39,323 Topics

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Member Avatar for sharmila12
Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for njagi

I have this code to update the DB by subitting values in the checked columns The problem is that it skips some entries and does not always subit the values entered SQL Query $thisid=$_POST['id']; $nvalue = $_POST['newvalue']; $chkd = $_POST['checked']; foreach ($chkd as $key => $value) { $sql="update invoice_subcategory set …

Member Avatar for JeniF
Member Avatar for drsmith

Having a strange problem with some PHP code. This code: [code] $filename = "/u2/text/TOPAShiftlog".$dateString."_AShift.rtf"; [/code] writes the file TOPAShiftlog2007-10-26_AShift.rtf to the /u2/text dir. I want it to write 2007-10-26_AShift.rtf to the /u2/text/TOPAShiftlog dir so I tried this: [code] $filename = "/u2/text/TOPAShiftlog/".$dateString."_AShift.rtf"; [/code] This code ends up removing my "submit" button …

Member Avatar for drsmith
Member Avatar for DavidNYC

I'm working in a VB environment with MS-mdb. Can I use a PHP web format to create a security key that would be sent to the VB app users to allow access to the .mdb? Can the .mdb listen and respond to the php message? If so how?

Member Avatar for bigattichouse
Member Avatar for srijesh

Hi Friends, since i am new to this script, I need your help, well this is my problem, i need to compare userdate with my backend date. for that i have used a dynamic dropdown combo as an id and i need to fetch the date associated with that id …

Member Avatar for bigattichouse
Member Avatar for cms271828

Hi, I'm looking to update a MySql database from an applet. The 2 roots I was thinking were: Applet->php->database Applet->servlet->database But my webhost doesn't allow servlets/jsp, so I would like to try the php route. I've looked on the internet, but I can't find anything concrete to use, just lots …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for fernandodonster

My server supported as " GD support : enabled" (linux OS using) but this program not displayed the graph. displayed the message "The image “[URL="http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/test3.php%E2%80%9D"]http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/test3.php”[/URL] cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. <?php header("Content-type: image/png"); $im = @imagecreate(110, 20) or die("Cannot Initialize new GD image stream"); $background_color = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, …

Member Avatar for bigattichouse
Member Avatar for atrusmre

Ok this may be a stupid questions. Is there a way to make a dynamic form? For example, if I wanted to create a form that took a users birthday, how do I make it so it would change the number of days in the month to correspond to the …

Member Avatar for hollystyles
Member Avatar for Shellinder

Hello all, i hope someone here can shed some light for me. I have to do a final year project and needed an idea fast so i decided to try something involving semantic web. now the problem is i am totally new to this concept, i am reading books and …

Member Avatar for fatihpiristine
Member Avatar for leroytrolley

Hi I've been trying to get a email form which allows my users to send photos as an attachemt via a "upload" button. I've got it working i.e. the form is sending me the data plus the photos, but I'm still getting this error when "submit" is pressed. [B]Notice: Undefined …

Member Avatar for fatihpiristine
Member Avatar for Labby77

Hello all master coders, I have been doing my site exclusivley in html. What is the big differences bewteen php and html? What are the advantages/disadvantages? What, if any would be the penalty from going from an html site to a php site? Would this hurt the PR I have …

Member Avatar for fatihpiristine
Member Avatar for aso186

The rewrite I'm using maps /products/string to products.php?product=string and the products.php is basically: [code] <header> <?php if(!isset($_REQUEST['products'])) {?> <a href="products/consumer-hardware>Consumer Hardware</a> <?php }?> <?php if (isset($_REQUEST['products']) && $_REQUEST['products'] == 'consumer-hardware') {?> <consumer-hardware details> <?php }?> <footer> [/code] Now the rewrite works, because I'm not getting a 404, but of course …

Member Avatar for bigattichouse
Member Avatar for ta5na

Hello experts, I'm having some difficults with the code that i have used from one of the PHP, MySQL books. As the error that appears is in bold on line 17, and the error that shows is listed below: "Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource …

Member Avatar for bigattichouse
Member Avatar for still_learning

I am very very new to all of this stuff. I have been given a username and password, and I try to run this command: mysql -p -u username < filename But everytime it prompts me for a password, and does not let me type anything in. Please let me …

