39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for foysal2012

Dear, I want to select 3 option for search,there are only 2 term [CODE]$term = $_POST['searchterm']; $term = $_POST['searchterm']; $term = $_POST['searchterm']; $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM entry WHERE wre LIKE '%".$_POST['searchterm']."%' && searchterm LIKE '%".$_POST['searchterm']."%' && searchterm LIKE '%".$_POST['searchterm']."%'"); [/CODE] Please help me [QUOTE=Ragnarok;35163]The SQL would look something like …

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Member Avatar for NinjaMediaD

I know that in a dev cycle the warnings are there to help you figure out what is wrong with your code, What I am wondering is what types of warnings should you just disregard? Are there any? are there warnings that are caused due to degradation of a command …

Member Avatar for NinjaMediaD
Member Avatar for sujan.dasmahapa

I am having one button1, when click on it another button2 comes. when click on button2 i am showing an image on the right side. But the button2 is disappearing. I want all the buttons to be present in the page. Please help whats going wrong in this. [code] <form …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for sidra 100

m geting an unexpected error in my code plz tel me where am i wrng my code because i have wriiten mysql_num_rows many time [CODE]<?php session_start(); print_r($_POST); $con=mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); mysql_select_db("pras2",$con); $slip_no=$_POST['slip_id']; $query="SELECT * FROM `slip` WHERE slip_id='$slip_no'"; $result=mysql_query($query); if ($result) { $query1= "UPDATE `slip` SET status='accepted' WHERE slip_id='$slip_no'"; $result1= mysql_query($query1); if($result1) …

Member Avatar for cossay
Member Avatar for Golffor1

Hello I have the following code [code] $emailPlayers = mysql_query("SELECT players.player_email, players.Player_First_Name, players_paid.`paid_thru` FROM players_paid INNER JOIN players ON players_paid.Player_number = players.Player_number where players.Player_number like '$aDoor'", $link) or die (mysql_query()); //grab the e-mail addresses while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($emailPlayers)) { echo $row['Player_First_Name']; echo "<br>"; echo $row['players_paid.paid_thru']; echo "<br>"; echo $row['player_email']; echo …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

Hi friends , I made a site in php including login system ... It is a movie discussion portal including movie details and all.. My question is can we integrate facebook login to my site ? So that peoples can comment on this site through their facebook .. For Weg …

Member Avatar for carie_wilson
Member Avatar for webblar

Hi all, Andy here and a newbie to this *great* site and first post so here it goes... Pretty new to PHP, been coding for about half a year now and loving it. To help get a better skill set and knowledge of the language I've decided to build a …

Member Avatar for webblar
Member Avatar for cjohnweb

So I am trying something new in a script and I can't seam to find more information on it. I've seen it and I've used it, but what do you call it? How would you search for it? [code=php] <?php $var = <<<UPPERCASELETTERS "Some Content in which I don't have …

Member Avatar for cjohnweb
Member Avatar for Clanstrom

Ok, Assume i am creating a site for people who own business companies and when they submit their names, phones, and other details, i want a php code to generate a URL of their Company Name only. Now, here is the trick, i don't want just any URL, i want …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Danny159

Hey guys, I am in the process of making a website that will take file uploads for different things... 1. Add Photos to a project 2. Add Profile photos 3. Add Gallery photos But I was to use the same uploader for each section of the site but im not …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for mikeshadow

So i've come over a problem, i need to use something similar like this [CODE] set @num = 0; select * from ( select * , @num := @num + 1 as row_number from my_users as info order by Score desc ) as ii [/CODE] any ideas how i can …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Clanstrom

Ok, i am so new to PHP and today, i wanted to create a very simple php code that submits username and country name into myqsl. So, I created databse and tables in phpMyAddmin, and i created two php files ( c below ) i.e. form.php & insert.php [B]This is …

Member Avatar for Clanstrom
Member Avatar for patrick1981

I have a blog with a domain that I moved to a new host and now it doesn't have SSL certificate installed on it. There are certain links to that domain that where bookmarked using https and now that SSL is not installed on the new server users who access …

Member Avatar for patrick1981
Member Avatar for strongpot

I work for a company that does online coupons. We'd like to restrict the printing of coupons to only those people who have not printed them before. I'm doing this by inserting couponid numbers and ip addresses to a Print Tracking table. My plan is upon using the print button, …

Member Avatar for strongpot
Member Avatar for vienem

Hi there, I am relatively new to PHP and MySQL coding and I am currently using the Joomla CMS. What I am trying to do is get a game name based on a custom field value from my DB like so; [CODE] // fetch the value of field called Game …

