39,326 Topics
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| Hi I am learning **PDO**. I already got my **PDO-DB** ready. The query works because it does fetch data when I echo out the data but I don't know how to echo out the data from the database to the dropdown list. I try to echo out this way (it … |
Hello friends I am new to php and would like some help. I would like to read the feed URL from a query string. So far I am managing to input the feed and displaying it in a browser but is there a way of executing the url? Like for … | |
I'm using this PDO query to fetch all the data I need from Value and dateid: $pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=contisec_portal', 'root', ''); $date = date("o-m-d"); $stmt = $pdo->query("SELECT stock_names.Value,stock_names.Fileid,date_header.dateid FROM stock_names,date_header WHERE SEDOL = '$stocksel' AND date_header.fileid = stock_names.FileID"); Does anybody know how I can sort the two columns into … | |
I have a Simple CMS i made but i cant anderstand how to connect the content to the category i need another mysql table for cat? how can i add this in to the form? which functions will show the cat in the Add content page? | |
I have found myself well out of my depth, using a template to create a web site with both JS and PHP scripts. Perhaps someone here can help me? The single page website is accually finished and works well when viewed in a browser from local files. These have been … | |
Hellow and good day, i created a forum in php using one header and footer, now all my web pages have the same title as the home page. Please i need your help, i want to use the subject of a post as its header and the description as the … | |
Hey guys! I will be hosting an online hackathon next weekend. Please join (50 bucks reward if you win)... In this case, you are given a theme and you need to code something relevant to that theme. The coolest program will get the prize money. You are given 24hours to … | |
I am trying to get two resumes from a PHP form to my email ID. I am getting all information perfectly, but the attachments are coming blank. I could not find out the reason. Any help will be appreciated. Please find below, both HTML and PHP codes. Thanks in advance. … | |
<?php echo "<center><a href='report.php?date_range=$date_range&patient_id=$patient_id&proce_name=$proc_name> <img src='pdf.jpg' alt='Print Lab Resutl' width='32' height='32'>Print Report</a><center> </p></center>";?> I want to submit some the above parameters to the server side script for processing. However, I do dont receive the sent parameters on the server script. can somebody identify and rectify where the error is .I … | |
Addpages.php <?phpclass DivineAddPages { private function DBString($string) { return str_replace(array("''", "\\"), array("''", "\\\\"), $string); } public function Add($link, $title, $content, $comments = true) { $result = mysql_query("SELECT ID FROM wp_posts WHERE post_name = '{$this->DBString($link)}' LIMIT 1"); if ($result) { list($post_id) = mysql_fetch_row($result); } else { $post_id = 0; } $comment_status … | |
interviewer ask me a quetion what is peer can any body tell me in terms of php what it means to peer? | |
Hi, I've just discovered mysql stored procedures and have been using PHP4 a few years now, but not as my day job. I can get a mysql stored procedure to execute and work in the PHP script, but I'm having problems executing multiple stored procedures. Each of them returns one … | |
Hullo, I have been browsing through the internet on how best I can send an email from my website; and it seems like most were directing me to PHPMailer. I added the php mailer folder onto my server, and now am attempting to test whether am email can really be … | |
I've been getting problems with my formula to total the deposit and price. I'm getting and error on this line $total += $total + $deposit['deposit'] * $pamount['price_status']; Here's more but only an error with the total. $prod_refid=$_REQUEST['refid']; $productsql="select * from products where prod_refid='$prod_refid'"; $resquery = @mysql_query($productsql); $resproduct_fetch=mysql_fetch_array($resquery); $image_path="products/"; $thumb_path="products/thumb/"; $product_id=$resproduct_fetch['product_id']; $prod_refid=$resproduct_fetch['prod_refid']; $product_image=$resproduct_fetch['product_image']; $product_name=$resproduct_fetch['product_name']; $prod_country=$resproduct_fetch['prod_country']; $price_range=$resproduct_fetch['price_range']; $pamount … | |
the interviwever ask me one more question about soap in php can any budy tell me what is this i am really don't know about it? | |
How can i add expires header to images? i used the following in css file and php respectively [code] <?php -----------CSS------------------------------------------------------ ob_start ("ob_gzhandler"); header ("content-type: text/css; charset: UTF-8"); header ("cache-control: must-revalidate"); $offset = 48 * 60 * 60; $expire = "expires: " . gmdate ("D, d M Y H:i:s", time() … | |
Hi everyone I'm new in Joomla 2.5, can you help me on transfering my database from the localhost to the server. I have up loaded all my joomla files and folders to the public_html folder in the server. When I export my database file through phpMyAdmin I see three files … | |
I am redesigning a site in joomla, and moving it to new web host. The new site will be in Joomla 2.5, and the old site seems to be some version of Joomla 1.5 plus some home-made cms called netdocs. I am coming back to this after many years away. … | |
Hello everyone, i want to create social forum in php and mysql.. can anyone suggest how to do this?? | |
When I click a link a simple HTML web form linked to a php file, the browser is downloading the PHP file rather than executuing it in the browser. Any dieas? | |
<?php session_start(); $_SESSION['form'] = $_POST; ?> <?php if(isset($_POST['First'])) { echo htmlentities ($_POST['First']); }?> <?php */?> <tr valign="baseline"> <td nowrap="nowrap" align="right">Last Name:</td> <td><input type="text" name="Last_Name" id="Last_Name" autofocus value="<?php $_SESSION['form']['Last_Name'] ?>" placeholder="last name" size="32" /></td> </tr> <tr valign="baseline"> <td nowrap="nowrap" align="right">City:</td> <td><select name="LookupCity" id="LookupCity"> <option value="" <?php if (!(strcmp("", $_GET['City']))) {echo "selected=\"selected\"";} … | |
I have found myself well out of my depth, using a template to create a web site with both JS and PHP scripts. Perhaps someone here can help me? The single page website is accually finished and works well when viewed in a browser from local files. These have been … | |
Hi.. I am using MPDF Library to convert my php page into a pdf format. I've displayed already the needed data from my database but my problem is that not all data in the row are being displayed in the pdf. I am having a hard time to display all … | |
hello, I am stuck with the simple task. I want to run php script every 5 minutes (now trying to run every mionute for testing) I read that I have to run crontab -e and put commands. Somehow the file is having no commnds added, but as far as I … | |
I want to store these submitted values. Can it be possible without database? using just array. I don't want to store values for a session. Just for long time unless deleted. <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action=""> <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action=""> <p> <label for="num1">Some text</label> <input type="text" name="num1" id="num1" /> … | |
Just looking for third set of eyes on this. I am getting this error You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'to, from, payload, amount, route, majcom, event, type, admin) VALUES ('', … | |
i am working on a project.In which I am displaying the transaction list.and if admin click on any of the row then the row will disappear and a new row with form to update that row will open with cancel button.Here admin can update or cancel .if he can cancel … | |
Hello. I have two tables, the itinerary table and location table. The itinerary table consists of all the itinerary: * A - B * B - A * B - C * C - B * C - A * A - C The user will select from the itinerary … | |
I am looking for a universal system that can replicate/Synronize database schemas and changed data for mysql,sql server,Oracle or atleast mysql and postgresql. Our company has different branches each with its own local data but any changes in a local database is supposed to be replicated to the central database. … | |
Dear Friends, I've created a lit bit advanced web site(Online Library System). Before publishing it, now i wants to check its security level. I meant, can hackers attack my site? blah blah blah... Is there any tools to check ??? |
The End.