39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for anu013

I need to send newsletters say to 20,000 email IDs, but in batches and I am very new to this mail sending process so I got stuck at the beginning only. I have my mail server is a shared server, so I have the limit say 100 emails per hour, …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for OsaMasw

Hello there, I need help to create simple rank system 1st thing I need is how to number the players in my database from 1 to ...... so if I create multipage in each page there is the actual rank for them 2nd : I need to create change indecator …

Member Avatar for OsaMasw
Member Avatar for karlcunanan

Hello PHP geniuses! I am a beginner in php and would like to seek your expert advices and knowledge. When I display the result to a table, it always loop at the bottom, I want to display the another table at the right side of the first table. When I …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for wastedkill

How to do a if logged in show logout link/profile link and if not show the login link, in php code I have tried but failed I have gotten the username to post but that is about it I am also still learning php. I have spent the last 4 …

Member Avatar for wastedkill
Member Avatar for Farhad.idrees

HI friends... i m making website which has menu bar and several pages... i want to fix menu bar on all pages because menu bar is same for all the pages.. how to do it any suggetion? Regards..

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for arcticM

on the screen there's a button, when user clicks it, a function is called. this function is creating a pdf file, in the end of the function a pdf file is created and saved in tmp folder. I want to add some code at the end of that function that …

Member Avatar for adam.adamski.96155
Member Avatar for dannybarh

this my script.When i do this,it works fine ` $query = "select * FROM aboutusx order by title desc"; ` but when i do this `$query = "select * FROM aboutusx WHERE myaccountid='$myid' order by title desc";` then i get this `Notice: Undefined variable: start in D:\xampp\htdocs\kwa\admin\userindex\inc\ps_pagination.php on line 176` …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for rajilakshmi

I am creating a web application using php. I want to create a sitemap for my application. I dont know how to create that xml file and how to include in php. And also I want to know that, is it possible to check that in my localhost before upload …

Member Avatar for rajilakshmi
Member Avatar for gws75

Hello, I have a form with two fields as Subject(textbox) & Message(textarea), & using tinyMCE editor for Message field (textarea). On clickof Submit mail is sent to some users with the entered subject & message in the form fields. It is working well if I use to send a link …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Eggstraordinary

How do i put div tag in my example echo here? if ($_SESSION['username']) { echo "you are logged in as: ".$_SESSION['username']; } I want to put style(css)on that $_SESSION(username) whoever logins. For example, you are logged in as: Sam I want to style the name Sam.

Member Avatar for Eggstraordinary
Member Avatar for AndreRet

I need to add an image (saved path in mysql - image from file on server returned from $image_id) to my page according to 4 rows returned. There will always be 4 rows returned from db. My problem is that it shows the same image (main with 3 thumbnails) in …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for DrChocolate

Dear Everyone, I have a functional instant search (in draft at [Click Here](http://www.woofwoofwoof.org/is08/search.htm)). I want the search to function very similarly to Google. This will help sighted people figure it out, and bring me much more in compliance with accessibility standards. Unfortunately, I'm missing two "Google-oid" features: . 1) **How …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for ratanji

hi daniens i want to send the attachments through authenticated mail in php. so can anyone help me ?? thanks in advance :)

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for pranay1995

hi all; i have a reg.php where the user can register if user registration is success then he/or she is redirected to the login in 3 secs with a message saying **"you have successfully registered you will be redirected to the login page shortly"** but if the registration fails i …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for javedsai

Hi everyone, When I'm typing url for e.g. www.mydomain.com then, it is not redirecting to www.mydomain.com/index.php. It is displaying error message on browser as **Server Error. 403 - Forbidden: Access is denied. You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied.** If …

Member Avatar for pranay1995
Member Avatar for Anonymous123

I have created a website with two webpages. One webpage has an html form that allows a potential employee to submit their name, phone number, preferred job, college major, and preferred hours (part time or full time). The information is appended and saved into a text file called applications.txt. The …

Member Avatar for leviathan185
Member Avatar for jacob21

I want a Jquery Popup Form which will appear on Page Load but only one time (for newsletter purpose). After filling form.. I want to store values into a table.

