39,388 Topics
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I need to improve our online calendar but the ones I have seen so far, will not handle the number of events I need to list, without horizontal scrolling. Several of our members have mobility limitations and horizontal scrolling is inappropriate. The calendar should have a chronological list for each … | |
hi guys, i ran into this error "Parse error: parse error, expecting `T_STRING' or `T_VARIABLE' or `T_NUM_STRING' in c:\web\imagedb\pixel.php on line 19" while running the code: <?php // database connection $host = "localhost"; $user = "user"; $pass = "password"; $db = "imagedb"; $table= "image"; $conn = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) OR … | |
hi, I need help in installing gd library with php4.3.10 on windows platform. I have uncommented the line "extension=php_gd2.dll" and set the directory " extension_dir = "c:\php\extensions\" " where i have installed php. But it still doesn't work. Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Rgds, tristan | |
I am developing my first e-commerce site and have run into a slight problem with the page counter. As you can tell in my code below, I set my number/Pg and start page level vars as follows: $numPerPage=3; $start=0; I know I am missing a limit in my SQL stmt, … | |
I seem to be having a problem getting this while() loop to work... [PHP]include("database_connect.php"); $query = "SELECT id, title, date FROM entries"; $result = mysql_query($query); while ( $result = mysql_fetch_assoc($result) ) { $id = $result["id"]; $title = $result["title"]; $date = $result["date"]; echo "<div class=\"recent_entries\">"; echo "<a href=\"archives.php?id=" . $id . … | |
A simple question. I have integer variable $a=2, how can I display it in string format: "SN0002" with 4 '0' inserted? thanks. | |
Hi there I recently used a freelance web designer to design my website and i specified that i need to do the content management myself. However, he created the website using php and after i paid him and all, he says that it is impossible for me to change any … | |
Hi guyz, I had a program which is written in microsoft visual C++, it is actually just a image retrieval program. But now, i wan to create a web program that user can retrieve similar images thru the microsoft visual C++, can i use php to do it? I learnt … | |
Hi, i would like to know how to set up a php page to automatically send attachments(files on the server) to other e-mails. thnx in advance. | |
i don´t speak enlgish very well and i want to explain the vulnerability/problem whith orkut. Brazilian guy created a php script that you can send message for all your friends in orkut he did too a nice program where you write the community and the program get the emails from … | |
i ahve a form in that visitors can type their information and their website address. but when they give their website adddress like http:www//sitename.com it wont hyperlink. please anybody help me how to hyperlink taht one? thanks | |
Can anyone point me towards a good tutorial or book for learning PHP? Thanks. | |
Hi, I have the following simple test script: [CODE]<?php $links = array('URL'=>'www.google.com'); print("$links['URL']"); // compilation error print("$links[URL]"); print($links['URL']); print($links[URL]); // execution warning ?>[/CODE] But two lines are giving me problems. Can any one help to explain? Thanks. --Mark | |
Can anyone help the noob? [PHP]$logfile= 'log.txt'; $IP = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $logdetails= date("F j, Y, g:i a") . ': ' . '<a href=http://dnsstuff.com/tools/city.ch?ip='.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].' target=_blank>'.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].'</a>'; $fp = fopen($logfile, "a"); fwrite($fp, $logdetails); fwrite($fp, "<br>"); fclose($fp); [/PHP]As you probably know the code writes the text, IP address, and html code to a text file … | |
Running PHP v5.0.4 (and I'm a newbie to php) I am setting up functions for the database and the only bit of code in the file that works is the bit that is commented out! I've tried the variables with "var " in front to declare them explicitly, I've taken … | |
so I'm looking at the [URL=http://php.he.net/manual/en/function.setcookie.php]PHP docs[/URL] for setcookie and this is what I see: [PHP]bool setcookie ( string name [, string value [, int expire [, string path [, string domain [, bool secure]]]]] )[/PHP] they say if you want to have the cookie expire when the browser closes … | |
[b]Introduction and Installation of PHP [/b] [B]Intro[/B] This tutorial describes: [INDENT] What is PHP. Download PHP binary version for Windows. Writing the first PHP script. Installing PHP on IIS as CGI.[/INDENT] [b]What Is PHP? [/b] PHP stands for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor, a recursive acronym. It is mainly a Web server … | |
i have made a script that adds to a tabel in mysql, one problem is, even though it echos that it worked. it doesnt add them :( [php] <?php $dbhost = 'localhost'; $dbuser = 'tezzana_cams'; $dbpass = '**********'; $conn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass) or die ('Error connecting to mysql'); echo … | |
I have date value saved in Mysql DB, with format "dd.mm.yyyy", now I want to delete all records that date is older than 10 days from today, how can I do that in php? is there php function can calculate previous date? thanks for any help. | |
I am trying to create a script and I want to be able to say [php]require "~/functions/functions1.php"; require "~/functions/functions2.php"; require "~/functions/functions3.php";[/php] but php doesn't seem to understand what the tilde means (and yes this for a linux server). Is there any way I can specify the home dir without actually … | |
ok so i need a simple php script, i will give credit to anyone who helps :) --------- cam.php?camera_ip= when page loads it loads a windows media player applet thing viewing the media stream at and if its changed to cam.php?camera_ip= then it views stream at i need … | |
Re: IIS & PHP configuration-PHP.ini instructions ignored My server setup: Win2k, IIS5.0, PHP 4.0.10 running as ISAPI Problem 1: PHP.ini settings ignored. Not too sure how to address this one. I've tried changing some settings in the PHP.ini file. Some just do not seem to take. Example ~ there's a … | |
Re: IIS & PHP Setup question-Configuring for multiple websites~ My server setup: Win2k, IIS5.0, PHP 4.0.10 running as ISAPI. Virtual servers (websites) each set up with individual IP addresses. In IIS, each site is individually set up to use PHP as opposed to having PHP set up at the top … | |
Im lost on how to install a forum on my website, my hosting offers it but i cant figure out how to get it on my site. it would be great if someone could help me gettin a forum on this site [url]www.Nexzani.com[/url] :cool: | |
Can anyone tell me where i can find better instructions for installiation of php on a Fedora 4 Linux as the ones that are provided on php.net are not very clear. | |
Hiya all ive decided to do my final year project designing an online music video library that will allow multiple access by many users to the same files that will be highly available, with facilities to access the video library by pc, pda and mobile phones. i want to concentrate … | |
I'm doing an code the would list events entered by people and it's sorted by date, what I want it to do though is to list out only those who's starting dates haven't passed yet. How should I build the query? Could it be as simple as "SELECT * FROM … | |
Hi everyone, I am trying to make a php web page that displays images. Is there any way I can use php to look at what is in a certain folder(that only contains images) and then have it write html to display all the images from that folder on the … | |
[B]Intro[/B] This is one of the fastest (and raw) ways to process form information from a web page. We assume that you have a form setup with Dreamweaver or a html editor. [B]Getting started[/B] In the $_POST global variable the results of a submitted from are stored (normally when someone … | |
Hiya this is Brims i need an idea for a final year project computer science, nothing too hard time is running out. I want to use either php or asp with database cant seem to think of any applications can someone help please :cry: |
The End.