39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for rsaicrag

Below is my code. The problem is on the 'javascript:ViewPage(article_1.html)'; How to code the quote inside the ViewPage function since im using the echo "....." ; <? echo " <script language='javascript'> function ViewPage(url) { OpenWin = this.open(url, 'CtrlWindow', 'toolbar=yes,menubar=yes,location=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes'); } </script> <tr><td><a href='javascript:ViewPage(article_1.html)';>Article1</a></td><tr> "; ?> it should be `<a href="javascript:ViewPage('article_1.html')";>Article1</a>`

Member Avatar for rsaicrag
Member Avatar for dor88keys

hi, ive just written a simple form to mail in PHP (the form is in a flash website). the problem is that the text being put into the fields in the form, is all in Hebrew. would anyone know how to tackle this problem ? i get the text all …

Member Avatar for paradox814
Member Avatar for erkelensb

plz help me get people to my forum argghhhh poooo [url]www.freeforumhosting.net/forum/?mforum=eggy2[/url]

Member Avatar for ShaneMcP
Member Avatar for AhmedHan

Here is code for sending e-mail which I wrote down: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <html> <head> <title>Send Mail</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> </head> <body> <h1>SENDING MAIL</h1> <form action="Mail.php" method="post"> <table width="200" border="0"> <tr> <td>To Whom :</td> <td><input type="text" name="Target" size="50" value="Someone@somenet.com"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Topic :</td> <td><input …

Member Avatar for AhmedHan
Member Avatar for cmills83

I posted this on the Phpbb community but haven't gotten a response yet. Basically I like one of the templates I just want to change the background colors and add a different image up top. I was looking through all the files but couldn't find how to change it. Does …

Member Avatar for cmills83
Member Avatar for cyberoptik

How would I go about uploading a PHP script to a server and then running it continually as a background process? The script needs to constantly update and send emails, and without needing to access the page to make it run. Any ideas without making a seperate C/C++ program to …

Member Avatar for ashishjha54
Member Avatar for ashishjha54

hello, today i visited the source code section of daniweb and i was amazed to see that codes inside text box were colored according to their syntax.here is the url of the page. [URL=http://www.daniweb.com/code/snippet25.html]http://www.daniweb.com/code/snippet25.html[/URL] in which language this is coded .can i do this in php .can anybody provide me …

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Member Avatar for cputek2k

I bought a book called PHP/MySQL Programming for the absolute beginner by Andy Harris, Premier Press. This book is great for a beginner. It walks you through a refresher on HTML and then goes step by step into PHP and MySQL. Great examples and VERY challenging "homework" assignments. Great for …

Member Avatar for wood1e

Hi, I have installed PHP4 with MySQL4 and APAche2. Apparantly with an API client 3.23.49 I need to upgrade as MySQL is on 48 bit password and not 16...I keep getting " mysql_connect(): Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client in..." How do I …

Member Avatar for fsn812

When attempting to compile PHP 5.0.4 with MySQL 4.0, I received some strange errors from attempting to use --with-mysql and --with-mysqli. After getting it to configure correctly, where it finds mysql and mysqli support, when I run make I get these odd compile errors: == /usr/src/php-5.0.4/ext/mysqli/php_mysqli.h:48: error: syntax error before …

Member Avatar for fsn812
Member Avatar for clivey

When I send my form to my email address using php everything comes out great apart from the Field names that had spaces in them like user first name becomes user_first_name Is there a way to put the spaces back in as this is very important as the email goes …

Member Avatar for clivey
Member Avatar for alexmcavoy

I have the latest version of Apache and PHP, and run both on Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition. I have installed PHP and edited the Apache configuration file to recognize PHP, but when I load a page (on my server) in PHP, it comes up the same as if I …

Member Avatar for blud
Member Avatar for AhmedHan
Member Avatar for ashishjha54
Member Avatar for dave_s

Hi, Using Dreamweaver I have created a form that submits data to an sql database using PHP. I have a number of questions that I hope you can help with. 1. Why are some fields on the form a different colour when the background on all fields are set to …

Member Avatar for dave_s
Member Avatar for jeepj27

Hi All - I am trying to have a .mp3 file play when the below code runs.... is there any possible way to do that? (if not mp3 wav will work too) - I just am not sure how to do it? Can anyone edit this do play a file …

Member Avatar for tristan

Hello, I am having a members search page, where you can look up members by searching on e.g. age, interests, country etc. If the user does not specify e.g. an age range, then all ages should be included in the search. But if a specific age range is specified, then …

