Hi to all
i just cant get the grasp of what im trying to do basically i'm making a script that will higlight a certain data(Date /time) in my table if data < 3 min of current time..


$data="March 12, 2013, 16:18";
$current_time="March 12, 2013, 16:20"

if($data< 3min of $current_time)
echo"highlight me im fresh";
else if($data > 5min of $current_time)

something like that but i cant find a way to implement

You can use strtotime() to convert string date-time in timesamp, then compare.
Something like this:

$data = "March 12, 2013, 16:18";
$current_time = "March 12, 2013, 16:22";
if(strtotime($data) < (strtotime($current_time) - 180)) {
  echo"highlight me im fresh";
else {

@MarPlo thanks men..it works for me just need to modify it to fit my needs...

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