39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for KaleBeatroot

hello everyone [{ "uid": "BR-M12068", "registeredDate": "Thursday May 11th 2017 03:56:37 PM", "file_path": "BR-M12068.pdf", "file_thumbnail_path": "BR-M12068thumb.png", "test_type": "Free", "title": "Medical Bills", "createdAt": "Thursday June 29th 2017 05:02:19", "chkTime": "Thursday June 29th 2017 05:01:53 PM", "chkoutTime": "Thursday June 29th 2017 05:02:29 PM" }, { "uid": "BR-M12068", /// first data "registeredDate": "Thursday …

Member Avatar for KaleBeatroot
Member Avatar for gentlemedia

I need to configure a server for the CS-Cart Multi-vendor software (http://docs.cs-cart.com/4.6.x/install/system_requirements.html) and if I check things with `phpinfo()`there's no php.ini file. It shows the path where it should be in, but there's no file. `Configuration File (php.ini) Path /etc/php70` `Loaded Configuration File (none)` I don't see this directory either …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hello, I am having a problem with .htaccess file here. I am having a program written with laravel and whatever /... I write change into localhost/dashboard. Someone mention I need to change the .htaccess file but I do not know how to. If anyone here can help me please do …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for david_105

the menu works fine but the sub menu disappears when i select a menu, what am doing wrong thanks $query = "SELECT a.id, a.team1, a.team2, b.auction, b.bidder, b.tagged, b.willwin FROM " . $DBPrefix . "auctions a LEFT JOIN " . $DBPrefix . "bids b ON (b.auction = a.id) WHERE a.id …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Mhecha

**Am was already created form like this and working perfect but on last two forms not working, it displays warning-Undefined variable: reg_no and cost. Am trying to follow algorithm as previous forms but nothing happen. My goal is to update inserted data and here is my form** <?php @session_start(); if(!isset($_SESSION['b_lname'])){ …

Member Avatar for Mhecha
Member Avatar for david_105

hi am having a dependant drop menu issue . The menu part works fine but the submenu display data from all the table below are the codes plz what am i doing wrong //MENU TEAM $query = "SELECT u.id, u.nick, s.team_id, s.teams AS teams1, ss.team_id, ss.teams AS teams2, a.id, a.team1, …

Member Avatar for rubina_3
Member Avatar for rubina_3
Member Avatar for destiny_3

Hello Everyone. Please how can i make a Like button in PHP.. i want the button to be clicked. the button see the far i 've gone with the attachements... like feature starts from... line 84 - 107

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Maheshwaran
Member Avatar for destiny_3

Hello pls i am making a comment feature for my log. I want the comments to be submited from a form in the "READ_MORE.PHP" , and i want the form to be processed in a "COMMENT.PHP" page were the form values are insertrd in the Comment table... (which has 5 …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for KaleBeatroot

Hello all, I am stuck at some logic and can't able to find stuffs for my research.I have a web based data Entry app in php.Now there will be atleast 2 operators for data entry.now when they login they will redirected to same page.I fetch one file at a time.Here …

Member Avatar for KaleBeatroot
Member Avatar for cguan_77

Hello guys, just need your insight. Just a noobie in PHP, I have this scenario after a user logged in and is authenticated. It will be redirected to another URL. If the user booked mark the URL and next time just go directly to the URL. What's the best way …

Member Avatar for cguan_77
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hello, Can anyone program and add voice recognization to input box ? How to do that with laravel? Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for Junie30

Hello, I'm trying to edit data from a selected table row by using contextmenu. But when I try to select a row for edting instead the **LAST DATA in a row** will fetch. Table: <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="table-responsive"> <table id="ppmpsupplies" class="table table-bordered table-hover" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <thead> …

Member Avatar for KaleBeatroot

Hello every One i have been trying this for a day but can't able to find out what i am doing wrong? Here Class proxy function which gives me access token and refresh token after user enter it's username and password by ajax request i send request to controller where …

Member Avatar for KaleBeatroot
Member Avatar for UI

Php Buddies, Why do you reckon the following script is unable to replace the 'https://' or the 'http://' words with 'http://mymydomain.com' ? It is able to replace the words 'www.' with 'http://mymydomain.com', though. Open 2 tabs in your browser where one opens to the page where you are running the …

