39,323 Topics
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Hope this is the right forum.Ive having a problem with an error after trying to install Furl for invision. Ive tried alot of times and no matter how i do it i come up with this error.Ive edited in different php editors,and everything.Heres the error "Parse error: parse error, unexpected … | |
Hi I am developping a search script for my site and I'm stuck at one part. The script I did works fine but it looks for exact matches within the fields. For example if I type "John Smith" it would return all the rows with John Smith in them. But … | |
I want to know how to make an odbc connection using php code. Please send suggestions. Thanks. [URL=http://www.go4kpo.com]http://www.go4kpo.com[/URL] | |
hi... i'm new from indonesia....sorry if my english conf. not good enough. please help me how to make a calender with agenda view...please give me a logic and sample script. thanx :-| | |
I have a new php in my site and there is a banner put on the top page that I would like to customize. How would I change this? There doesn't appear to be an option in the admistrative section, but I looked at the code and I can't find … | |
Hi. I have spent almost a month learning and coding php forms. The code seems to work fine in testmode, but not in live mode! So I have 3 problems. Problem 1: the user has to submit twice to get the form to post. I view page source and action … | |
I made this function and the problem i have is that the Variavle $Time is not available to the whole program and what i mean by that is the function runs but doesn't set the variable to the whole thing and i have tested the function by doing echos. Is … | |
Hey Everyone, I've been working on a PHP craps game, and I'm not sure why my code isn't working. Everything seems logical to me, but I can't get my inner loop to work. [b]The game of craps:[/b] 1) Roll a pair of die and add their some 2)IF on the … | |
I am unable to get my pop-up to resize or hide the toolbar when I select a thumbnail. I entered the width & height in my onclick event, bu that did not seem to work. I am guessing that I probably need to enter the attributes in the function and … | |
In php, is there a function like "wait()", the program executes to certain line and wait a moment(like 1 second) then proceed to next line? thanks. | |
Is there anyway to put PHP commands in a TPL file? When I read the source code for my page it is all put together, but I can't make it run the PHP code in the tpl file. | |
hi, i have a file that look something lk this: $name[0] = "blah"; $address[0]="blah"; $country[0] = "blah"; $name[1] = "blah"; $address[1]="blah"; $country[1] = "blah"; $name[2] = "blah"; $address[2]="blah"; $country[2] = "blah"; ....and so on, i want to sort the $name array in alphabetical order...but i don want to mess up … | |
I made this code so that it can tell the program to get Morning (AM) or evening (PM) INFO [PHP] function Tms() { $time = time(); $time1 = mktime(12,00,00); if ($time > $time1) { $Time = 'AM'; } else { $Time = 'PM'; } echo $Time; echo "<br>"; echo $time; … | |
Hi Everyone, I'm gonna try to make this as easy as possible to answer, but I've got some questions about this... I want to put a feature on my website where visitors can comment on an article or feature through a form by leaving their Name and then their Comments. … | |
Hey people, hoping to find some answers here to a problem I'm stuck with. :sad: I have recently installed Windows server 2003 onto a machine and are trying to get a phpbb forum set up. I installed apache and the webserver is all working perfectly without any issues. THIS IS … | |
I am using the mail function in php mail() but its keeps sending all the bounch backs to [email]nobody@purple.webhostingireland.ie[/email] and i want it to be [email]mail@somdomail.ie[/email] Any chance of changing this. | |
How do i use this str_replace with this [email]bla@bla.com[/email] [email]blac@bla.com[/email] [email]namit@namit.com[/email] and so on so i have setup $email = str_replace(" ", ", ", $mail_list); but it will only talk details if i do this [email]blac@bla.com[/email] [email]bla@bla.com[/email] It does not seam to find and replace return | |
Ok so I execute a query and am now holding a complete recordset. ($rs_cust) Now when i check if results are returned and whether I am able to loop through this: i.e. While ($row=odbc_Fetch_array($rs_cust)) {Do something} Now I'd like to have it do something else if there are no results … | |
hi, I have started programming (learning) to free myself from depencies.I do not know how to do the below. [COLOR=Navy]i made a form that has a input box for emai and two passord inputboxexs.on submit i have to pass the same email inputbox value as the hidden value for username.In … | |
hi really this issue is troubling: I exported the database structure using the phpmyadmin as harry.sql from my local system.now I went to company server/cpanel /mysql database.created a user with username and password. I would like to import this file and I tried the same way that I used to … | |
hi to all, Happy Dipawali wishes. I would like to show a form that asks for only email address and passswrd and on submission it assign to a hidden field for username as the email address submitted. Is this possible? i do not have any clue, hoping that if i … | |
Hi all, I just start with my new forum use vbulletin, and I some help for coding / enlightment ... Usually we hide our links/codes/downloads using post counting from members ( ex: you must have 5 posting before can see our code etc). Now we want people to click the … | |
hi, i want to give a value to a variable when the surfer clicks on a link, i am not sure how to do that in php, also, i would like to pass on the value of that variable to a different page. can someone help me with the coding? … | |
Hi does anyone out there know of a good PHP script for doing screen scrapes. Ive heard of people using scripts like that to check a book on amazon with a script and a chron job service. Would appreciate any help or info anyone might have. [URL=http://www.webdesigninwisconsin.com]Chicago Web Design Company[/URL] | |
I try to resize jpeg from photo size to thumbnails, however the thumbnails quality is bad, it looks fade and blur, I have no idea how to improve the quality of thumbnails. PHP resize function: ----- $first=imagecreatefromjpeg($uploadfile) $second=imagecreate($new_width, $new_height); imagecopyresized($second,$first,0,0,0,0,$new_width,$new_height,$width,$height); imagejpeg($second,$v_thumbnailfile); ----- Thanks for any response. | |
I am using somone's code as example because i dont really understand it. This is a small part of the code which i am using as example. Here is the code: [PHP] class MySQLDB { var $connection; //The MySQL database connection var $num_active_users; //Number of active users viewing site var … | |
Hello Can someone explain this code to me as i am a total newb when it come to classes. [PHP] class MySQLDB { var $connection; //The MySQL database connection var $num_active_users; //Number of active users viewing site var $num_active_guests; //Number of active guests viewing site var $num_members; //Number of signed-up … | |
Help, please. I need edit programmatically(php) HTML-page so that, for example all table's definitions change on my own definitions of tables source: <table ... many props... > ... </table> destination : <table ... my props... > ... </table> And also I nees in result HTML leave some properties of the … | |
I just started learning php and would like to know how to create valid words using the letters "q w e r t y u i o p", which is the top row of the keyboard. I believe I need to use preg_match, yet not sure how to. Could some … |
The End.