So I am trying to write to an xml file.
When I do it, NO SYNTAX comes up! BUT, When I go to the xml file it's supposed to write to it looks untouched and none of the data is there.
here is my PHP code:
$xmldoc = new DomDocument( '1.0' );
$xmldoc->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$xmldoc->formatOutput = true;
$productNum = $_GET["lastm"];
$name = $_GET["docname"];
$category = $_GET["type"];
$content = $_GET["url"];
$user = $_COOKIE["username"];
if( $xml = file_get_contents("" . $user . "/docs.xml") ) {
$xmldoc->loadXML( $xml, LIBXML_NOBLANKS );
// find the headercontent tag
$root = $xmldoc->getElementsByTagName('documents')->item(0);
// create the <product> tag
$product = $xmldoc->createElement('document');
$numAttribute = $xmldoc->createAttribute("lastm");
$numAttribute->value = $productNum;
echo "Saving...";
// add the product tag before the first element in the <headercontent> tag
$root->insertBefore( $product, $root->firstChild );
// create other elements and add it to the <product> tag.
$nameElement = $xmldoc->createElement('name');
$nameText = $xmldoc->createTextNode($name);
$categoryElement = $xmldoc->createElement('type');
$categoryText = $xmldoc->createTextNode($category);
$urlElement = $xmldoc->createElement('url');
$urlText = $xmldoc->createTextNode($content);
$xmldoc->save("" . $user . "/docs.xml");
echo "All Changes Saved in Office.";
Why won't it write to the xml file?