39,388 Topics
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I have an e-commerce website and I am trying to have a webpage create a .doc or .rtf document to print labels based on the customers' addresses in a mysql database. For this reason, I need to create a document based on a labels template. I have saved the labels … | |
Is it possible to use HTML tags in PHP code? I have a php script that emails some form inputs to my email address, and I would like to bold certain words in it. The code preforms the message first, and then just posts the message in the body of … | |
may i ask if it is ok to create a $password variable with my real password as the string? it seems like mysql_real_escape_string() won't work because this function only works after the connection is made, but i've also read that php code is not actually viewable by a user... | |
Hai friends I hope any one can done this task already. I need your help for this task Contienent: Let the user choose the continent from a drop-down. Country: Based on what they have chosen in Continent, the corresponding countries will appear in the next drop-down City: Based on what … | |
having an issue--*cough*newbie*cough*--the html and php code here supposedly creates a new record into my database. problem is, the successfully connects to sql and creates the record, but the contents of the $_POST variables do not make it into their respective fields. I have an id field (AUTO_INCREMENT) that is … | |
Hi, I had planed to start a shopping cart. Can any body help me what are the basic needs that u should keep in mind. What are the things that are in admin panel and the mail thing you think that i should keep in mind while making it. thankx | |
I found this PHP downloader... I'm using it like this: a person purchases an image going to paypal, then the image is opened to download but I want them to be able to only download it once and only if its been paid. Thanks for any help | |
Hai friends I need the details for all the continent->country->city data. Please help me Thanks Vssp | |
Here is a problem faced by me while handling the GET request method : suppose the login form has user-id and password fields as text boxes. now after clicking on "sign-in" button the address bar of the following page(i.e the homepage of a particular member) shows: <serverURL>.php?id=<someID>&pass=<somePass> - where "id" … | |
Hi everyone, Im a bit new in PHP and i heard it is similar already to java in the sense that its already object oriented. I was wondering if there are some free codes that does persistence on the database ( something that returns DTOs instead of the usual resultset). … | |
I have php code that retrieve data from mysql DB, and print it in html table. [PHP]<? print "<table>"; $result=mysql_query("select fd1,fd2,fd3 from tbl"); for ($i = 0; $i < mysql_num_rows($result); ++$i) { $line = mysql_fetch_row($result); print "<tr><td>$line[0]</td><td>$line[1]</td><td>$line[2]</td></tr>"; } print "</table>"; ?>[/PHP] I have no problem to implement above code, this … | |
Hai friend I am using thirt party open soucre in php to mail finction. I want to add additional functionality to move mail to folder. I want add new menu add new folder and select the mail and move to the new folder . seelcted mails are move to that … | |
Hello all. I decided to use some PHP scripts on my website recently. :p I know all you need to do is write a .php file with PHP code embedded within (<?php ?>) tags, then upload it to your host. What I was wondering is, does the code stay in … | |
I have a class and defined as follows: [PHP] class theclass { var a; var b; function seta(x) {this->a=x; } function setb(x) {this->b=x; } } global $myclass; $myclass=new theclass; [/PHP] This is saved in a [B]fileone.php[/B] Then I use it in the fisrt script file as [PHP] include_once("fileone.php"); global $myclass; … | |
For some strange reason I am having problems with sessions, ainly in safari I believe which is wierd considering php is a server-side programming language. anyways, when a person goes to /cp (control panel) for example, it redirects them to login.php?url=/cp. then they login, the sessions are created, and then … | |
[B]Parse error[/B]: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in [B]/home/intel1/public_html/ccahs/myspace/mainfile.php[/B] on line [B]16 Any help?... code: [/B][php]<?php if ( !defined('XOOPS_MAINFILE_INCLUDED') ) { define('XOOPS_MAINFILE_INCLUDED', 1); // Physical Path // Physical path to your main directory WITHOUT trailing slash define('XOOPS_ROOT_PATH', '/home/thedemo/public_html/ccahs/myspace'); // Virtual Path (URL) // Virtual path to your main directory WITHOUT trailing … | |
Is there anyway I can implement user authentication, such as Sender-ID in php mail function? I like to have email send out from my mail server (from me to clients) as well as email send by users through my online form (to me) to be authenticated. ![]() | |
Dear all I want to populate a few drop down boxes using PHP. However i have tried many examples i found from the web but the select box does not get any values. Below i have one example i have tried. ********************************************** <?php $link = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "password") or die("Could … | |
I am attempting to track and record information in a specific php file used where I work. The file is not my own work originally; I inherited it from my predecessor in the position. I am somewhat familiar with PHP, but not an expert. Additionally, I am still a newcomer … | |
[B]Good Day, PHP Members HELP W/DB Images[/B] I am desperately trying to allow the user to put selected images into the database and than view them in the photo gallery. If you know the method please tell me. I have tried for 3 days. I have in my database table … | |
Hi, I had made a phpbb dicussion forum section. I had alreadt edited the logo. But i am not able to edit its footer link. and the outlook and color combination. overall i need to customize the look of my phpbb forum. I had many question: 1. How to change … | |
Hai Friends I need another clarification GD lib. I want to create the new image using GD lib. I user select one immage and set the dimension values and press enter the new immage the given dimension value Please send me any sample code How to create the new image … | |
Hey I have a website ( [url]http://www.ppltalkin.com/[/url] ) and the administration panel is powered by [I]cPanel[/I]. I want my members to be able to apply for an email address and have one automatically created for them on the spot! I have squirrel mail installed and I have a cPanel password … | |
I have a tell a friend page done in PHP adnd I'd like to have it so that they can't edit/change the message only add their email & friend email...and not be able to add spam to it. and I'm pretty new at PHP so Thanks in advance for any … | |
Hi, I am trying to develope a PHP script which will automatic startup for virtual machines under Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 r2 but it failed due to COM object saying Source unknown But the same thing when i tried through VB script it works fine. [U]VB script:[/U] Set objVS = … | |
Hello, I am sort of new to PHP programming. I am very familiar with C++, but i seem to be having some stupid little problems in PHP. The code I am writing is to validate the information from a form and then email the information in the form to an … | |
I am learning to set up a cookie and assign a user_Id to whoever visits my website. I want to keep a record of all user IDs in mySQL database. I tried something like this: [PHP]if(!isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS['user_id'])) { $cart_id = md5(uniqid(rand())); $COOKIE=setcookie("cart_id", $user_id, time() + 14400); if (!$COOKIE) { echo "To … | |
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Ive done several echo's and such to make sure info is in my variables before. When i do the first update on the page, i think the second one is running too. Either way, my record is being deleted for whatever reason... Aside from some help with the current setup, … |
The End.