39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for DavidB

Hi, folks. I input an RSS news feed on to my site and I use a PHP routine to parse the input. I barely know PHP; basically, I learned just enough to get the feed working. I would now like to make a small edit to the code and am …

Member Avatar for sn4rf3r
Member Avatar for rinoa04

Hello... I have one curiosity that I need to solve. I hope anyone who know the problem tell me reason why is this so. I have done a php/mysql application some time ago and I encounter this problem while testing on using coding with register_global on and register_global off. I …

Member Avatar for rinoa04
Member Avatar for vexhawk

[B]First Issue: Problem[/B] So on a forum, i've condensed the date of a certain event to $date = $month . " " . $day . ", " . $year; So instead of storing the Month Day and Year in seperate rows on mysql, i store all three under 1. But …

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Member Avatar for paglaagra

Hi all, I m nu to the world of php and i m facing some problems in programming it's pages. I have made a complete page but it is showing on execution"Query could not run"????????????????now what's this? In 1 more page i ve written this commands.... <? $q= "select count(ProductID) …

Member Avatar for paglaagra
Member Avatar for dss

Hi, I am just using a upload script and need to specify that only audio files are uploaded no video or images or any other file. Only audio files must be loaded. Can any body provide me the solution for that. Thankyou SCRIPT using <? // you can change this …

Member Avatar for MCP
Member Avatar for AlPhA

What do you guys think are the real future uses for these two technologies, asp and php?

Member Avatar for Xia-Omega
Member Avatar for dmouse

I need to create bots that searches a clients PC for a security certificate and also for encrypted login details which are then decrypted and resent to the host server for validation. Somebody help me please!

Member Avatar for DMR
Member Avatar for uzla

heh, while surfing the Net yesterday I found brilliant site about making shell scripts with PHP. This might be intersting for those who have to do some system maintenace (like me), but do not bothered learning perl or bash.... so, have a look at [URL="http://www.php-cli.com/"]http://www.php-cli.com[/URL] :!:. There is everything there.

Member Avatar for welbyobeng

Can anyone help..... When I search on my site this is the error I get [QUOTE] [B]Warning[/B]: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in [B]/mounted-storage/home23a/sub003/sc21979-KVVZ/www/ghhookup/functions.php[/B] on line [B]28[/B][/QUOTE] This is a peice of the code from function.php [QUOTE]if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res)){ return mysql_fetch_object($sql_res); } else { return ''; } …

Member Avatar for sn4rf3r
Member Avatar for jan1024188

what sql is?what can we make with SQL?do i have to know PHP BEFORE LEARNING SQL ??????

Member Avatar for jan1024188
Member Avatar for jyan

Hi! I'm doing a small website with some mysql and php, and have difficulties with doing a login site. I have the form sending the username and password, and this site should check them. Here's the code: [php] <?php session_start(); if(!($connection = mysql_connect("host","user","pass"))) die("Can't connect to database."); if(!(mysql_select_db("db", $connection))) die("ERROR …

Member Avatar for sn4rf3r
Member Avatar for Danyal

Hello, My site has a error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/***/public_html/playground/maps.php on line 341 Line 341: $getopp="SELECT * from a_pokemon where Pokemon='$getuser3[Opponent]'"; $getopp2=mysql_query($getopp) or die("Could not get Pokemon from database."); $getopp3=mysql_fetch_array($getopp2); Thanks, Danyal.

Member Avatar for Astegiano
Member Avatar for Astegiano

Hello, I'm building a website like MySpace, the address is [URL="http://pantarei.awardspace.com/"]http://pantarei.awardspace.com[/URL] the website is wrote in Italian. It has members customizable profiles, internak message system, search user tools, a forum and a chat. I just builded the main forum page but I have a problem that I cannot solve. The …

Member Avatar for Astegiano
Member Avatar for Elle0000

I need to display the results of a short poll, and display the percentage of results for each option in each question. I don't know how to calculate the total number of results for each option or how to calculate and display the percentage of each vote. One of the …