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Member Avatar for Peter_56

Hi I have the following form at [http://test.genealogyresearchassistance.co.uk/newLinks.php](http://test.genealogyresearchassistance.co.uk/newLinks.php) The code is <form id="add" action="add.php" method="get"> <label for="name" id="name">Name of site</label> <input type="text" name="name" required="yes"><br/> <label for="link" id="link">Link of site</label> <input type="url" name="link" required="yes"><br/> <label for="desc" id="desc">A bit about the site</label> <textarea name="desc" required="yes"></textarea><br/> <label for="location"> Location:</label> <?php include 'database_conn.php'; $sql …

Member Avatar for AndrisP
Member Avatar for phorce

I'm having the following difficultly: I have a table `rates` which contains the follow: -> id -> rate_from -> rate_to -> price A `user` can have many rates, and for an example: between 0 - 10 hours the `user` charges `10.00` an hour between 10 - 100 hours the `user` …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for peace_coder

I tried to turn on "allow_url_fopen" through MultiPHP INI Editor in cPanel. [You can see image here](https://ibb.co/dS9WHk) But when I check through test.php it shows there that allow_url_fopen is still disabled: [Image](https://ibb.co/irriV5) Can you tell me where the problem is? Even after enabling through MultiPHP INI Editor it is disable …

Member Avatar for peace_coder
Member Avatar for Raghu_2

Good Morning.. I Stored an pdf file to varbinary field in Sql Server successfully and retrieved is as it is but my problem is during retrieve i have to put some watermark on it , for that i tried fpdf methods but it didnt parse it so please help me …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for UI

Hi, This is a basic cURL web proxy script. Why is it showing weird array pattern looking errors ? <?php function CURLGetURL($url){ // use CURL to make request $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); // the url to retrieve curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1); // return the header along with body curl_setopt($ch, …

Member Avatar for UI
Member Avatar for UI

Folks, Why do I keep on getting this error when everytime I input a url in the url field in the following web proxy script: **"The specified URL could not be returned due to a status code of 400."** It says unless the Status Code is 200 then to show …

Member Avatar for UI
Member Avatar for UI

Folks, I'm listing here all the Viral Traffic php scripts I am coming across so you guys can check them out for any purpose. I am hunting them for code learning purpose. You might learn a few tricks of the trade yourselves if you peep on the source codes. **I'd …

Member Avatar for UI
Member Avatar for UI

Howdy Pros! If I was going to just track which urls from my own domain get clicked then I know how to do it. On everyone of my links, I'll just add my tracking url, like so: http://mydomain.com/?tracker.php But like I said, I want to track what my users do …

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Member Avatar for Bacchus_1

I am rather new to Normalization. I understand the concept of how it organizes the tables but I fail to see how I can use the data to show up correctly in my query using pdo. I have 3 tables: employees: id | name 1 user1 2 user2 2 user3 …

Member Avatar for Web-Designer
Member Avatar for seularts

Hi, I'm back ^_^ Ok, I almost have this cute thing working. I know I am close but I have no idea how to get this working the right way. I am Left Joining a few tables and I want to filter the results after multiple values. ...... Ex: Options …

Member Avatar for Web-Designer
Member Avatar for Sharanya_1
Member Avatar for chrisschristou

hello everyone gld this community exist ! i'm facing new problem with apache2 on ubuntu i'm using lamp from yesterday and everything works fine knowing that i'm originaly from windows ! so when i type `gksu service apache2 start` in terminal and then put my password, when i refresh localhost …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Stefce

Hi everyone. I want to make when i press a button to showup a dialog but page to not refresh or if refreshes to showup after that. i have this code but the dialog is going away after clicking the button <form action="" method="post"> <div class="col-xs-4 col-md-4"> <a href="<?= $Link …

Member Avatar for Stefce
Member Avatar for shivya_1

Hello to all, I am facing an issue in registering values into database through php. Many times i have done the same but i don't know why i am unable to do this now. Since from 2-3 months, I have not done anything in php.Please help me out.. <?php include("config.php"); …

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The End.