39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for cancer10

If I want my users to download a .zip or .exe file the command is <a href=filename.exe>Download</a> or <a href=filename.zip>Download</a> This will ask the visitors where to save the file on their hard disk. But what if I want my users to download a doc/pdf/php/html file and I dnt want …

Member Avatar for MCP
Member Avatar for preist

Hi everyone. Here's the question: I need a web program that will allow a English teacher to run a business where he checks the texts submited by the members. The program should be a website where a student will sign up to become a member, will log into the website …

Member Avatar for preist
Member Avatar for donkey

hey folks, i was wondering if it is possible to use the copy function to move a word file from the web server to another drive? Any help would be appreciated.. thanks

Member Avatar for Puckdropper
Member Avatar for dss

Hi, I need a urgent help on how to integrate paypal and how it works. Please read the following query: I am making a website on astrology and the requirment is that they had some paid services, like As a question? If a person click on as a question a …

Member Avatar for yakoo

Hello, I have a field in DB called bookingstatus whose value will be <>1<>2<>3 Now after certain action I want to add one more extra value i.e. <>1<>2<>3<>[B]4[/B] how can i update this, should i have to check the previous values? how do i do update? Any help would be …

Member Avatar for nathanpacker

Hey, at my job, I work on so many systems, and I have so many usernames and passwords, that I have to keep them all in a password protected spreadsheet. I would like to write a php app that I could put on my site where I could store all …

Member Avatar for nathanpacker
Member Avatar for bigmushy

Hi People, First of all I would like to appologize if this has been posted before but I have not been able to find the answer. The Problem Basically what I'm trying to do is create a page that lists all assets from an assets table and disables the check …

Member Avatar for bigmushy
Member Avatar for rcasinillo_s

Good day everybody! Could you help me on how to install mysqli extensiton in PHP ver 5? Thank you in advance. Regards to all, Roland

Member Avatar for alpha_foobar
Member Avatar for din

Hi, Now i have been working with chat module,In that i need to show a chat request alert on the remote side,Both are online but not login to the chat room,In this condition if i click "chat with that person" means i need to give a alert to him/her for …

Member Avatar for din
Member Avatar for AnaisTrois

Hello - I am a newcomer to this forum (referred by HappyGeek) and am utterly unable to find an answer to the following question, despite the hours I have spent parsing through posts on forums, exchanging e-mails w/kind souls more knowledgeable than myself, etc. I am in the process of …

Member Avatar for AnaisTrois
Member Avatar for LadyHoldem

Hi guys.. I use the MkPortal CMS.. I used a hack offered in their forum to change over to friendly URL rewrites.. I'm as clueless as can be when it comes to all of this.. Basic HTML is about all I understand.. Soo I'll try to make sence here (BTW, …

Member Avatar for vssp

hai friends I need to add the forum featue to my application.I need some ideas ,suggestion how to develope the forum featute or any sample code avialbele .Please help me __________________ Thanks Vssp

Member Avatar for stymiee
Member Avatar for srimks

I appreciate in joining the forum of PHP Web Designers/Developers and had started working with PHP & MySQL recently. Being a person affilated with embedded software areas for last 5 years, recently being told to join a new team within my organisation and told to come up with a webpage …

Member Avatar for odinwright

On my site, [url]http://www.stateofhumanity.org[/url] the search fuction is very weak. If you punch in for example "Congo war" nothing comes up. But if you just type in "Congo" or "War" individually, then articles, and links come up. :-| Is it possible to improve the search function so that when it …

Member Avatar for Puckdropper
Member Avatar for Dark_Omen

I am trying to use a class that I wrote to use on another page (to use the functions and what not). In the class I have the constructor like this: [PHP] <?php class myClass{ function __constructor(){ //stuff here } } ?> [/PHP] And in my other file, where I …

Member Avatar for Dark_Omen
Member Avatar for Dark_Omen

I am fairly new to PHP, and I know how to get the information if in another PHP file if I use it as the action. But I want to get the information on the same page as the form. Is that possible? For example: [PHP] <form action="" method="post"> <input …

Member Avatar for rinoa04
Member Avatar for Kelebeks

Referer dont shown, when giving location via header. header('Location: xxx.com'); I cant see HTTP_REFERRER when user came to xxxx.com How can I send referer with using header('Location: '); ?

