39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for rachaelmom

Hi, I am calling a linux process from php as: $cmd = `/blah/something_startup start &;`; It's seems fairly obvious that php is waiting for something to be returned. It just kind of hangs around waiting and won't move to the next line of code. So, to work around it I …

Member Avatar for Puckdropper
Member Avatar for EnderX

There's probably a simple solution to this, I simply don't know what it is. I'm working on a php-driven web form, information to be submitted to a database. A number of the fields on the form correspond to [B]not null[/B] areas in the db, so I need to figure out …

Member Avatar for Rhyan
Member Avatar for Spudster

Hi all!! Brand new to this place and so far the forum is best by far!! Now to the good stuff: I am currently working on a project that involves php and mysql. The part that I am now is the "admin" section. I am setting up so the user …

Member Avatar for Puckdropper
Member Avatar for rdub

Seems to search fine but only displays first record of result. Need to display all matching records. Here is the code [code]<? // Connect database mysql_connect("localhost","user","pass"); mysql_select_db("members"); // If submitted, check the value of "select". If its not blank value, get the value and put it into $select. if(isset($select)&&$select!=""){ $select=$_GET['select']; …

Member Avatar for artiry

Hi to all :cheesy: The Problem::-| ======== I was wondering if someone could perhaps help me with a problem i have for a while now. I want to use two dropdowns and a submit button. Sounds pretty easy, but when php and mysql comes in, then it gets a bit …

Member Avatar for artiry
Member Avatar for pit

I'm building a price comparison module for my website - the idea is similar to pricegrabber.com I'm seeking the right criteria for the comparison of products to assign them to the ones already existing in a database or state that this is a new product. I see that name, description …

Member Avatar for Puckdropper
Member Avatar for Newboy

Hi/ Bit new to PHP. I am adding a PHP send file to my FTP but I don't seem to be able to get it to work. Can anyone help? In dreamweaver I am indicating method of POST with action of sendmail.php and application/x-www-form-urlencoded. I getting line 91 problems. $headersep …

Member Avatar for Newboy
Member Avatar for Shanj

Help please. Can pay a bit for the right person. I need a set of moderators on a vbulletin board to be able to send announcements or start a thread on multiple forums at once. At present announcements are either global, or forum posted one by one. Nothing in between. …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for ivirtua

Hello I am attempting to upload a backup (gzipped SQL), to my server via phpmyadmin but it is just over the max upload limit therefore I cant upload it! How can I get around this.. is there another way of uploading the phpmyadmin gzipped backup, or changing that limit? I …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for Glenn55

[B]This is the error message I get and I know next to nothing about what this means: Parse error[/B]: parse error, unexpected T_STRING in [B]/hsphere/local/home/oldsoppl/preserveourcorpsmemories.com/ecommerce/os/catalog/includes/languages/english/privacy.php[/B] on line [B]39 Here is the script: <?php /* $Id: privacy.php,v 1.1 2004/08/25 23:11:33 akhan Exp $ osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions [url]http://www.oscommerce.com[/url] Copyright (c) …

Member Avatar for SnowDog
Member Avatar for Soral 3.0

Howdy, I have attempted to install PHP 5.1.4 on a Windows NT system with Netscape Enterprise Server (3.6? not my choice). It seems like it is [I]partially[/I] installed. I mean, when you run phpinfo you get: [url][/url] [code] <html> <head> <title>PHP info</title> </head> <body> <?php phpinfo(); ?> </body> </html> [/code] …

Member Avatar for Soral 3.0
Member Avatar for dmalsbury

Hi Folks, I am Doug Malsbury, a B.S. degree Chemist and PC compatible Systems Analyst. I am 58 yrs old and getting started learning PHP and MySQL on my own. I will be browsing around here looking for hints and suggestions I can use in my efforts to learn creation …

Member Avatar for harishankar
Member Avatar for vssp

Hai friends I have listed the combo box va;ues useing ajax function foe example when user select the region related country displaying the next combo box , Its working for fier fox breowser but iits not working in IE I am getting the java script error. (Object required) Please help …

Member Avatar for vssp
Member Avatar for GreenDay2001

Hello there. I want to learn PHP. I have not even started yet. I have downloaded PHP Server files + Apache. But its giving me total headache to install that. I am still not able to install that thing. I would like to know how to install that thing in …

Member Avatar for dss
Member Avatar for Dave2006

Hi, I'm looking for a script that enables a download link to only work on a particular webpage. This means that when I sell a digital product to my customers they have to visit my website to download their product but they can't get a copy of the download link …

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Member Avatar for lsu420luv

I am new to php and am building a search function for my website. The problem is I cannot seem to make the Aa> tags work to make the link I keep on getting parse error. could someone tell me how to make $title a link. I can pretty much …

Member Avatar for dss
Member Avatar for maxtaz

up to 3am last night, any help appreciated!!! have a html form created in dreamweaver. want users to complete their details on a form. do not need a dynamic page or sql d.base as only one way traffic. i just want to receive date in either email or excel format. …

