39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for ryy705

Hello, I need to give different people different email addresses of my site. For example, advice(at)mysite.com, support(at)mysite.com, author(at)mysite.com, etc. But I would like for all the emails to go to one real email account. mailinator dot com does a very good job of it. No matter what you put in …

Member Avatar for Designer_101

hey im not going to give loads of details its just a simple question i need help with. Basicly i'v got a site which lets people cast votes for individual people once logged in, however the can only view the votes already cast when logged in aswell.. This is the …

Member Avatar for Designer_101
Member Avatar for mekdes

i am working on a project and i have faced trouble in connecting php with mysql. anyone out there who can give me a clue can contact me. thanks mekdes

Member Avatar for heni_pro
Member Avatar for srinivas1236

hi ,goodmorning to everybody,,, i have two dropdowns and one row for entering data., one dropdown having days and anotherone having 1 to 15 no's. when i click on 1st dropdows, i select the presenet date.after that i click on 2nd dropdown and selected 5rows. now i need 5 rows …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for innovativeatul

Can anyone tell me how to design own theme for oscommerce. I just want my own designed skin implemented on oscommerce. Any tutorials online ? thanks,

Member Avatar for welbyobeng

Hi i am trouble adding NO CAPS and no spaces in the username on the code below I want the username to be character from 3 to 30 I want to restrict members from adding spaces or caps //----------------------------------------- // Check valid user name //----------------------------------------- if ( !$username OR strlen($username) …

Member Avatar for skinbug
Member Avatar for jackparsons

Hey Guys Can anyone help me. On my website i receive this message Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/mangofitness.net/httpdocs/developments/includes/mysql.inc.php on line 26 The coding for this file is below, can anyone help me get no errors. <? require_once("config.php"); function db_connect() { mysql_connect(DATABASE_SERVER,DATABASE_USER,DATABASE_PASSWORD) or …

Member Avatar for jackparsons
Member Avatar for srinivas1236

hi hello, i want the php function ,for display defaultly the present day in dropdown and i want all the 31 days in same dropdown.. bye

Member Avatar for sDJh
Member Avatar for siddharthkumarr

hello everybody...i m a newbie and struggling with a small assignment which involves 1- creating a dynamic array for floating point numbers 2- comparing adjacent numbers and finding the CORRELATION COEFFICIENT.... can u tell me what functions to use so dat i can start of with?? i wud b rlyyyy …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for psarika
Member Avatar for rati

Hi All, I am trying to create the instance of a class without using new. [code] class StaticVar { public $i; function __construct() { $i=8; } public function StaticVar() {} public function display() { echo $i; echo $count; } } $instance = new StaticVar(); StaticVar $instance2; $instance->display(); $instance2.display(); [/code] It …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for ashish100

hi, i am a php developer.we have our social- networking site. i want to implement mod_rewrite functionality in my site.for this i am working very hard.all the time a serious problem encounters when i try to use mod_rewrite. actually i don't want to show query string in the url. you …

Member Avatar for langsor
Member Avatar for neelu7779

Hi All, I have a problem. Scripts in [B].php[/B] pages don't run but the same code runs in the[B] .html [/B]files I have tested apache and php using the command prompt. Both are fine. I am running apache 2.0.x with PHP 5.x on Windows XP. When I write the code …

Member Avatar for praveen_dusari
Member Avatar for praveen_dusari

hi all, i have two dropdown boxes in which i have to insert dates in first boxes from 1-31 and in second box i have numbers from 1-15. when i click on date1 and select 3 in second box i should get 3 rows from date 1-3 and i have …

Member Avatar for langsor
Member Avatar for hno

hi what is session and how can use it ? please learn me how to use it? thanks

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for Mylena

Hello everyone, The ajax+php part worked well independently. When I created a switch (because I want different information from database to be displayed in different tabs), it does not go into the xmlHttp.onreadystatechange=function(). I tried all possible variations, and looked online for hours. Can anyone help please? Thank you [code] …

Member Avatar for R0bb0b
Member Avatar for Shreyasi

Plase any one help me?? I have two questions: 1. Is there anything called chank in php..If yes..then what is that? 2. What are the different state in PHP.

Member Avatar for Shreyasi
Member Avatar for anuj_sharma

hey guys i want to make a web application but i am confused on whether i should study ASP or PHP. i want to make open source project. PLEASE HELP

Member Avatar for samarudge
Member Avatar for krishnareddi

Hi, i need to create a windows web hosting management control panel in php, i need the design steps or the tutorials so that i can help myself with.

Member Avatar for samarudge
Member Avatar for derekcpt

Hey there. I really did not want to post this request, since I think it might be too complicated, well, even to explain. So, if some could crack this for me, PLEASE. I have searched the web for ages now, and tried several scripts and even tried to figure out …

Member Avatar for derekcpt
Member Avatar for osman85

i need to be able to aquire the info from my form and send it to my email but i think i have some thing wrong here, if anyone could help it would be appreciated. thanks. [code] <?php /* Subject and Email Variables */ $emailSubject = 'Crazy PHP Scripting!'; $webMaster …

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Member Avatar for nagas

hai frnds plz send the code for testimonials as similar to orkut or any url's for the code

Member Avatar for nagas
Member Avatar for sweet cLassy

i'm using WINDOWS, and currently i'm facing difficulties when i fail to load PHP module using apache_2.0.59-win32-x86-no_ssl. The problem is, in my httpd.conf file, i fail to LoadModule php5_module “c:Web/PHP5/php5apache2.dll”. I changed the module to c:Web/PHP5/php5apache2_2.dll but it doesnt seem to work at all. Help me, pls .. :(

Member Avatar for PoA
Member Avatar for derekcpt

Hi all you guru's. Who could crack this once for me. I want to add the totals of my records posted to a mysql database table. I can achieve this by using the += method, but I have to have it in a repeated region (dreamweaver). I know there is …

Member Avatar for derekcpt
Member Avatar for derekcpt

I'm having a for where I can create invoices. Now I'm having the form fields where I have to fill it out with the customer's data. Well I don't want to fill out existing customer's data everytime. So I am having a link which opens up a page with a …

Member Avatar for derekcpt
Member Avatar for knrakesh

Hello friends, can any one tell me how to make [B]Tabs[/B] ina website just like in this forum like home,forums tutorial etc and how to make [B]Logos[/B] for a website freely please tell thank u Rakesh Nagekar

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for srinivas1236

hi ths is srini bonam, i have a query, i want to get the value from dropdown, while selecting the value from dropdown using "onChange" function......and the value is assigned to a php variable.. if anyone know ths ,plz send me... Regards srini bonam [email]bs@bitragroup.com[/email]:)

Member Avatar for somedude3488
Member Avatar for Tootlol

Hi, I need help with the server location my file path for the text file order.txt. according to my php text book, this is what they say I should use: @ $fp = fopen("$DOCUMENT_ROOT/../orders/orders.txt", 'rb'); however, this didn't work the server doesn't recognize where the file is located. This line …

Member Avatar for somedude3488
Member Avatar for jynx_o7

HI guys!.. I have a project.. A CMS Website.. i dont know how to start because i dont have any idea about CMS... and the thrill is on the CMS website that im going to do is there's a mediawiki.. i dont how to implement the mediawiki on the CMS …

Member Avatar for jynx_o7
Member Avatar for tru's

i'm a beginner in php..i tried to display the record of the db in php. i create the variable to see the next record by $q=row['country']+1 to display the next record of same country.. but it didn't appear. it recurr the first record...i don't know the problem, can help me …

Member Avatar for Shanti C

The End.