Member Avatar for dean8710
Member Avatar for havish999

I have a table attendance which contains id(int), attendance(char), and date(date datatype) columns. Values get stored in this table through a php file. In the below code I have given two textbox for the user to select date range. eg. from 2012-10-15 to 2012-10-17.. when the user selects date range …

Member Avatar for havish999
Member Avatar for bLuEmEzzy

Please help, so I have this combobox in html/php, So I want to load the records from mysql to a combobox, I had done that, so when the user selects a record in combobox, how can i get the selected value in the combobox?? Please guide me. I'm new in …

Member Avatar for bLuEmEzzy
Member Avatar for Gobble45

Hi all, I am setting up a registration form for a website im building. When the user enters his/her information i would like to validate that the Username/Email aren't already in use. At this point in time ive got my mind set on a function that runs 2 seconds after …

Member Avatar for Gobble45
Member Avatar for Mikesmusings

Hi! I have a contact form that won't...do anything!! I'm kinda new at this, although I've been succseful on MS SQL for YEARS...Can some one shed light on this? Thanx in advance!: The HTML: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> …

Member Avatar for Mikesmusings
Member Avatar for bettybarnes

I got an error while running my code, it says call to a member function getBallparkDetailsStartDate() on a non-object. if($projectStatusId == ProjectStatusKeys::BALLPARK_ACTIVE) { $ballpark = $this->ballparkDetailsHandler->getBallparkDetailsByProjectId($projectId); $projectDetails["startdate"] = $ballpark->getBallparkDetailsStartDate(); $projectDetails["enddate"] = $ballpark->getBallparkDetailsEndDate(); $projectDetails["projectid"] = $projectId; $projectDetails["name"] = $ballpark->getBallparkDetailsBookingRef(); $projectDetails["status"] = ProjectStatusKeys::BALLPARK_ACTIVE; } I got the error in this line: $projectDetails["startdate"] …

Member Avatar for bettybarnes
Member Avatar for amar007sv

Hi, I want to compile a C/C++ file from php script and generate an error file in ***Windows 7***. I am using MinGW32 as C compiler whose path is included in Environment variables (PATH='C:\MinGW32\bin') and WAMP 2.2. Tried using the below php scripts, error file is generated but it is …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for izam.lukman

i got this problem when cron job work ***Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE in /home/u574693502/public_html/bot.php on line 4*** and this is my full script <?php $bot['like'] = true // false untuk non aktifkan autolike $bot['ck_k'] = true // false untuk non aktifkan fungsi jika status mengandung kata maka di …

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Member Avatar for javedsai

Hi Everyone, When I feed details in Enquiry Form and click on submit then, my email is not going. It displays error message as "Warning: mail() [function.mail]: SMTP server response: 530 SMTP authentication is required. in E:\HostingSpaces\flashprop\flash-properties.com\wwwroot\sell.php on line 39". Kindly, help. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for ayesha789

Operating System: Windows 2003 Server Using XAMPP Now , I have to develop a Scheduler for these reports, For Example I have 3 Reports. These reports are PHP Files Report1.php Report2.php Report3.php I want to send them(Execute them) automatically as follows Report1.php on Monday 9AM Report2.php on Friday 9AM And …

Member Avatar for sahiljariwala
Member Avatar for scaiferw

My users arrive on the page, optionally with a query string. The query string data - if present - goes into a textarea element in a form, where it may be edited, then POSTed back to the page with the submit button. Now I have a bit of a mess …

Member Avatar for scaiferw
Member Avatar for praveen reddy

i need to call a php program from another php program in middle and need to execute that php program like calling PHPA from PHPB program. after PHPA program execution completed and then PHPB program should resume its execution and need to complete its running

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Vijaysurya

i create user submit form. before submit click preview button.show for preview. anybody.plz hlp me. this is my form <form action ="<?php echo url_for('@meetnewpeople_edit') ?>" id="meetnewpeople" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" > <span id="privacy_popup" class="button-white">Privacy</span> <div id="privacy_create" style="display:none;"> <input type="checkbox" id="privacy-only-plan-people" value="planpeople" name="privacy[]"> Only people in this plan can see <br> <div id="privacy-people"> …

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Member Avatar for Mainul20
Member Avatar for pranay1995

The End.