Member Avatar for bazmanblue

hello has anyone installed and uploaded phpadmin through dreamweaver. can anyone explain to me how? im a bit stuck

Member Avatar for sn4rf3r
Member Avatar for mmarif4u

Hi every one, I have a little problem in php. problem is that i want to search mysql table by php coding. In php i want to use Drop down menu And a text field. I have mysql table name is guestbook, now i use two entries in dropdown menu …

Member Avatar for sn4rf3r
Member Avatar for Mikeish

I don't have much time to say this but I'm going to try and hurry... Here's a snippet of code: [quote] $subName = "someName"; include "contentHeader.php"; [/quote] Inside of contentHeader: [quote] echo $subName; [/quote] -------------------------- I know that this variable is correct because I had tried to use it on …

Member Avatar for Mikeish
Member Avatar for Barefootsanders

Hey everyone. I dont know if anyone here can help me but I run a site powered by the Joomla CMS. I wanted to design a component for my site and I was wondering if i could use C++ to design it instead of PHP and just use the 'system' …

Member Avatar for Barefootsanders
Member Avatar for cancer10

Hello, I want to convert a 1024 x 786 wallpaper into thumbnail in PHP Wots the code for it? Thanx in advance

Member Avatar for pcschrottie
Member Avatar for Validator

hi, i've been writing a liltle php script for 2 days now and i am stuck on a big problem which i can't find a solution for. i hope you guys can help me out, i have been searching all over the web for a solution and tried many things …

Member Avatar for Validator
Member Avatar for okparrothead

Hello all, I have a newbie question. I need an alternative to this: $variable = 'Sometext with some other text <?php include 'somescript.php'?> some more text'; where $variable will be echoed into a webpage as part of the page content. I can echo text into the page all day, but …

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Member Avatar for omesa

Hello guys Its afternoon this side of Africa. I have a school project where a user register and they earns points. When the points are 10, the first user is either deleted from the database and/or retained in the system, either way the second person gets their points... and the …

Member Avatar for omesa
Member Avatar for kysolein

Well im a noob so be gentle lol Ive got a basic multiple choice quiz, and im trying to make it so that when processed it will insert the result into a table in the database. Anyone got any ideas how i should go about this?

Member Avatar for Puckdropper
Member Avatar for lconvoy

Hey all. I have tried my hand at some simple programming in both ASP.NET and PHP. Now I am pitching a complex website to some investors where I will be outsourcing to professional developers. I must decide between PHP and ASP.NET platforms. In my experience, ASP.NET seems to offer a …

Member Avatar for ManicCW
Member Avatar for srimks

Hey. I wish to develop a website for team members which has features as listed below. I am impressed with [URL="http://www.evolt.org/PHP-Login-System-with-Admin-Features"][COLOR=#0000cc]http://www.evolt.org/PHP-Login-System-with-Admin-Features[/COLOR][/URL] resource source code which is freely available and I am thinking to use that as reference. I need small help and they are - 1) Password protected login for …

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Member Avatar for lconvoy

Hey all. I have tried my hand at some simple programming in both ASP.NET and PHP. Now I am pitching a complex website to some investors where I will be outsourcing to professional developers. I must decide between PHP and ASP.NET platforms. In my experience, ASP.NET seems to offer a …

Member Avatar for sn4rf3r
Member Avatar for vssp

hai Friends How to convert time stamp to actual date uding php ? Please help me __________________ Thanks Vssp

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Member Avatar for nugget93
Member Avatar for nugget93
Member Avatar for Mych

I have a form which for debugging I'm submitting as 'get' so that I can see the values of the inputs being passed. the url pass is AddMValidate.php?prodno=1682&isnew=on&special=on&title=Special&Mselect=SAM&FCKeditor1=dkja+sdfjasfd+adj+ashfkjdhaskj+fdh&submit=Submit In my AddValidate.php page I have the following [php] #Validate that Machine Type has been selected $Mselect = $_REQUEST["Mselect"]; if ($Mselect =="SAM") …

Member Avatar for MCP
Member Avatar for fernandodonster
Member Avatar for Puckdropper

The End.