39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for osman85

i got a problem with my script here. when the form is sent, i receive the email but the fields are blank like... Name: Email: Letter Subject: Color: Angel Character: Recipient Name: City: Street Name: Friendsibling: Gender: Age: School: From: To: Here is my script, can someone tell me what …

Member Avatar for sDJh
Member Avatar for UKBoss

I have just had a new site set up <URL SNIPPED> for bodybuilding,now if you take a look i have all the moduals on the left but im looking to add a modual to the bottom to show who has visited in the last 24 hours,also maybe a shout box …

Member Avatar for UKBoss
Member Avatar for visio

On my new server when I click on the phpMyAdmin or my customers from their cpanels do the same we get: Warning: session_write_close() [function.session-write-close]: SQLite: session write query failed: database is full in /usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/phpMyAdmin/index.php on line 42 Warning: session_write_close() [function.session-write-close]: Failed to write session data (sqlite). Please verify that the …

Member Avatar for tomjohnson

Hello everyone. I have never really ever had a handle on nested loops and would like to optimize this piece of code. What I have works but I am not happy with it. The first query sets up the customer_id and the location_id for the rest of the loops. (Not …

Member Avatar for tomjohnson
Member Avatar for Killian

Hi all, Does anyone have any experience with a PHP Web-based form builder/administrator that's designed to use MS SQL? I know there's a lot of PHP/MySQL-based products out there, but I have to use MS SQL. I need to be able to create Web forms relatively easily with a Web-based …

Member Avatar for khess
Member Avatar for ajie6673

looking for someone that have a spare time who are willing to help me on creating a enrollment system php base. my problem is i dont where to start and dont have any idea how to use php/mysql. i already installed phpmyadmin. please help me...

Member Avatar for Tootlol

Hi, I am studying a php text book and it requires me to use the mail() function. However, there is no indication of how to achieve this. Please give me some subjection as to what I need to do. Such as, whether I need to setup a mailing server? or …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for Tootlol

hi I am just wondering how I can test the mail( ) fucntion on my local host without any email program. Is it possible? Basically here is the code that I used(firefox shows the error message: Firefox doesn't know how to open this address because the protocol (c) isn't associated …

Member Avatar for architact
Member Avatar for mikeandike22

I have started my own little site ([url]www.geocities.com/willpull22[/url]) i made it with dreamweaver in about an hour. But i wanted to add a forum page(probably wont be added until i get a paid for site.) and i was looking around and saw that most complex forums are made with VBulletin …

Member Avatar for gurucs
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, I have a table and i want to list details in list.php with pagging style. 2 record each. I can't do it. Can anyone help me. I have tried some examples but, i couldn't do it. Please help. Thanks [code] CREATE TABLE `country` ( `code` varchar(255) default NULL, `rank` …

Member Avatar for veledrom
Member Avatar for wasy

hey everyone. im going to create a rpg text based game but im having problems with understanding php.can anyone help me out on it? if so contact me via msn [email]mrmino01@hotmail.com.also[/email] looking for 2 people witha alot of experience in creating game scripts. thanks wasy

Member Avatar for tanha

Hi. I have a form for book registration, so by default I have a text field with a button besides that for the author name, but when the user click the button I need the another text box with another button besides that created, and if again it click another …

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for vincan

Good day I want to write multiple response to my email, I get line 7 Please can anyone help please; My code <?php $to = "info@apps4u.co.za"; $subject = "Contact Us"; $email = $_REQUEST['email'] ; $q1 = "Feed back text:\n"; $q1 .= "$_REQUEST['text']\n" ; $q2 = "Who sent you:"; $q2 .= …

Member Avatar for vincan
Member Avatar for Designer_101

Hey I host a website for a sports team, theres a nominations page where each member, when logged in, can cast a vote to whoever in the team they want to be captain for a tournament. The Problem is when someone votes i store the id, name and there vote …

Member Avatar for Designer_101
Member Avatar for saikishore

Hi frnds.. Here i am developing a portal like orkut.. i want to display recently visited users of my profile...whats the procedure... Is there anybody having code plz send me... Thanks in Advance...

Member Avatar for architact
Member Avatar for udaydesai

hello friends plz help me, iam uploading excel sheets into the database. it is succefully entering . the problem is when again uploading excel sheet i want to check the database and if excel sheet which i send is there already i have to restrict by inserting into the table(resource_table) …

Member Avatar for udaydesai
Member Avatar for sweet cLassy

i have trouble installing PHP load module by using apache version 2.0. i'm using windows. pls help before i go insane.

Member Avatar for mar12sky
Member Avatar for udaydesai

I have a Folder in that i have sub folders like excel_files, excel_files_backup , images etc and files like excel2.php , get_mail.php etc . In excel_files folder having excel files and excel_files_backup is an empty folder . iam uploading excel files in excel_files folder to database after inserting iam unlinking …

Member Avatar for udaydesai
Member Avatar for architact

Hello Every one I have a problem in my website that i want to generate the user ids like 0u3012ewd0 as we see on many sites but don't have any idea how to do this. Please help me in this problem Thanks alot.

Member Avatar for architact
Member Avatar for ajie6673

hello to all, does anyone have a spare time to help? i'm creating a php base enrollment system i dont know how to start and even have no idea how to work with php/mysql. please... help me...

Member Avatar for rickya100

Hi, I am learning about how to write OOP PHP code but I keep coming across lines such as [code=php] $this -> $sender = $sender [/code] I'd really appreciate it if anyone here could clue me in on this as I can't get any info on the web about it. …

Member Avatar for R0bb0b
Member Avatar for eagled2

I am designing a site that will have several variables used on multiple pages and would like to create a settings page that allows an admin to update the value of these variables that are saved in a php file. I was thinking of using fwrite to update the values …

Member Avatar for eagled2
Member Avatar for ronghel

can someone hep me in making a php based enrollment system? im a beginner in php e... cn u give me some idea in making these?

Member Avatar for somedude3488
Member Avatar for TechExpressInc

I have a iframe php form and I request the 3-digit code from the back of a credit card. Can I have a pop-up html page for help? The screen goes: "3-digit Security Code: _______ (on back of card)" I would like to have it so if the user clicks …

Member Avatar for langsor
Member Avatar for TechExpressInc

I have one cleint that says on their computer, several of the boxes are highlighted yellow. Any ideas??? it is a html with an iframe - php box for a form it is at [url]www.turnstone.org/donateprocessing.html[/url] thx russ

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for babyfrostie
Member Avatar for silviuks

Hello, Do you have any idea how can i "read" the homepage of a website and then to create an image and display it. Best regards, Silviu

Member Avatar for R0bb0b
Member Avatar for queenc

my below validation is not working.But it is working in other html pages when i test .please tell me whether there is any error in my php page. [ICODE]<?php require_once('common/dblayer.php'); $db=new dblayer(); $enc_id=$_GET["id"]; $agreementdetails=$db->getfeedback($enc_id); $companyname = $agreementdetails[0]["company"]; $fullname = $agreementdetails[0]["name"]; $agreed = $agreementdetails[0]["agreed"]; ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 …

Member Avatar for R0bb0b
Member Avatar for Chemicallion

i can send them, just not receive them from people like hotmail, google, and so on. just posting for a friend, he's using Mysql to run his website and he's trying to set up a email for our website.

Member Avatar for R0bb0b
Member Avatar for tru's

How can i update the record in the db? i've the ercord in db. and i was updating the record by increasing the no of rating based on the 'id' given in the table. how can i dothis in php...

Member Avatar for heni_pro

The End.