39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for AshForums

Hiya =) I am on Win 98, and I have been having this problem for a while. although Opera displays some sites properly my IE just goes blank on websites with .php or .aspx It frustrates me and I have not find a solution to this yet, though I have …

Member Avatar for conspiringfate
Member Avatar for GTX

I'm just the master of disaster when it comes to PHP.... anyways, here's a new error: [code] <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN"> <HTML><HEAD> <TITLE>300 Multiple Choices</TITLE> </HEAD><BODY> <H1>Multiple Choices</H1> The document name you requested (<code>/Forum2/includes/tiny_mce/langs/.js</code>) could not be found on this server. However, we found documents with names similar …

Member Avatar for DanceInstructor
Member Avatar for KeithMcL

I figured it was time that a revised edition of this tutorial be written up. So, I asked Dani if it was ok and well..... here it is :D This revised edition includes how to make your forumhome, forumdisplay, showthread and who's online sections all show search engine friendly urls …

Member Avatar for alphinho
Member Avatar for fogofogo

Hello folks. I have a question about using php to select a file according to date. I am working on a project that uses xml to display horoscopes on a website. The xml feeds are ftp'd onto our server and have a different file name depending on the date. Unfortunetly …

Member Avatar for fogofogo
Member Avatar for aparnesh

Does anyone know any good javascript forum (something like this forum) where I can search for answers to my problems and post any problems that I face ?

Member Avatar for aparnesh
Member Avatar for rcasinillo_s

Good day! Could you check this I got error messages: Warning: chmod() [function.chmod]: No such file or directory in /eort/www/httcs/nah/eng/testing/upload.php on line 21 Warning: move_uploaded_file([url]http://www.nwafh.med.sa/Uploads/DSC00197_mail.jpg[/url]) [function.move-uploaded-file]: failed to create stream: HTTP wrapper does not support writeable connections. in /eort/www/httcs/nah/eng/testing/upload.php on line 22 Warning: move_uploaded_file() [function.move-uploaded-file]: Unable to move '/var/tmp/php.haqFa' to …

Member Avatar for paradox814
Member Avatar for rcasinillo_s
Member Avatar for rcasinillo_s
Member Avatar for michael123

I want to use PHP mail() function to send email to hundreds of users, in mail function I can set mail list like: $sendto="user1@abcd.com,user2@xyz.com,user3@yahoo.com,....."; But in this way when user receives this email, he can see all the email recipients at the top, I want to hide this info, is …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for delite

Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /data/9/0/24/113/676928/user/690291/htdocs/inc/_up_index1.php on line 40 This is the error i get every time when any of my php scripts try to read/write in my mysql data base. This is _up_index1.php [PHP] <? $test_act['new_tranzaction']="OK"; $test_act['tranzaction_details_started']="OK"; $test_act['tranzaction_details_pointing']="OK"; $test_act['accept_tranzaction']="OK"; $test_act['reject_tranzaction']="OK"; $test_act['tranzaction_details']="OK"; $test_act['payment']="OK"; …

Member Avatar for rcasinillo_s
Member Avatar for aparnesh

Is there any significant difference between Php 4 & Php 5 ? Like they are better in different scenarios or something ? I am planning to use Php for web development with mySQL on an Win XP m/c and Apache server. Is there any pros & cons for choosing one …

Member Avatar for Esopo
Member Avatar for tristan17

hi, I have written this small code section [PHP]<?php // database connection $host = "localhost"; $user = " "; $pass = " "; $db = " "; $table= "test"; $conn = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) OR DIE (mysql_error()); @mysql_select_db ($db, $conn) OR DIE (mysql_error()); $sql="SELECT * FROM $table WHERE image_id=100100"; $result=mysql_query($sql) …

Member Avatar for sarahk
Member Avatar for johnchristopher

Hi, I have used php_write function in PHP4 and it works fine, I have updated my codes to PHP5, I have changed some codes for this and when I use this function php_write php5. Please if anybody knows why it happend help to me. Thank you

Member Avatar for namit

I have a list of files that are pictures but i want to have <- previous next -> under each picture that goes to the next picture. Was thinking maby should create an array of all the images and then echo out the array

Member Avatar for laurente
Member Avatar for himerus

The following script will take your variable [b]$comments[/b] and filter out any bad words. [b]eregi_replace[/b] is case-insensitive, so it will take out the word, no matter the way it is input. [php] $bad_words = explode('|', 'badword1|badword2|badword3|etc|etc'); foreach ($bad_words as $naughty) { $comments = eregi_replace($naughty, "#!@%*#", $comments); } [/php] This will …

