39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for ndabbz

Hi, I have been trying so hard to make this code work but currently,it displays 10 records, but the previous, next and the page number links are not there at all,could someone please help me with it??the table displays 10 records in the table just fine but the links are …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for fsl4faisal

i need a small project on php and mysql i m beginner in this field can anyone help me out..... plz...... it can be anything like hotel management........ thankyou

Member Avatar for xinam
Member Avatar for wangome

hae guys am working on a discusion forum and i have some few errors how can i get lid of them this are the erors Notice: Use of undefined constant topic_owner - assumed 'topic_owner' in C:\wamp\www\disc\do_addtopic.php on line 12 Notice: Use of undefined constant topic_title - assumed 'topic_title' in C:\wamp\www\disc\do_addtopic.php …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for fuston05

I have a link from one of my pages to another, been working fine even this morning, then i clicked it again (did not change anything on the page that contains the link.) then suddenly it says "page isn't redirecting properly. server is redirecting in a way that will never …

Member Avatar for fuston05
Member Avatar for pssubash

How to communicate Python from PHP? i want to pass some arguments from my php page to python and python script process the arguments and returns the result.how it possible

Member Avatar for pssubash
Member Avatar for akvlko

Dear Friends! I want to build a API in php/mysql for obtaining the data for a verified request The First Step when i create the Url for API by cURL its done but after that i wont able to do The Server Setup and Response XML Return Is there anyone …

Member Avatar for mschroeder
Member Avatar for stonest123

Hi, I'm trying to query a database to pull out all results from the database where the location and server responsible are selected from a form on a previous page which are then posted over. I can manage to post the selections from the form, but when it attempts to …

Member Avatar for stonest123
Member Avatar for nyler01

i have a script that query the database for some information which include date field. my problem is i want the query to just show the date and the time not included.. here is the script that i am using.. btw.. i am using an ms access database for this …

Member Avatar for nonshatter
Member Avatar for tapsilog09
Member Avatar for aizel

how to check date expiration? check expire date in mysql database date------->status 10/27/2010->approve 10/28/2010->approve 10/26/2010->approve date now is 10/26/2010 so it will search from the table where date=datenow then update the status to finish

Member Avatar for aizel
Member Avatar for Craig2231

Having a problem with my login script, earlier, it was working fine, but now its just letting anybody log in, even if the records arent in the database :s i cant seem to think where it is going wrong [code=php] session_start(); mysql_connect("localhost","razorsh1","********"); mysql_select_db("razorsh1_page"); if(isset($_SESSION['loggedin'])) { echo("<center>Dude, youve already logged in, …

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for h0neydip

Hi, I have this function in a class file Fileops.php which is suppose to read from a text file then validate a username and password from that text file then if they match will take me to Links.php when the function is called from index.php, but i am getting these …

Member Avatar for saiprem
Member Avatar for fsjal

Can someone tell me why these two yield totally different results ? [code=php] $key = 'abcdefgh'; echo encrypt('hello'); function encrypt($text) { $text = pkcs5_pad($text, mcrypt_get_block_size('rijndael-128', 'ecb')); return trim(base64_encode(mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $key, $text, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB))); } [/code] VS. [code=php] echo encrypt('hello'); function encrypt($text) { $text = pkcs5_pad($text, mcrypt_get_block_size('rijndael-128', 'ecb')); return trim(base64_encode(mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, 'abcdefgh', $text, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB))); …

Member Avatar for fsjal
Member Avatar for jonow

I have written the title as “Script to Group Values” for lack of a better title. I want to have a MySQL database that receives value from a form on a webpage. For example, I have people signing up for an event. I want to create something (probably in PHP …

Member Avatar for terabyte

I'm trying to create a variable with multiple lines but for some reason the <<<_END operator isn't working this is how the code looks: [CODE] <?php $author = "Anon"; echo <<<_END First Lines Second Line. Third Line. - Written by $author. _END; ?> [/CODE] Why might it be? I'm using …

