39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for Harshal M

I am currently working on a joomla project having large no. of articles(more than 2000).whenever i go to article section to view all articles its give memory size error.so is there any way by which we can remove this type of option from our joomlae site. Please Reply as soon …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for DaveyMoyes

Hi everyone, I am working on a wee small project using cURL. From the documentation, it states "The Server will HTTP POST a string in a parameter called (INCOMING)" to the given callback URL. I know the list of parameters in the string as this is given in the documentation, …

Member Avatar for lindam88
Member Avatar for ahmedhamdy

i had make php file into it function [getLink()] make connection with mysqli_connect and return link of connection to use it in another php file to get result from database with mysqli_query() connection.php ` <?php $userName="root"; $serverName="localhost"; $userPassword="*****"; $nameOfDataBase="ITI_System"; function getLink(){ $link=@mysqli_connect($serverName,$userName,$userPassword,$nameOfDataBase); if(!$link){ echo "connection Error".mysqli_connect_errno(); } return $link; } …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for timetraveller1992

I have a website and so does my college. Except my college doesn't know that my website uses their hosting i.e. same server. So both of us share common IP address like To access my college I can either use OR www.collegename.com And to access my server I …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for AARTI SHRIVAS

i have started learning joomla and now my team leader say me to covert html temlapte to joomla temlate any one have idea about that how can i achive this thanx in advance

Member Avatar for IIM
Member Avatar for pritaeas

Wasn't sure yet whether to post this publicly. I've adjusted the PHP code snippet for the OAuth. Curl allows you to trap a redirect and this snippet just shows how to do that for the token. The regex searches for the redirect url in the returned header, it can be …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Reliable

Hey, I solved one problem and can't get rid of another. I have used spry menus before with no problem. Now that I want to use the efficiency of an include statement for my navigation it won't style correctly. [Here](http://www.mtechenterprises.com/inec/) is the site I'm working on. The problem shows on …

Member Avatar for Reliable
Member Avatar for winbala5

how to pass the array value through php in google chart api from my database values.

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Member Avatar for tarun305

how can we count the number of products in nested level of sub categories and can show them with the parent category. Please help.

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for skliz

While researching on a php push engine like comet. I discovered the nginx Push Engine. But I dont know how to use it. Please is there anybody that as a simple demo or can give me directions on how to implement it in a real life project.

Member Avatar for skliz
Member Avatar for rpv_sen

Hi Friends i am working for association management project. my database is mssql i am having 2 tables as below **1. table name is community_username** ASCN_NAME COM_NAME URFNAM Email_id URAC Name1 Commname1 Name1 Email1 Yes Name1 Commname1 Name2 Email2 Yes Name1 Commname1 Name3 Email3 Yes Name2 Commname1 Name1 Email1 Yes …

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Member Avatar for lilwizz770

Pls is there a way I can automate the process of domain and subdomain creation when a user clicks on a link? And to also automatically install a web application on the subdomain created.

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for asaidi

HI how i can pass array to a second page if($report==1){ ?> <p><img id="myclass123" src='onetwolitre.php?startDate=<?php echo urlencode($startDate)?> &endDate=<?php echo urlencode($endDate)?>&auto=<?php echo urlencode($auto)?> &netw=<?php echo urlencode($netw)?>&ser=serialize($ser)?>'/></p> <?php } $ser is array and in the second page i have this: ...... $ser = unserialize( $ser); $db=mysql_pconnect("localhost:3306","root","root"); mysql_select_db("campion",$db); $endDate2=date( 'Y-m-d', strtotime( $endDate2 ) …

Member Avatar for asaidi
Member Avatar for srinidelite

*Hello I was designing a form to take some value in the given fileds and return the whole as a "DRAFT" once the user fills the form clicks copy to clipboard the whole draft has to be copied ,if he/she clicks clear button the all fields has to be cleared …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for vlasceanu.mihai

Hello everyone! I am writing my Bachelor's Thesis on Zend Framework and I am conducting a short survey among web developers. If you are kind to allow 2-4 minutes to complete the survey (14 questions) I will appreciate that! The survey is held on Google Forms and there is no …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for venu.gopal

Hi, I am very new to PHP, and i need small help. i need to fetch data on selection box onchange event and then apply pagination to the results. i have done etching data with ajax and when i tried applying pagination i am unable to load parent page of …