Member Avatar for danb00

I'm currently working on an OpenSource Project Called ShuttleBB with a few other coders. But i'm stuck for coders etc. Information Here [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shuttlebb"][COLOR=#000020]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shuttlebb[/COLOR][/URL] [URL="http://www.shuttlebb.com/"][COLOR=#000020]http://www.shuttlebb.com[/COLOR][/URL] project site, with documents and notes etc. Coding Standards [URL="http://shuttlebb.com/docs/doc_coding_standards"][COLOR=#000020]http://shuttlebb.com/docs/doc_coding_standards[/COLOR][/URL] We ask that people intrested have the following Requirements: - PHP/MySQL - OOP/D - Coding standards …

Member Avatar for ibnuasad

I know it sounds confusing but I will try my best to explain what I really mean. Here is part of my css code: [CODE] .navitab { padding: 4px 8px 4px 8px; margin: 0 0 4px 0; text-decoration: none; letter-spacing: 1px; background: #e0e0e0 url(images/corner.gif) top right no-repeat; border-bottom: 1px solid …

Member Avatar for royaloba

hello everyone can somebody help with prolem. i already successfully istalled php and apache2 and already test it. but my problem is the connection for the mysql, which i use the include script.. i check the include file but there is nothing wrong with it..here's the sample error i encouter …

Member Avatar for rinoa04
Member Avatar for dss

Hi, I am having 100 records in my database and i fetch them from database. Now i am displaying it in table i want to display it like 1 2 3 4 in different td. But when i give query it echo in stringht line 1 2 3 4 . …

Member Avatar for mahe4us
Member Avatar for nathanpacker

I won't beat around the bush. A simple form is posting the field "notes" and "request_id" to this script. "billingrequest" is my tablename, "notes" is the field on the table I wish to update with the field "notes", and requestid is the field on the table that identifies which row …

Member Avatar for Puckdropper
Member Avatar for donkey

I have written a program in php that writes a .doc file. the file is being written correctly, but i'm getting constant errors in the log. even when i'm not refreshing the page. I have no clue what could be causing errors when my page isn't even running. Please help …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for nathanpacker

I've written a php script that displays a summary table with certain select information from a database table. It has a "view" button next to each row, which takes the user to a printable form with the complete information from the table on it. There is a portion on this …

Member Avatar for nathanpacker
Member Avatar for nugget93

I've tried so much I cant get the full webpage to show up nugget93.com/test/ im using 2 includes 1 url variable and all the images are pointing to the right place and are uploaded

Member Avatar for tzan2833

[COLOR=#000000]Dear all[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]I need to build a search with 2 select boxes like; [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]Search [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]I need the second box to be populated according to the first. (The first one will be populated by me and not from the database with 5 or 6 values). [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]After the second …

Member Avatar for GliderPilot
Member Avatar for nathanpacker

Hey, I finally got my php code to accept an array into my database without it just putting "Array" in the database field, by using "serialize" like so: [PHP]$services=serialize($_POST['services']);[/PHP] So now it's putting jibberish in the database field like it's supposed to, but I'm unable to use "unserialize" to get …

Member Avatar for medora
Member Avatar for rinoa04

I always have a doubt that I couldn't solve that is the problem of previewing an upload image properly. I have wrote a php coding to upload and delete an image. In the page, user is able to view the image they have uploaded once they click the upload button. …

Member Avatar for rinoa04
Member Avatar for nathanpacker

Hey, I've got a form that passes the date onto a php script, which posts all the form entries into a database. One of those fields happens to be a date field. I have it going into a column in a mysql database that has the DATETIME datatype, but no …

Member Avatar for nathanpacker
Member Avatar for bazmanblue

does anyone know where i can follow a plan on how to create a voting system in php/

Member Avatar for medora

The End.