Member Avatar for vgnarc@freshrus
Member Avatar for riptheriper

Hi, I am new to PHP and need some help regarding some issues which I am facing in development of the contact form. Please look at the diagram at [URL="http://www.Photo-Host.org/view/392565untitled-1.gif"][/URL][URL="http://www.daniweb.com/techtalkforums/"]http://www.Photo-Host.org/view/392565untitled-1.gif[/URL] [IMG]http://www.Photo-Host.org/view/392565untitled-1.gif[/IMG] for the exact problem which I am facing. I have tried [B]header()[/B] for that issue but it didn’t worked …

Member Avatar for sn4rf3r
Member Avatar for dss

Hi, I had heard about manu traffic generator php scripts. How to make a php script to generate traffic or is there any free php script for generating traffic. Thankyou

Member Avatar for welbyobeng

I NEED HELP PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE THE PROBLEM IS [B]Warning[/B]: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in [B]/mounted-storage/home23a/sub003/sc21979-KVVZ/www/ghhookup/functions.php[/B] on line [B]28[/B] [PHP]<? $conn_id; $sql_res; $sql_res2; $sql_query; $HTTP_REFERER=$_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]; $REQUEST_METHOD=$_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"]; function sql_connect(){ global $conn_id,$sql_host,$sql_user,$sql_pass,$sql_db; $conn_id=mysql_connect($sql_host,$sql_user,$sql_pass); mysql_select_db($sql_db); } function sql_execute($sql_query,$wtr){ global $conn_id; $sql_res=mysql_query($sql_query,$conn_id); if($wtr=='get'){ if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res)){ return mysql_fetch_object($sql_res); } else …

Member Avatar for DGStudios
Member Avatar for praseena

body> <form name="wfwd"> <select name="wcode" onChange="disp(document.wfwd)"> <option value="1">1</option> <option value="2">2</option> <option value="3">3</option> </select> <?php [B]$id=$_get['id'];[/B] [B]echo $id;[/B] ?> </form> </body> <script> function disp(Object) { var index=Object.wcode.selectedIndex; var value=Object.wcode.options[index].value; var item=Object.wcode.options[index].text; [B]document.wfwd.action='worksfwdtogovt.php?id=item';[/B] [B]document.wfwd.submit();[/B] }//disp can i return the value of item into the form using this javascript. i want to echo …

Member Avatar for Puckdropper
Member Avatar for vexhawk

I'm having a problem outputing from a database I'm trying to get a text field from the MySQL data base My input was "Come join us for John's birthday" But the actual out put was "Come join us for John's birthday" How do I fix this? When i do " …

Member Avatar for Puckdropper
Member Avatar for Ries

Ive got the code: [php]mysql_query("UPDATE members SET gold=gold+$sellprice WHERE email='$player[email]' ")or die(mysql_error());[/php] To add gold to a users account in the database but this doesn't work every time I run the script instead of adding on the new value to the old one it just sets the gold to zero, …

Member Avatar for Puckdropper
Member Avatar for killsom3thing

Hey, Im trying to set up a forum using phpBB2 on a free web hosting server. The problem is, when anyone attempts to register with the forum, an error occurs refering to emailer.php. I've researched the problem online and found little helpful results. I emailed the web provider I am …

Member Avatar for Puckdropper
Member Avatar for EnderX

For a program I'm working on, I need to do the following: 1. Starting with a single set of fields in a form, I need to be able to dublicate them (multiple identical form entries) without necessarily knowing how many there will be. I managed to do this, by incrementing …

Member Avatar for sn4rf3r
Member Avatar for Ries

Im having a problem that my while loop is not finishing even when the conditions have been meet. [php]$turn = "0"; while ($player['health_n'] > "0" OR $opponent['health_n'] > "0" AND $turn < "25"){ $turn = $turn+1; $hitfor = $youatk / $oppdef; if ($hitfor <= "0"){ echo "$turn. $opponent[name] blocked.<br />"; …

Member Avatar for Ries
Member Avatar for praseena

How can i get a selected value from combo box ? i used combo.selectedItem.But it is not working.will u pls give me a solution for this

Member Avatar for sn4rf3r
Member Avatar for pleal

I have googled for anyoneexperiencing the same error. Apache2.2 works fine as stand alone. Now, when installing php5.x and after making the changes in the httpd.conf file for Apache, Apache doesn't read the php file. Changes in httpd.conf file were : # For PHP 5 - Added on Oct. 13 …

Member Avatar for mahe4us

Hi to everyone, I have been trying to activate "remember me" option in login page of my site. But I have some errors while executing this option. Can anyone help me to solve the problem or any correct URL for activating cookies. Thanks to all.. Bye..

Member Avatar for mahe4us
Member Avatar for new_girl

Hi Php gang! Got an amature question and hope one of you can kindly help me: (My tech guy is very sick and I need to have this up and running) I have a php site and the address ends with something along the lines of : mysite/directory.php?cat=123 We have …

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The End.