39,326 Topics
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hi everyone, keep getting this error although it shows the result perfectly..i cant do a $cart= ''; as it will show the incorrect result Notice: Undefined variable: cart in D:\xampp\htdocs\book\includes\functions.inc.php on line 8 [CODE] <?php function writeShoppingCart() { if(isset($_SESSION['cart']) ) { $cart = $_SESSION['cart']; } if (!$cart) { return '<p>You … | |
this my new syntax for my new website [CODE] echo "<li class='childmenu'><a href=#equipment?id='".$row['id']."'>".$row['name']."</a></li>"; [/CODE] and this is the old one for my another website [CODE] $isi .= "<li><b><a class='topikMenu' href=reset/survey.php?id=".$row['kodetopik']."><span title='".$row['jumlahpenyurvey']." surveyor'>".$row['namatopik']."</span></a></b>"; [/CODE] I think it's same concept about give the $row[''] in the middle of html syntax, but I … | |
Hi there, When I place my mouse over the displayed data from the database, a download icon and print icon will appear on the right top corner.how can i do this on PHP? | |
..hi...im working with a Cash Collection System using PHP and a Yii Framework.. ...but i am wondering if it is possible to connect a MSSQL Database by Yii... ..if so...then could you please help me how... | |
Hi all, I need a code that i want to set an anchor tag to flash file , Bcz i want to count the clicks on the flash file and want to save into my DB . Is there any way for that ? I dnt need getURL(); It will … | |
table roomBooking: roomBookingID roomID bookingDate startTime endTime glID numberOfPeople staffID table room: `roomID typeOfRoom roomState` php code: <?php require_once('../config/conn.php'); $sql="SELECT * FROM roomBooking, room WHERE roomState='empty'"; $rs=mysql_query($sql,$conn); $row_rs = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs); $count=mysql_num_rows($rs); ?> ... <table border="0"> <?php do { ?> <tr> <td> <?php echo $row_rs['roomID']; ?> </td> <td> <?php printf('<a href="action/roomDetail.php?roomID=%s">詳情</a>',$row_rs['roomID']); … | |
What is the code for informing user that the data is updated or removed??? | |
Does anyone see an issue with the following IF statement... I sure can't yet it doesn't work! VARIABLES: $CHECK = A returned value from the database either "y" or "n", the value is returned successfully so I know that is not the issue here. There is no error message returned, … | |
I had setup some submission form using Joomla and a CCK component "Zoo", when i click for the form, i get this error : [CODE]Fatal error: Call to a member function getItem() on a non-object in /home/content/b/o/o/boomshiva/html/tafconnect/bazaar/media/zoo/applications/business/templates/default/renderer/item/submission.php on line 15[/CODE] Can anyone help me with that The contents of the … | |
im wanting to make a 'pop up' form, kinda like facebook does when you delete your history and cookies and it tells you you need to sign back in, or when you click on a music link and it pops up the form, but it not a new window, its … | |
[url]http://lcdforvideo.com/josh/[/url] I am trying to add additional input fields to the fields Features, Includes, and both rows under Specifications. I would like them to post to the next page when you submit. I have got all of the other ones working but I cannot figure out how to get additional … | |
Hi everybody, I make a social media website.user having event for todays date. pageloading time automaticaly dispaly that event.how to create.another date event click the date display | |
Hello guys, Is it possible to convert html page into image using php? Thanks in advance guys... | |
It always receive undefined. I'm almost two week working on this code. BTW the code is based on the tutorial on this site [url]http://active.tutsplus.com/tutorials/actionscript/create-a-flash-login-system-using-php-and-mysql-part-1/[/url] I modified it. Any help? PHP CODE: [code]<?php include_once "connect.php"; session_start(); $username = $_POST['username']; if ($_POST["sysCall"] == "checkLogin") { /* The * means the query initally … | |
Hi, It always stated that 'No Database Selected'. Really need your help. Thanks :) This is the coding [CODE]<?php require('include/config.php'); $conn = mysql_connect($db_host, $db_user, $db_pwd); mysql_select_db($db,$conn); $sql = " SELECT * FROM hod_approval WHERE hod_approval='2' "; $result = mysql_query($sql) or die (mysql_error()); [/CODE] Here's my config.php [CODE]<?php $db = 'TADMS'; … | |
I have been trying to follow this google maps API tutorial. [url]http://code.google.com/apis/maps/articles/phpsqlajax.html[/url] The problem is i keep getting this error and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Here is my code. [CODE]<?php require("phpsqlajax_dbinfo.php"); function parseToXML($htmlStr) { $xmlStr=str_replace('<','<',$htmlStr); $xmlStr=str_replace('>','>',$xmlStr); $xmlStr=str_replace('"','"',$xmlStr); $xmlStr=str_replace("'",''',$xmlStr); $xmlStr=str_replace("&",'&',$xmlStr); return $xmlStr; } // Opens a connection to … | |