Member Avatar for vienem
Member Avatar for geekman89

Hello everyone, here is what I'm trying to do: I want to create a multidimensional array of this form: [CODE]Array([0] => a, [1] => Array([0] => Array([0] => d, [1] => e)), [1] => c, [2] => d))[/CODE] Where for every element in the array, another element or array is …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for sujan.dasmahapa

i am creating a button on the page and pressing button loads an image. when the image loaded button is moving down and the image occupies the top-left portion. How can i position the image on the right hand side, so that my buttons dont move and the images comes …

Member Avatar for sujan.dasmahapa
Member Avatar for Awilson089

Not sure if this should be in the MySQL section but here goes, I basically need some sort of code which can read events from a database, display them on a webpage, and the ability to edit and add new events. Please do not suggest any sort of calendar as …

Member Avatar for Awilson089
Member Avatar for filipgothic

How can I show data from table which have for example certain place, I need to make like dropdown menu with places and when I choice one I need statistic from that one, I have already made base here is page [url]www.anketa.comli.com[/url] At the end of page is dropdown that …

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Member Avatar for demon8

Hey all. Ok this is so basic but confused. I'm updating the student name in this instance. I'm able to extract the name out of the database, but I cannot update. Any hints as to where i'm going wrong? [CODE] <?php $dbhost = 'localhost'; $dbuser = 'nbsstud1_test1'; $dbpass = 'demon8'; …

Member Avatar for demon8
Member Avatar for fire eaters

<select name="criteria" class="report_listbox"> <option value="">Status</option> <option value="PASS">PASS</option> <option value="FAIL">FAIL</option> <option value="ALL">ALL</option> </select> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $date = $_POST['date']; $criteria = $_POST['criteria']; $sql=" SELECT frsemployees.`name`, bft.`date`,bft.`dpush`,bft.`push`, bft.`dsit`,bft.`sit`,bft.`drun`,bft.`run`,bft.`status` FROM `bft` INNER JOIN frsemployees ON frsemployees .empid = bft.empid WHERE bft.`date`= '".$date."' AND bft.`status` = '".$criteria."' "; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the bft database table `status` row containes …

Member Avatar for karthik_ppts
Member Avatar for arunsolo1984

I need to upload of maximum 5 GB file size in php. I have given max_execution_time = 3600, LimitRequestBody = 0, max_input_time = -1, memory_limit = -1, post_max_size = 10000M, file_uploads = On, upload_max_filesize = 10000M. Many people said that have to use FTP. According to my project, it should …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for akashbarot51

i am doing connectivity of one form of my project website. and i am facing following kind of error. please can you help me. i have tried to solve. but not getting idea exactly. the error is Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';' in C:\wamp\www\PROJECT\feed_data.php on line 15 <?PHP $con=mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for clerisy
Member Avatar for vizz

How to extract only first two paragraph form mysql? [CODE] while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $about=$row["about"]; } $start = strrpos($about, '<p>'); $end = strrpos($about, '</p>', $start); $paragraph = substr($about,$start,$end-$start ); [/CODE] This code gives first only one paragraph. How to get first two paragraphs? Please help

Member Avatar for vizz
Member Avatar for Olifant

i want to do a project on online vihecle tracking so i need to know the requirements and the code

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for swilliamrobert

Hi, This is code. $toname = 'XXXXXXXX'; $to = 'test@mail.com'; $fromname = 'YYYYYYY'; $from = 'test123@mail.com'; $subject = 'This is test email '; $body = 'Hai this is test email MIME......Help me out.....'; $text_body ='<html> <head> </head> <body> <table align="center" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"> <tr align="right"> <td bgcolor="#336699"> <b><font color="#FFFFFF" face="Verdana, Arial, …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for arjani10

Hello! I ma trying deferent times but nothing happened in my website the frontpage dont change ...I have 3 colums i need 2 colums ,when i set nothing happend.Can i have an help please?my website is [url]http://shqiplive.info[/url] i set like image here[CODE]http://desmond.imageshack.us/Himg201/scaled.php?server=201&filename=tablehj.jpg&res=medium[/CODE]

Member Avatar for Ritesh_4
Member Avatar for anthonyjpv

Im building a very small website which has an admin and public area what i want to know is your prefence when it comes to reporting or logging ie. when admin or user insert, update, delete, from and to the database changes will be written to either a database or …

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Member Avatar for cartergarth

How do I set default value of function parameter as today's date? I tried: [CODE]function funcName($today=date('Y-m-d')) {do something}[/CODE] Throws me this error: [CODE]Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '(', expecting ')'[/CODE] Thanks.

Member Avatar for pritaeas

The End.