Member Avatar for bigattichouse
Member Avatar for tanha

Hi. I am using WAMP5 tools with the following features on Computer1 with IP address and I have Windows XP Professional on this computer: i) Apache 2.2.4 (SERVER) ii) PHP 5.2.3 + PECL iii) SQLitemanager iv) MySQL 5.0.41 v) Phpmyadmin I have a small LAN Network with 3 computers: …

Member Avatar for fatihpiristine
Member Avatar for Venom Rush

Hi I would like to know if it's possible to delete a row from a database by selecting it from a drop-down list and hitting the submit("Delete") button. If it is could you help me out with a bit of "code and description" or a link please. Much appreciated ;)

Member Avatar for Venom Rush
Member Avatar for Dabdob

[B]Hi How can I add Forum by using PHP in my website…I only want to add one section as test. Please advice in details Thanks[/B]

Member Avatar for Dabdob
Member Avatar for rabichan

I'm trying to code a Wordpress theme, and I'm getting this error message - "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/xxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/themes/xxxxxxx/index.php on line 27" The thing is, I can't figure out what's wrong :/ Here's the code - 1<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 2"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> 3<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> 4<head …

Member Avatar for rabichan
Member Avatar for bpa

We are searching for a Senior Web Developer in San Francisco, CA. Please email your resume to [email]jobs@bluepointassociates.com[/email] for immediate consideration! [url]www.bluepointassociates.com[/url]

Member Avatar for drsmith

Not sure if this is a PHP or a MySQL problem...I am pretty new at both. Basically I have a .php form that is writing data to the db just fine and most of the data is saving back to the .php file fine. I have several "text" boxes that …

Member Avatar for fatihpiristine
Member Avatar for yasodhadevi

hi, i am using php, javascript, ajax in my Timesheet project. I made a grid displaying details of Timesheet such as Date, Day, Starttime, Endtime etc. i coded this grid using table, input tag and displayed it in php. i have used input tag name as array and i want …

Member Avatar for fatihpiristine
Member Avatar for fatihpiristine

everything works fine... i upload any picture or file that i allowed the things is, i want to add uploading progress any ideas?? here is my code.... [code] <?php //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $path = ""; $web = "../uploads/"; $nopic = "nopic.jpg"; $ad = "add_item"; $no = "1"; $page = $ad.$no; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $isim …

Member Avatar for fatihpiristine
Member Avatar for janaki07

Hey sorry for any unintentioned broken rules - I'm a PHP newbie here, and a newbie to the list! Does anyone know of any problems with PHP 4.3.11 and using $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['REQUEST_URI']? I"m having a hard time getting php generated html links (ahref tags) in my php page to work. I'm …

Member Avatar for fatihpiristine
Member Avatar for tanha

Hi. I want to create a program for LIBRARY, I faced to problem on depositing book section (Giving book to someone), in this section there is a combo which should contian the books name, maybe we have from one book two, three (Quantity), if one of them given to some …

Member Avatar for tanha
Member Avatar for Just Trying

Does anyone know where i can find a free 7x7 or 6x6 or 8x8 Forced Matrix Script. I bought one online for $99.99 about more than 1 month now and i NEVER got the script. The script has been removed from the server. I send many emails but no response. …

Member Avatar for Guyonfire99
Member Avatar for aso186

I am relatively new to php and I want to create a basic page with dynamic content. So say I have a page called products.php that acts as an index to my products, a link such as products.php?product=box would go to a page with the particular details of 'box' and …

Member Avatar for JeniF
Member Avatar for Lucky13MN

I have script that is almost done, I just need help with one more thing. I'll describe the relevant structure the best I can, then explain what I need. TABLE carlot FIELDS trackpt, id TABLE cars FIELD userid, carid TABLE grpusers FIELD id Field id from table carlot = field …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for ploppy

hi. i wonder if someone could check this script for me and tell why it isn't producing any results. here is the code: [code=php] <?php function ShowMyFiles() { // vars global configuration global $dbConn, $theme_path; // vars messages global $msg; // vars template global $error_msg, $status, $files, $owner, $test, $paginated; …

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Member Avatar for Cente
Member Avatar for Cente
Member Avatar for tomjohnson

Hello everyone, I have a bit of a problem. I am in the middle of developing a site that needs to use transactions. I have several different tables that comprise a single insert form. Table A, B and C all require transactions. From what I understand, mysql_query does not support …

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The End.