39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for michael123

I try to resize jpeg from photo size to thumbnails, however the thumbnails quality is bad, it looks fade and blur, I have no idea how to improve the quality of thumbnails. PHP resize function: ----- $first=imagecreatefromjpeg($uploadfile) $second=imagecreate($new_width, $new_height); imagecopyresized($second,$first,0,0,0,0,$new_width,$new_height,$width,$height); imagejpeg($second,$v_thumbnailfile); ----- Thanks for any response.

Member Avatar for RamiroS
Member Avatar for ashneet

I am using somone's code as example because i dont really understand it. This is a small part of the code which i am using as example. Here is the code: [PHP] class MySQLDB { var $connection; //The MySQL database connection var $num_active_users; //Number of active users viewing site var …

Member Avatar for Daishi
Member Avatar for ashneet

Hello Can someone explain this code to me as i am a total newb when it come to classes. [PHP] class MySQLDB { var $connection; //The MySQL database connection var $num_active_users; //Number of active users viewing site var $num_active_guests; //Number of active guests viewing site var $num_members; //Number of signed-up …

Member Avatar for ashneet
Member Avatar for NilovSerge

Help, please. I need edit programmatically(php) HTML-page so that, for example all table's definitions change on my own definitions of tables source: <table ... many props... > ... </table> destination : <table ... my props... > ... </table> And also I nees in result HTML leave some properties of the …

Member Avatar for Tina66

I just started learning php and would like to know how to create valid words using the letters "q w e r t y u i o p", which is the top row of the keyboard. I believe I need to use preg_match, yet not sure how to. Could some …

Member Avatar for srikanth1243
Member Avatar for ashneet

First of all i am new to PHP Session. THE PROBLEM: I do session_start(); command at the begening of every page so that php uses session but what i also what it to do is that if that person closes the browser and returns back to same website it should …

Member Avatar for ashneet
Member Avatar for ashwinperti

Sir I am currently using wamp5_1.4.4 1) Apache 1.3.33 2) MySql 4.1.10a And I want to update with the latest version. I could I made the modifications. PLease do help me. Ashwin Perti

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Member Avatar for melvin

This routine works and formats the date exactly how I want it but I dont want current time. Instead I would like to format the time from a mysql database. I have tryed this [php]strtotime($row_Recordset1['when']);[/php] but it dont work. How do i get my database field in the array and …

Member Avatar for sarahk
Member Avatar for Ghost

Does anybody have any ideas on how to make your own email program? Could you use the mail function and restrict access?

Member Avatar for Ghost
Member Avatar for JC_McGeekster

Hello, These last few days I was feeling like remodding my PHPBB completely, and when I scanned through the files, I came acrossed the TPL files. I wondered, [i]TPL?[/i] and thus opened one of the files with my editor. I seen the lines coded, "{FORUM_NAME}," or something similar and wandered …

Member Avatar for fsn812
Member Avatar for extofer

The following HTML does not work on FireFox, only IE. Anyone know why?? <a href="http://www.daniweb.com/"> <img border=0 src=http://www.daniweb.com/certificates/badge45765.jpg alt="extofer has contributed to our community" width="125" height="125"> </a> :o

Member Avatar for zippee
Member Avatar for michael123

is there a php function that I can verify if the string contains all digital number, not alphabetic charactor? thanks.

Member Avatar for smac
Member Avatar for server_crash

I've got the following code: Code: @mail($address, $title, $message , "From: ". $from . "\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8"); Which sends a verification email to a registered user. The only problem is the email is considered bulk, and ends up in the bulk folder, or doesn't show up at all. I'm thinking …

Member Avatar for fsn812
Member Avatar for leroytrolley

Hi people I need your recommendations on what (free) CGI Mail Form script to download and use. All I want to be able to do is have a form on my HTML page that allows people to input some personal info and then the info is posted to my email …

Member Avatar for sarahk
Member Avatar for server_crash

I know it's possible, but I'm not sure how. I need several services to use one database. For instance, I need blogs,chat, and a forum to share a database so that when you sign up at one place, you are automatically signed up at all of them.

Member Avatar for zippee
Member Avatar for nwitty

hello all, am new to this forum, appreciate your responses in advance. i'm a php programmer and am reexamining my rates in light of an upcoming estimate i need to make for a large job. i was curious as to what people out there are charging per hour for freelance …

Member Avatar for zippee
Member Avatar for jeepj27

Hi All - I am using PhpBB for my medical community and have a question about screen resolutions- Is there any way to make my forum more screen resolution friendly? My forum seems to show best with 1024x768, but how can I make it best for people with only 800x600?? …

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Member Avatar for pdewijs

Dear Programmers, After more than 8 hours I am finally exhausted. Please tell me how I can [B]install a STABLE Apache server with PHP [/B] on my XP-home edition version 2002 which is able to do the most simple things. Not give errors, or hesitate, or don't show. Apache is …

Member Avatar for fsn812
Member Avatar for ashneet

I m not sure if this is right question to ask. I am trying to get php to make PDF file and email it to some one when they enter enough information. is it even possible as i have no idea how would you do this...

Member Avatar for fsn812
Member Avatar for iketunde

Hello, I created this page. it contains textareas and checkboxes. when user enters information or check any of the checkboxes. this translates to a conditioned query.i achieve this using javascript. u can find the url @ [url]www.laterallinks.com\search.htm[/url] try entering gibberish and any of the fields and click on the fetch …

Member Avatar for bwest
Member Avatar for iketunde

Hi, got another problem. I have an interface that uses javascript to generate the Mysql WHERE condition of a query it posts to the a PHP page that retrieves values from the database. it works fine as usual on my local pc. but i when i uploaded it to my …

Member Avatar for zippee
Member Avatar for Ragnarok

I am looking for a free strange allown CMS that has news and image gallery support, weather it comes as part of the CMS or as an extra module I don't mind. Anyone know where I can get one? Ragnarok

Member Avatar for PoA
Member Avatar for hbmarar

hi, I do not know how to use the phpmyadmin in xampp. I am not able to make it out. Requesting help and concern, I remain Harish Balakrishnan Marar

Member Avatar for aarya

my site is working on internet explorer nicely but my site is not working on mozilla. pls any body help me

Member Avatar for aarya
Member Avatar for Electrohead

Hello everyone! I am looking to embark on a project to develop a new content management system! The system will be very much like a portal, and I am looking for volunteers! If you are interested in helping out, please visit the project's community website at [url="http://keefe.hyspex.com/cms"]http://keefe.hyspex.com/cms[/url] I would also …

Member Avatar for advancescripts
Member Avatar for hemalatha.a.s
Member Avatar for techniner
Member Avatar for aarya

i want to shift my database from one site to another . how i have to proceed. can anybody help me.

Member Avatar for aarya
Member Avatar for NilovSerge

Hi, all! How in PHP get ResultSet from function PostGreSql8.0.3(Windows) and how is constructed this PostGreSql-function? If possible, please, link to some example. Thanks in advance Nilov Serge

Member Avatar for srikanth1243
Member Avatar for TimmyRaa

Hey, this is my first attempt at using arrays in PHP, so apologies if this turns out to be ridiculously simple! I have a SQL select statement, and a while statement to pull the results from it: [PHP] $sql = 'SELECT nickname AS name, count( * ) AS played, sum( …

Member Avatar for srikanth1243
Member Avatar for Juls

Hi, I am trying to run a query once and then reuse the result set in a loop to compare so that to know whether to have a checkbox "checked" or not. Something is not right because I don't get any of them checked. I have a feeling I need …

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The End.