39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for abhi10kumar

I integrated Login with FB and Twitter; but I'm getting error when I click Login in Facebook link check at http://delhicertificates.in/ Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/delhioia/public_html/index.php:7) in /home/delhioia/public_html/facebook/index.php on line 12 /home/delhioia/public_html/facebook/index.php ----------------------------------------------- <?php //Always place this code at the top …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for Szabi Zsoldos

Hi guys, Trying to implement a return module in magento but got a strange problem. I'm passing values from a while loop into another page with values. Everithing is working well but my first elements of a `produs` and `sku` are empty and I dont know why .... The line …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for cussel

> hey guys,.how to get all word in first index in array below and index 2 futhermore get last word,.. $arr = array( array( '3'=>'repsol kawasaki honda ktm', '4'=>'kawasaki honda ktm bmw', '5'=>'honda ktm bmw ducati', '6'=>'ktm bmw ducati yamaha') , array( '13'=>'sdad dasda sdadad dasdads', '14'=>'dasda dasdad sdasdas asdas', …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for scottfreevideos

I transferred my website from one server to another and copyied the website with the database and tried to put it all back together without luck. Now if you go to www.paramontelegal.com.au there is this error: Fatal error: Class 'CmsRegularTaskHandler' not found in C:\HostingSpaces\admin1\paramontelegal.com.au\wwwroot\include.php on line 272 if (! isset($CMS_INSTALL_PAGE)) …

Member Avatar for Squidge
Member Avatar for rouse

The non-profit that I am volunteering with would like me to write code that interrogates FaceBook and retrieve a list of all the individual who are their friends so they can send them an email of their next meeting. I would like to find out how to get the friend …

Member Avatar for kindo
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hallo all, I wonder how to create interactive catalog like this for pdf file: [Interactive Catalog](http://www.rustoleumibg.com/default.asp) Thanks.

Member Avatar for davy_yg
Member Avatar for ebanbury

Hi I have a very strange issue with a page layout. I have created numerous pages based on a template layout that I created in CSS through Dreamweaver. All the pages look as they should in Chrome/Safari etc. All the pages EXCEPT 1 looks fine in IE. Please take a …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for techyworld

Can someone tell me what does these lines of codes doing? $username=$secure->EscapeCharacters($_POST["username"]); $password=$secure->EscapeCharacters($_POST["password"]); $password=$secure->hashPassword($password);

Member Avatar for IIM
Member Avatar for masocha

l have installed application to page using https://www.facebook.com/add.php?api_key=valid_api_key&pages=1 but when l go to the page l cant see the page tab that supposed to hve been created.

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for unikorndesigns

Hello guys, i'll try to explain the problem i am facing here. I had searched for many file uploaders with drag and drop interface. I came across something at http://demos.9lessons.info/multiupload/index.php called the multiuploader. I saw the code and it was a bit of nightmare to me as am not so …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Yorkiebar14

Hello, I need help getting work as a website developer. I have thought about creating free website templates and creating a fan base through that then eventually offering a service where I will create the website from scratch for the customers but I can't find any websites where I can …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for eltonpiko

hi im working on a project to build a currency converter for a mobile application and it needs to feed off an rss feed to get exchange rate. the bank page im trying to feed off the exchange rate does not have rss feed but the just provide the rate …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for LastMitch

Hi I am learning **PDO**. I already got my **PDO-DB** ready. The query works because it does fetch data when I echo out the data but I don't know how to echo out the data from the database to the dropdown list. I try to echo out this way (it …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for johang_80

Hello friends I am new to php and would like some help. I would like to read the feed URL from a query string. So far I am managing to input the feed and displaying it in a browser but is there a way of executing the url? Like for …

Member Avatar for IIM
Member Avatar for ebc3142

I'm using this PDO query to fetch all the data I need from Value and dateid: $pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=contisec_portal', 'root', ''); $date = date("o-m-d"); $stmt = $pdo->query("SELECT stock_names.Value,stock_names.Fileid,date_header.dateid FROM stock_names,date_header WHERE SEDOL = '$stocksel' AND date_header.fileid = stock_names.FileID"); Does anybody know how I can sort the two columns into …

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Member Avatar for matanc244

I have a Simple CMS i made but i cant anderstand how to connect the content to the category i need another mysql table for cat? how can i add this in to the form? which functions will show the cat in the Add content page?