Member Avatar for terabyte
Member Avatar for aizel

here is the database [url]http://img214.imageshack.us/img214/3852/23405199.jpg[/url] here is the form [url]http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/3518/60904005.jpg[/url] if the search click i want the selected month in the combobox search from the database table under departure field month and it will fetch on the table.. for example: <--departure--> 09/10/2010 10/10/2010 10/11/2010 [code]<select name=\"month\"> <option value=\"01\">January</option> <option value=\"02\">February</option> …

Member Avatar for mschroeder
Member Avatar for mattyd

Hello. I have been following a great tutorial that I found regarding searching a database: Tutorial: [url]http://www.phpfreaks.com/tutorial/simple-sql-search[/url] When I used this and ran it from my server (doing a search of the database), I bookmarked the page; my question relates to the next step: When I return to the page …

Member Avatar for mattyd
Member Avatar for greatunknown

I am trying to let users enter various information onto my site and then let them export it into Word...I am able to get the exporting down fine and automatically open the Word Doc in Word, but Im not sure how to do formatting. Using html tags in the PHP …

Member Avatar for pbcomput
Member Avatar for bsewell

Greetings all, I'm trying to write a CMS for a photo gallery, and I worked out that the best way would be to upload the images to a directory and have a mysql table to store the relative location of the images for later use. I have 1 problem, which …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for TySkby

So, not so much of a coding question but more of a development question. [B]Some background:[/B] I have finished writing a scheduling program (in part thanks to the folks at Daniweb) in PHP (using MySQL) for a small business that sells musical instruments, music lessons, and the like. The program …

Member Avatar for TySkby
Member Avatar for bouhbob

Hi, I used mysql_real_escape_string to insert a data with apostrophe, in the database, using php. This works. But when I want to select this data and display it in a form's field, it does not work. What happens is that the data before the apostrophe is displayed in the field, …

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for WaleedaaN

hello, this my code how i can do it [CODE]$word = "a,b"; echo $first; /// a echo $second; /// b [/CODE] thanks

Member Avatar for terabyte
Member Avatar for mybluehair

I am writing a script that uses curl to grab data from my web server. Unfortunately, thats only a one-way communication. What I would like to do is send a php file some info through curl, then grab the info that php returns. But I am not sure how to …

Member Avatar for fornandakishore
Member Avatar for 57Burst

The following function should add pdf's to the $dest folder but fails at Break2. I added the Breaks so I could see where the problem was. The function is called from a form that allows me to add up to 10 pdf's per property. The jpeg function which also allows …

Member Avatar for Barrett1
Member Avatar for Dartz654

How do I go about do something where like every 12 hours, the webpage will add 5 to a row in Mysql? Do i have to use like unix commands or something? :0

Member Avatar for terabyte
Member Avatar for znz

HI, guyz Wordrin if sum one could help! at the moment got code which allow user to input and display in result. but mean time wana allow user to delete current input data by providing delete button next to displayd data.......... plz could some one tell me how to,what commend …

Member Avatar for sops21
Member Avatar for astima

Okay, I am a serious newbie so I apologize if I use the wrong terminology. I originally created a forum in order to collect people's cell phone numbers. Now, I want to add a drop-down menu so I know which group they are in and if they do not select …

Member Avatar for TySkby
Member Avatar for sravi.pearl

haiii all, i have a php working code for dropdown list,i am unable to display that in a table,i am getting error if i write that code in <td> </td> i am able to include buttons...but why i am i unable to include dropdownlist? so can i place that code …

Member Avatar for TySkby
Member Avatar for lulemurfan

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" http-equiv="content-type"> <title>Edit</title> </head> <body> <?php $con = mysql_connect("************"); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("**************", $con); $1 = ($_POST['1']); $2 = ($_POST['2']); $3 = ($_POST['3']); $4 = ($_POST['4']); $5 = ($_POST['5']); $6 = ($_POST['6']); …

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The End.