Hi Everybody, I need help for mouse Over event. I make the following code for click event this is ok.and the event mouse over that time display inside the calender node. very urgent please help me. $(".calendar-node").click(function() { if ($(this).attr('date')) { $.ajax({ url: $("#url_view_schedule").val(), data: "personalId="+$("#personal_id").val()+"&date="+$(this).attr("date"), dataType: "json", success: function(list) … | |
hey fellow PHP developer, Is there any way we could protect our PHP source code from being modified after a 3rd person receives the code? I had developed a web application and when i give the source code to another person i want it to be write protected. Currently i … | |
Hi everyone! This problem has me stumped. I haven't had to work with php for about a year and I have sure gotten rusty. I have created my array, but beyond that was just doodling ideas to try and put something together...can you offer advice? Here is the problem I … | |
the output of my page is correct yet it shows Notice: Undefined variable: total in D:\xampp\htdocs\book\includes\functions.inc.php on line 36 is there any ways to resolve this? thanks [CODE] <?php function writeShoppingCart() { $cart = $_SESSION['cart']; if (!$cart) { return '<p>You have no items in your shopping cart</p>'; } else { … | |
I found a way on how to code the backup for mysql database table. but I was wondering on how PMA(PHPMyAdmin) does this scenario on backing up the sql file. the one that has AUTOMATIC download to your machine. this is the simple syntax I made myself [CODE=PHP]<?php /*TOOLS YOU … | |
I accidentally overwrote one file (for example, file A) onto another (for example, file B), so I had to rewrite file B (Which wasn't hard, it was a pretty short file. Now, PHP is giving me an error that I never had before, saying that all of my functions (which … | |
I am trying to make a conditional to only show the Div and contents inside the div/ul if the first input "Features01" has some input. Any help is appreciated! Thank you! [CODE] <?php if (isset($_POST['Features01'])){echo "<div><h3>Features</h3><div><ul><li>$Features01</li>";}?> <?php if (isset($_POST['Features02'])){echo "<li>$Features02</li>";}?> <?php if (isset($_POST['Features03'])){echo "<li>$Features03</li>";}?> <?php if (isset($_POST['Features04'])){echo "<li>$Features04</li>";}?> <?php if … | |
Hi all, I am developing a search engine as project in PHP and MySQL as backend . I have implemented crawler , now i am facing problems in searcher . When a user enters any query by default i want to accept it as OR Query i.e. I want to … | |
I'm making a website, and my index is a php file, whereas the other 6 pages are html. Whenever I click on the "Home" button, it says that it can't find index.html, but that's obvious because it's called index.php. Any way to fix this? If I'm being too vague, then … | |
It is supposed to show up details of a room selected, but the first record in database is always displayed. The link is incorrect too.. http://test/action/roomDetail.php?roomID= The value is missed... ROOM: <table border="0"> <tr> <td> <p> <label for="room">選擇房間</label> <select name="roomID"> <?php do { printf('<option value="%s">%s</option>', $row_rsRoom['roomID'], $row_rsRoom['roomID']); } while ($row_rsRoom … | |
Hello guys, i am new to PHP and finding it interesting difficult at the same time. I need to connect to an access database depending on the selected menus in the drop down box and printing the selected field in a table. Here is my code [code=php]<?php $ch1 = 'unchecked'; … | |
Hi everyone, I was wondering if their is a way in PHP to take a full URL but in the background it is actually a PHP case. Here's what I mean.... When a user clicks on a link that goes to /About-Us/Staff/NAME I want the index file in Staff to … | |
Hey guys and gals, I have a question that is bugging me because I can't seem to figure out how different php based applications achieve it (curiosity killed the cat right). My question is this, how does forum/cms/etc software utilize functions in their templates without using php code to wrap … | |
hi.. This is form validation code..im getting errors.. 1. I have to check whether all the field r empty and for certificates,photo,biodata field shud be validated for type,size,whether field is empty.. 2. how to validate the datepicker i used javascript <?php session_start(); if(isset($_POST['Role'],$_POST['Name'],$_POST['datepicker'],$_POST['gender'],$_POST['activity'],$_POST['Address'],$_POST['Photo'],$_POST['Biodata']$_POST['certificates'],$_POST['Salary'])) { $errors=array(); $Emp_Save=$_POST['Emp_Save']; $Emp_Cancel=$_POST['Emp_Cancel']; $Role=$_POST['Role']; $Name=$_POST['Name']; $datepicker=$_POST['datepicker']; … |
The End.