39,388 Topics
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Hi PHPers, Firstly, a [COLOR=Red]Very Happy New Year To ALL!![/COLOR] Hope everybody enjoyed this festive season :cheesy: Back to work, sigh... I am encountering this problem, below is a code which i have written, but the page only displayed the result of my code which is line 27. But when … | |
Hello to all,and happy new year. I have simplemachines forum 1.1 rc1 installed on my site. I was just in the admin section doing really nothing and all of a sudden without really doing anything I got this when I clicked on something. It was not a delete buttom or … | |
i wrote this basic codes to check against gd library existence: [PHP]$image = @imagecreate(480, 250) or die ("Cannot Initialize new GD image stream"); $background_color = imagecolorallocate ($im, 0, 0, 0); $text_color = imagecolorallocate ($im, 255, 0, 0); imagestring ($im, 255,255,0, "A Simple Text String", $text_color); header ("Content-type: image/gif"); imagegif($im);[/PHP] result: … | |
I have a website that lists customer's jobs that have shipped. When they click on the carrier's name it links to the carrier's website, but it uses the current window. Can I force the link to come up in a new window so my customer can see both my site … | |
For some reason i cant get the mssql function to be inabled. When i go to view the phpinfo.php that i made to view the extension that are enabled it gives me an error saying that it cant load the extension. So i try to enable the pdf.dll in php.in … | |
I belong to a forum on forumer.com. Recently, we had a member sign up (it's a support group for parents of premature babies) using STOLEN pictures from other members' websites and this new member was trying to pass these babies off as her own. Although it is NOT against forumers … | |
Ok so I am trying to create some BB code from scratch, and my big problem is the \S and \s and .* are very greedy. For example, when I try to use bb code on something like this: [php]$text = "[b]abcdefg[/b] !@#$%^&* [b]0123456789[/b]"; $text = preg_replace("/\[b\](.*)\[\/b\]/","<b>\\1</b>",$text); //same thing: //$text … | |
I know how to create standard php files, but how would I add the ?blabla to the end of the url. IE my forum url looks like this /index.php?act=home How would I make it look like that? Thanks | |
Well i trying to make a logout link that will exit frames to go to normal html page: when someone logout this command is run 2 transfer to next page: [PHP]header("Location: index.php?result=0"); [/PHP] what i am trying to do is exit the frames so that the index file is showed … | |
I have been trying to insert google adsense ads to my website but everytime i try to add the code it says that thel HTML tags im using are not allowed. I know this code is javascript but i just cant seem to use it on my site! i emailed … | |
How can I make media photos at my site?When click them,the medias play.Which sofware should I use?Can you tell me how? | |
i write a script to display visitor IP address. I use this : $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["REMOTE_ADDR"] but my visitor say he has two IP different when show two website. With showmyip.com he has : With my script he has : and he say that the IP with showmyip.com is real … | |
If I have an array $abc=[0,0,0,1,0,2]; how to change it to $abc=[1,2]; (remove all 0), is there php function can handle that? thanks. | |
to help me add some new features to my dating site, im tryin to add video chat, if u know how to do this or have some good idea pm me | |
Hi, I am tryiny to write a program which will allow me to upload a image and after which i had uploaded the image, I will be able to calculate the RGB values of the image which i have uploaded. The code works this way: //user to upload image file … | |
This is my first time posting and I apologize for already beating a dead horse with resizing images using PHP but I am constantly getting an error. I have been to: [URL]http://www.daniweb.com/techtalkforums/showthread.php?t=1722&highlight=PHP+image+resize[/URL] and [URL]http://www.daniweb.com/code/snippet250.html[/URL] and I always get this error Call to undefined function: imagecreatefromjpeg() Any suggestions? Thanks a lot | |
OK I wrote this query but i keep on getting error on it: [PHP]$query2 = "INSERT INTO ATTENDANCE (Class,Time,T_User_Name,S_Number,Absent,Date) VALUES ('$Class','$S_Type','$_COOKIE[User]','$S_Number','1','$Date')"; [/PHP] the error i get from php logs is: [28-Dec-2005 17:51:07] PHP Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_VARIABLE in /test/teachers/take.php on line 27 ------------------------- line 27 is the query … | |
hey i own two forums that are the same, one is a free service with ads and stuff but its really good, i like all the features it has added to the admin panel [url]http://www.createforum.com/phpbb/index.php?mforum=ontarioforumtk[/url] then i have another one thats the same but paid for and hosted on one … | |
Hi guys, I have written a simple code here that should be able to display the image "tulips" from my database? But it does not work, wondering what is wrong with the code? <?php // database connection $host = "localhost"; $user = "user"; $pass = "password"; $db = "imagedb"; $table= … | |
I am looking for a very simple calander function that just reads info from mysql or txt file what ever is handier Can anyone recommend a setup? | |
I am still a bit of a newb, but am getting the hang of webdev. My problem is in changing/updating a user's password. The good news is that I know I am hitting the mySQL table b/c I am able to see data appended. However, that's also my problem. When … | |
Hi, I had written a small program in php, which will allow a user to upload an image to the database. My question is whether can i locate the directory of the image from where it was uploaded from? this is part of the code for uploading: " // Do … | |
I have a directory full of pictures how do i shrink them? Have juse installed gd Can anyone help me? | |
Hi! In LDAP base I have some attrs by hierarchy: cn=attributes,cn=stubs,cn=lookups,cn=domain Inside this node there is a list objects: cn=PhysDevName, cn=LogDevName, cn=Location... I read to read them in an array I do: ... $ds=ldap_connect("localhost",389); // must be a valid LDAP server! if ($ds) { if (ldap_set_option($ds, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3)) { echo … | |
I'm kind of new to PHP. I wanted to know how to get my site to open in it's original url ie: [url]http://blah4site.com/name[/url] instead of [url]http://blah4site.com/name/index.php[/url] or having a slpash page and then going into the [url]http://blah4site.com/name/index.php[/url], when someone first visits the site. I hope this isn't too confusing. Here … | |
hi, I need help in installing gd library with php4.3.10 on windows platform. I have uncommented the line "extension=php_gd2.dll" and set the directory " extension_dir = "c:\php\extensions\" " where i have installed php in the php.ini file in c:windows. But it still doesn't work. Wondering where i had gone wrong. … | |
I have writen a scipts in linux its called user.sh i wounder how do i run it in a php script I can if i just run it in command line ./user.sh it works perfect but can i add it into my code. thanks | |
Hello friends i hope u all will be fine...am also enjoying the blessings of Life... Dears i am from Pakistan (Asia) and an IT Student.....i love to develope Web Site but hasnt any professional experience so i want to learn Php so that i may do something dynamically and i … | |
I have a database that returns information about a customer's jobs that have shipped. It displays correctly, but I would like the carrier name to be a link to the carrier's website so the customer can track it on line. I have the carrier's website listed in the database. how … |
The End.