Member Avatar for pixelsoul
Member Avatar for asaidi

Hi i have this line of code that i want to test when a user choose ... $c=count($pulse); array_push($ser, $pulse); foreach($ser as $serv){ $serv1[] = $serv; } if($c>=4){ include('full.php'); $netw = empty($_POST['netw'])?null:$_POST['netw']; $client = empty($_POST['client'])?null:$_POST['client']; getRecords($date,$date2,$report,$client,$netw,$auto); } in this line all the check boxes supposed to be ticked and it …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Sterotech

Hey everyone. I have a problem. I'm working on a site which let users upload files to the server. It works like this, I have created a php file to handle the uploading and when the uploading is successful it redirects back to the page where the form is located. …

Member Avatar for pixelsoul
Member Avatar for PF2G

Hi, i'm creating a image gallery, using .htaccess. And this is my first time i work with .htaccess So i have this code, and it's allright but there's just one thing...the images don't appear. What i want is if: if $clean_url[2]=='all' //ALL IMAGES if $clean_url[2]!='all' //IMAGES w/ title='$clear_url[2]' I have …

Member Avatar for Squidge
Member Avatar for Reliable

Hello Everyone, I don't understand why my code won't work. Everything LOOKS fine, but I don't get the email I'm supposed to get and the screen does not refresh with the thank you message the user should see once the submit button has been pressed. Below is my code (the …

Member Avatar for Reliable
Member Avatar for samsnov

Please what are the default numbers of php pages need to be created for database relation in managing a dynamic website? Eg: admin.php, delete.php etc

Member Avatar for homeboy
Member Avatar for itsmecisz

Hi There, Ive been searching everywhere in google but i got nothing. What i need is to be able display user datail after he login on a certain textbox Login.php page code: <?php session_start(); ob_start(); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> </head> <body> <?php …

Member Avatar for Caeon
Member Avatar for togoenvogue

Hello all, I am dealing with an SMS agregator company which has their server IP access restricted by default. But as I have created an account with them, they have added my VPS IP address ( to their authorized IP address pool. This means that if I want to send …

Member Avatar for togoenvogue
Member Avatar for Atlanta15Braves

I have a guest entry form that takes a persons name and email. this writes the contents to a txt file. I then want to take the text file and format it so that it is an array. I use an explode function, but my code is coming up empty. …

Member Avatar for pixelsoul
Member Avatar for pol.bala

I have a contact form. I need to deliver it to *bala_palash@yahoo.com* when anyone clicked on send. Please anyone help me... My form is <form name="contact_form" method="post" action=""> <table width="400" border="0"> <tr> <td><label>Your Name (Required)<br> <input class="name" name="name" type="text" id="name" value="" size="50"> </label></td> </tr> <tr> <td><label>Your Email (Required)<br> <input class="email" …

Member Avatar for Webville312
Member Avatar for ychan20

How can i create or link my database of payment in the paypal? i got some issues in here. thanks i attached some screen shot of my problems i cant get the variables from my database pointed to the paypal payment reciept. thanks for the help ![pay1](/attachments/large/4/pay1.PNG "pay1") ![pay2](/attachments/large/4/pay2.PNG "pay2")

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Member Avatar for thrillride01

Hi, I know html and a little javascript, mostly self taught. I was wondering what I would need to know ahead of time to start learning PHP. Is PHP dependant on knowing more javascript or databasing? Also, I was wondering if anyone can point me in the direction of a …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Fiorentino01^

Hi guys I need some explanation from you experts on php.I succeeded in installing MySql vers.5.5, workbench, myPhpAdmin and Wamp Server.I gave up installing Apache, too complicated, I use IIS7 anyway and works fine.All these tools work fine, I can create databases, tables, update them etc.and I am doing all …

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Member Avatar for atikah8890

Hi all. I have two tables (question and answer) with q_id as the link. I would like to output the data that each table holds alternately like this: [Question 1] [Question 1 Choice of Answers] [Question 2] [Question 2 Choice of Answers] ...and so on. I've managed to filter the …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for jLamp

Dear Friends, Tommorow we have a annual Big Match in Our School. So, I hope to update scores ball by ball to our school web site. Is there any script to do this easily.? Thanks in advance

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The End.