Member Avatar for sarahk
Member Avatar for cj51

Warning: what you are about to read is from a complete novice who is trying to install software on a linux server. I apologise in advance if this is not in the right forum. My problem is that the install program shows the following during its checklist: Disabled functions list …

Member Avatar for cj51
Member Avatar for curtis_henken

Ok, i'm trying to run a simple file upload script in php. When i select a file to upload, it gives me this as a message -> Warning: copy(ect/apache2/htdocs/beloit.JPG): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /srv/www/capitalcitycorvairs/uploader.php on line 5 Could not copy file Now i know …

Member Avatar for blud
Member Avatar for John Smith

Hi, Im having a slight problem with fgets and ssl. [CODE] <?php function monkey($method,$protocal,$port,$domain,$path,$data,$query){ if($method=="POST"){ $fp = fsockopen($protocal."://".$domain, $port, $errno, $errstr, 30); if (!$fp) { echo $errstr." (".$errno.")<br />\n"; } else { $out .= "POST /".$path."?".$query." HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $out .= "Host: ".$domain."\r\n"; $out .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"; $out .= "Content-Length: " . …

Member Avatar for John Smith
Member Avatar for Walyer

Is it possible to use MS Access as a db with PHP? If so, how? If not, is there a way to convert (for free without buying a program) MS Access file to MySQL? Thanks for your efforts

Member Avatar for big_k105
Member Avatar for geekbutproud

hey ppl, can anyone tell me which is the ideal database backend that i can use with php :confused: ...i thought about using access but i dont think it would be good enough...please help me.Thanx a lot.Ciao. -geek.

Member Avatar for big_k105
Member Avatar for sga55

I have used bit torrent a little bit and it has worked but now I get an error message saying: Error: No torrent-information is found in the file. (contents is invalid/bad header). This happens to all the files that I try to download now. Dont know why... If anyone would …

Member Avatar for oodam

.................a script for event booking with that uses PHP and Mysql and links to a third party such as worldpay or paypal for payments? I've had a look and I can't find anything specific to my needs. What I'm really after is something like the track day booking at [url]www.bookatrack.co.uk[/url]. …

Member Avatar for oodam
Member Avatar for BoogaBooga

Hi! I'm building a login system for my application, but I'm having a little problem... It really needs top security, so I'm using both MySQL backend and cookies. Example: [B]LOGIN FORM[/B] > [B]VALIDATION[/B] > [B]INSERT SECURE SESSION ID INTO DATABASE[/B] > [B]STORE COOKIE WITH INFORMATION[/B] That's for the login. For …

Member Avatar for paradox814
Member Avatar for Pikachu

Hi! I'm currently learning on my own on PHP(I have some basics on HTML). Anyway, I learnt that I need to download php from [url]http://www.php.net/downloads.php[/url] The first two downloads I saw was this:- * [SIZE=3]PHP 5.0.4 ([COLOR=Blue]tar.bz2[/COLOR]) [4,620Kb] - 03 Apr 2005 md5: fb1aac107870f897d26563a9cc5053c0 * PHP 5.0.4 ([COLOR=Blue]tar.gz[/COLOR]) [5,702Kb] - …

Member Avatar for fsn812
Member Avatar for adamdidthis

HI, I am designing a web based purchase order system for the company i work for. I have managed to do everything i need so far but am having a problem with the approval system I am trying to do. Basicaly I am trying to come with up with a …

Member Avatar for fsn812
Member Avatar for yesterda

ok, i'm really new to php, and i was trying to edit some text, and after i changed it i musta screwed something up because now i get a parse error unexpected t_string line 23, here is the code... <?php // // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // |zen-cart Open Source E-commerce | // …

Member Avatar for PeterB
Member Avatar for vipula

Hello Experts !!! I have two databases to select from my web page. In this script i can search one database(if ($choice=="staff publication") it works. I dont know how to write the script if I select the other option if($choice=="books"). Please can any one help me. I want to display …

Member Avatar for vipula
Member Avatar for Sukuz

Hi!!, I don't know PHP , but I want a piece of code which I can use in my website to keep track of the no. of visitors (aka HIT COUNTER). Please mention how to apply it in my html pages .

Member Avatar for paradox814
Member Avatar for vipula

Hello Experts !!! I have two databases to select from my web page. In this script i can search one database(if ($choice=="staff publication") it works. I dont know how to write the script if I select the other option if($choice=="books"). Please can any one help me. I want to display …

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The End.