MySQL table that contains the latitude and longitude coordinates to several different service areas, as well as an 'AreaCode' field. I'm using a PHP point in polygon function to loop through each of the service areas …


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