Member Avatar for extermin8tor
Member Avatar for nike123

Please please please i need a bit of help, with setting my php site layouts. I have decided to use tables instead of page frames for various reasons. I am now however having some problems with getting my page to display as I wish, so if anyone could please give …

Member Avatar for PoA
Member Avatar for tristan17

Hi, I need to implement my image retrieval project on a web-based. I would like to know if there are any good tutorials on creating image thumnails? thanks in advance, tristan

Member Avatar for Phaelax
Member Avatar for tristan17

Hi, When i try to run the php script [PHP]<? php $myFile = "testFile.txt"; $fh = fopen($myFile, 'r'); $theData = fgets($fh); fclose($fh); echo $theData; ?>[/PHP] I get the error : "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE in C:\xampp\xampp\htdocs\readfile.php on line 3" I can't figure out why, any help appreciated tris

Member Avatar for tristan17
Member Avatar for TAW1

Hello there, I am working with a company that I am paying to develop my website. I am not a webmaster or developer myself, ok? So I may not quite put things "right" in technical terms and for that, I apologize... My website is about 3/5's of the way completed. …

Member Avatar for Esopo
Member Avatar for ArthurNicholson

Hi there, I'm pretty new to php so please bare with me - :rolleyes: lol. I've created two tables in a MySQL db one called topics and one called courses. I have a couple of files which allow me to post data to the db (written in php) and now …

Member Avatar for olaf
Member Avatar for bearbrick

hye all, im here just want to ask for a very basic problem about checkbox. i do search but there is nothing related to my problem. my problem is : 1. i have a dynamic table with checkbox on each row of my table. 2. each row has different value …

Member Avatar for olaf
Member Avatar for martinkorner

How do I download and install Apache HTTP Server on my Windows XP computer )so I can test my PHP scripts without having to publish the script to the internet every time)? [B]Martin[/B]

Member Avatar for PoA
Member Avatar for realestninja

Hi I've been told by my bf that php and mysql are very very powerful tools in the computing world and that it can make all kinds of neat things like databases to small nifty programs. I'm a model, and I began to get addicting to computers after i was …

Member Avatar for BlazingWolf
Member Avatar for sjeeps

Howdy, I know this's not the first mod_rewrite thread, but I hope I can find the answer here :o I have a game script running on server and I need to change the dynamic url to SEF. placed this code: Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine on RewriteRule game/(.*)/(.*)/$ /games/game.php?$1=$2 in the .htaccess …

Member Avatar for sjeeps
Member Avatar for uckc

Hello there, I am relatively new to PHP. I would like to know if there are any free forum scripts out there that would come with a blogger script as well, and once the forum is running, when you click on the author of a particular post, it sends you …

Member Avatar for uckc
Member Avatar for greghuston

Hi, I'll explain basically what I'm trying to do. A person goes to my site to download. Before they can download they have to agree to the TOS (according to my lawyer this is best). So on the page (let's call it agree.php) I need several things: 1. textarea with …

Member Avatar for greghuston
Member Avatar for tristan17

Hi, I need some advice on where I can find relevant materials on passing values from an executable C programs to PHP scripts. I think its possible by passing the values and store on a text file and import the text file into the scripts. But I am now trying …

Member Avatar for paradox814
Member Avatar for weedguru_animal

i run a forum powered by phpbb version .19... one of my moderators is very concerned about an ip address been seen logged onto 10-30 pages on the forums, at the exact same time. spme of these pages were private messages, profiles.anyway the ip is called a googlebot, but this …

Member Avatar for paradox814
Member Avatar for Avalon

I have a Nuke php site. The problem is that the meta tag is setup to display what the creator wanted the keywords to be. I need it changed so that I can make it relevant to my site. Please let me know how to do this. [URL=http://casino.finditjack.com]My Site[/URL] Thanks

Member Avatar for PoA
Member Avatar for Kraftwerk

Greetings All, My Setup: ---------- - Windows XP - Apache 2.0.52 - PHP 5.0.3 - PHP Nuke 7.8 My Problem: ------------ After attempting to upgrade from PHP 5.0.3 to a later version, Apache no longer reconizes my PHP website What I tried to do: ------------------ I had a perfectly running …

Member Avatar for Kraftwerk
Member Avatar for stupidfly

I'm interested in starting a site that would have streaming videos on it that only members could login and watch. I don't want the videos to be downloaded on to their computers. What do I need to be able to do this? I am good to go in the HTML …


The End.