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for ukhostland

I have found myself well out of my depth, using a template to create a web site with both JS and PHP scripts. Perhaps someone here can help me? The single page website is accually finished and works well when viewed in a browser from local files. These have been …

Member Avatar for oop_php
Member Avatar for Don Ocso

Hellow and good day, i created a forum in php using one header and footer, now all my web pages have the same title as the home page. Please i need your help, i want to use the subject of a post as its header and the description as the …

Member Avatar for Don Ocso
Member Avatar for rkrishnan2012

Hey guys! I will be hosting an online hackathon next weekend. Please join (50 bucks reward if you win)... In this case, you are given a theme and you need to code something relevant to that theme. The coolest program will get the prize money. You are given 24hours to …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Dinesh_7

I am trying to get two resumes from a PHP form to my email ID. I am getting all information perfectly, but the attachments are coming blank. I could not find out the reason. Any help will be appreciated. Please find below, both HTML and PHP codes. Thanks in advance. …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for mogaka

<?php echo "<center><a href='report.php?date_range=$date_range&patient_id=$patient_id&proce_name=$proc_name> <img src='pdf.jpg' alt='Print Lab Resutl' width='32' height='32'>Print Report</a><center> </p></center>";?> I want to submit some the above parameters to the server side script for processing. However, I do dont receive the sent parameters on the server script. can somebody identify and rectify where the error is .I …

Member Avatar for IIM
Member Avatar for daniel.conlinjr.1

Addpages.php <?phpclass DivineAddPages { private function DBString($string) { return str_replace(array("''", "\\"), array("''", "\\\\"), $string); } public function Add($link, $title, $content, $comments = true) { $result = mysql_query("SELECT ID FROM wp_posts WHERE post_name = '{$this->DBString($link)}' LIMIT 1"); if ($result) { list($post_id) = mysql_fetch_row($result); } else { $post_id = 0; } $comment_status …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for AARTI SHRIVAS

interviewer ask me a quetion what is peer can any body tell me in terms of php what it means to peer?

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for zicomerc

Hi, I've just discovered mysql stored procedures and have been using PHP4 a few years now, but not as my day job. I can get a mysql stored procedure to execute and work in the PHP script, but I'm having problems executing multiple stored procedures. Each of them returns one …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Webville312

Hullo, I have been browsing through the internet on how best I can send an email from my website; and it seems like most were directing me to PHPMailer. I added the php mailer folder onto my server, and now am attempting to test whether am email can really be …

Member Avatar for Webville312
Member Avatar for rexmatthew

I've been getting problems with my formula to total the deposit and price. I'm getting and error on this line $total += $total + $deposit['deposit'] * $pamount['price_status']; Here's more but only an error with the total. $prod_refid=$_REQUEST['refid']; $productsql="select * from products where prod_refid='$prod_refid'"; $resquery = @mysql_query($productsql); $resproduct_fetch=mysql_fetch_array($resquery); $image_path="products/"; $thumb_path="products/thumb/"; $product_id=$resproduct_fetch['product_id']; $prod_refid=$resproduct_fetch['prod_refid']; $product_image=$resproduct_fetch['product_image']; $product_name=$resproduct_fetch['product_name']; $prod_country=$resproduct_fetch['prod_country']; $price_range=$resproduct_fetch['price_range']; $pamount …

Member Avatar for AARTI SHRIVAS
Member Avatar for AARTI SHRIVAS

the interviwever ask me one more question about soap in php can any budy tell me what is this i am really don't know about it?

Member Avatar for AARTI SHRIVAS
Member Avatar for danishbacker

How can i add expires header to images? i used the following in css file and php respectively [code] <?php -----------CSS------------------------------------------------------ ob_start ("ob_gzhandler"); header ("content-type: text/css; charset: UTF-8"); header ("cache-control: must-revalidate"); $offset = 48 * 60 * 60; $expire = "expires: " . gmdate ("D, d M Y H:i:s", time() …

Member Avatar for mlm2gether
Member Avatar for majaheni.magagula

Hi everyone I'm new in Joomla 2.5, can you help me on transfering my database from the localhost to the server. I have up loaded all my joomla files and folders to the public_html folder in the server. When I export my database file through phpMyAdmin I see three files …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for stacyjoseph

I am uploading a form with file and other inputs and all that is working fine. But the problem is that it is loading a new page i.e www.mywebsite.com/controller/function. My code :- <html> <head> <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7/jquery.js"></script> <script src="http://malsup.github.com/jquery.form.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { var options = { clearForm: true, resetForm: true …

Member Avatar for LastMitch

The End.