39,326 Topics
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Hello all i have one class about website this semester. and the teacher introduce us the XAMPP so i download and install it but not know how to use that. so is there anybody know how to use that and give me some brief about it? Thanks so much and … | |
I want to know that how convert image ( JPEG ) into binary conversion and then store it into mysql database and then how to display this image after fetching the record from mysql database... Thanks in advance... | |
Hello, I'm trying to use Dropkick Jquery select box plug in for my chained select box. However, the plug in only works for my first select box and the second select box did not show up. I have two php files, the form and the func.php. Any help would be … | |
Hi all im having slight trouble trying to escape this php array index in a javascript block <script> var herp = $('#item').val(); var derp = '<?php echo $array['+herp+']['0']['name'];?>'; </script> problem is the browser keeps making the whole line php, oposed to counting the var herp as javascript. any ideas how … | |
Ha Gyz, **I Need Database for my Products: id image of product Condition Product Info Price** And 1 Other thing i want search engine for my site to display data from database. Plz Plz Help Me . I Make the following but its not working: id int(10) No auto_increment Image … | |
Hi I am trying to make a bike shop for my project and i need to pull out a product details with image from sql databse. I have made a table with products and i have stored the images url but i have no idea how to pull it out … | |
Hello. I have resembling cms http://www.dunk.pro/ (PHP) How to increase speed, without loss of design? How do I know which classes in css can be removed? | |
i am printing the values using ajax. Can i store those value in database? | |
I have a function named **category_name()** which use in a while loop give me a different value everytime I echo it. I have another function named **query_item()** which is use in the same loop. I need to get result from first function in the second function. Can I use **call_user_func()** … | |
hi memmbers can anyone suggest me how to run mail() function of PHP on localhost??? I want to check my inquiry page?? | |
I am inside a while loop. Different categories are displayed with their name and id in a list. Then I need to query each category and get a item title from there. This query is not working although the function osc_category_id/name is changing accordingly. Or am I doing it wrong? … | |
I have a website with a login page I want this page to verify the username and pass to another site and then display some details from that site on my site, soo my site would be like a gateway if you like Here is an example This site connectusc.herokuapp.com … | |
Dear Friends, I have seen most of sites have a menu like this to show "Where are you now" with beautiful CSS. Now i wants to add the menu like this. But i don't know how should I search, coz i dont know the technical word. Home > Web Development … | |
Hi, how to add a checkout function to this code? In the picture you can see, I had call the member list and cart function together. I want it automatic execute INSERT INTO query when I click the checkout function. I already make a cart and member list and both … | |
Hi guys please help; so I have this Login in my webpage when I'm doing it on my pc(vista and wamp) there is no error I can Login/out, but when it is hosted on the server(ubuntu and xampp) I am getting this error :( Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session … | |
Dear experties, I have a problem to remove semicolon at last value, but not working. This script working if I change the ';' to comma ','.. What is the problem actually? Please help me.. > if(isset($sw11)) $symp39=$sw11.";"; else $symp39=NULL; if(isset($sap_rel)) $symp40=$sap_rel.""; else $symp40=NULL; if(isset($subject)) $symp41=$subject.";"; else $symp41=NULL; if(isset($module)) $symp42=$module.""; else … | |
$sXML = new SimpleXMLElement('<deletepicture />'); foreach($planspaceImages as $img) { $xImg = $sXML->addChild('img'); $xImg->addChild("id", $img["id"]); $xImg->addChild("album_id", $img["album_id"]); $xImg->addChild("personal_id", $img["personal_id"]); $xImg->addChild("name", $img["name"]); $xImg->addChild("description", $img["description"]); } //$this->picfilepath = sfConfig::get('app_deleteduser_rootdir'); $sXML->asXML("pic.xml"); i want to this xml data store in dynamic filepath$this->picfilepath = sfConfig::get('app_deleteduser_rootdir')."\\".$personId; the above code generated pic.xml in my project web directory,but i … | |
Hello, I have a problem that I'm pretty sure I already got done before but I got lost since I didn't note down my changes with my code. My problem is that I need my displayed calendar to move fluidly showing the next 4 months and the previous 4 months. … | |
I have created movie database. I have list of **Genres,** <ul> <li><a href="movielist.php?id=<?php echo"$id";?>"><?php echo"$genre";?></a></li> </ul> In **table movies**, movie have multiple geners. How to fetch same movie if multiple geners available (e.g. The Expendables 2 appear in **Action | Adventure | Thriller** these three geners). **How to display movie … | |
I integrated Login with FB and Twitter; but I'm getting error when I click Login in Facebook link check at http://delhicertificates.in/ Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/delhioia/public_html/index.php:7) in /home/delhioia/public_html/facebook/index.php on line 12 /home/delhioia/public_html/facebook/index.php ----------------------------------------------- <?php //Always place this code at the top … | |
Hi guys, Trying to implement a return module in magento but got a strange problem. I'm passing values from a while loop into another page with values. Everithing is working well but my first elements of a `produs` and `sku` are empty and I dont know why .... The line … | |
> hey guys,.how to get all word in first index in array below and index 2 futhermore get last word,.. $arr = array( array( '3'=>'repsol kawasaki honda ktm', '4'=>'kawasaki honda ktm bmw', '5'=>'honda ktm bmw ducati', '6'=>'ktm bmw ducati yamaha') , array( '13'=>'sdad dasda sdadad dasdads', '14'=>'dasda dasdad sdasdas asdas', … | |
I transferred my website from one server to another and copyied the website with the database and tried to put it all back together without luck. Now if you go to www.paramontelegal.com.au there is this error: Fatal error: Class 'CmsRegularTaskHandler' not found in C:\HostingSpaces\admin1\paramontelegal.com.au\wwwroot\include.php on line 272 if (! isset($CMS_INSTALL_PAGE)) … | |
The non-profit that I am volunteering with would like me to write code that interrogates FaceBook and retrieve a list of all the individual who are their friends so they can send them an email of their next meeting. I would like to find out how to get the friend … | |
Hallo all, I wonder how to create interactive catalog like this for pdf file: [Interactive Catalog](http://www.rustoleumibg.com/default.asp) Thanks. | |
Hi I have a very strange issue with a page layout. I have created numerous pages based on a template layout that I created in CSS through Dreamweaver. All the pages look as they should in Chrome/Safari etc. All the pages EXCEPT 1 looks fine in IE. Please take a … | |
Can someone tell me what does these lines of codes doing? $username=$secure->EscapeCharacters($_POST["username"]); $password=$secure->EscapeCharacters($_POST["password"]); $password=$secure->hashPassword($password); | |
l have installed application to page using https://www.facebook.com/add.php?api_key=valid_api_key&pages=1 but when l go to the page l cant see the page tab that supposed to hve been created. | |
Hello, I need help getting work as a website developer. I have thought about creating free website templates and creating a fan base through that then eventually offering a service where I will create the website from scratch for the customers but I can't find any websites where I can … | |
hi im working on a project to build a currency converter for a mobile application and it needs to feed off an rss feed to get exchange rate. the bank page im trying to feed off the exchange rate does not have rss feed but the just provide the rate … |
The End.