39,388 Topics
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Hi, This is a very known problem with lot of solutions in many forums but none of them works for me. A simple code to load a jpeg image as follows: [code=php] <html> <?php $im = @imagecreatefromjpeg("/home/public_html/MyPic.jpg"); header ("Content-Type: image/jpeg"); imagejpeg($im, NULL, 75); imagedestroy($im); ?> <head> <title> My First PHP … ![]() | |
Thi si probably a really simple thing to solve but I am failry new to PHP and cannot find the answer anywhere. I have a search results page that calls data from a MYSQL database. All of the correct information is displaying but one of the fields contains text on … | |
Hi... i m making script which is checking that username aur password is true or not..... i want to show alert if username or password is incorrect.then i want to redirect my page to original login page.... my code is [CODE]$alert = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">alert('Invalid UserName or Password');</script>"; echo $alert; header("Location:../Admin.php"); … ![]() | |
I have my hidden id [code]<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo "$id" ?>" />[/code] in my form I have my [code]$id = $_REQUEST['id'];[/code] to get the id from the url And on the update script i have [code]$navtype = $_GET['nav'];[/code] And i have [code]WHERE id=$id[/code], but it keep updating just one … ![]() | |
Hey guys, so I have been trying to get images to appear with an SQL query using PHP. My table has a column called picture, it is datatype nvarchar50. I have a folder in my project called images and in there an image called 4.png. So in the field of … ![]() | |
Sorry I'm still very new at this and there is probably an easier way to write this code. I want to have a contest page automatically redirect to another after a certain date. I have the code to turn on and off content after a certain date and I have … | |
start_session() after <html> tags generates error, Can it be used there somehow? If so, then how ? If not then what are the alternatives cause I have a function that generates some part of my <head></head> in my themes. So the session_start() definately has to saty in that function (e.g … ![]() | |
Hey guys and girls, I'm now on this forum, but looking forward to some interesting debates :) I work at an "advokat (advokatkontor)" meaning a lawfirm in danish. I work with different things, but im the only person that knows any IT advokater/lawyers = knows nothing about computers :p My … | |
[url]http://www.healthviewone.com/PHP/Meds/med-update.php[/url] The URL above takes me to the following URL which is coming out blank. Can someone review my code below and tell me why I am getting this blank page? P.S. the patient information is bogus, not real. So no HIPPA concerns at all. [url]http://www.healthviewone.com/PHP/Meds/meds-change-form.php[/url] <html><head><title>Change Record form</title> <style … | |
I am trying to add cc & bcc in below code but its not working. need suggestion [CODE]$email_from = "av@gmail.com"; // Who the email is from $email_subject = $_POST['hiddensubject']; // The Subject of the email $email_message = "Name : "; $email_message .= $_POST['name']."<br>"; $email_message .= "Message : ".$_POST['message']."<br>"; // Message … | |
hi, i'm looking out for a parser script that stores information like name, dob, address, contact no. from the resume. the resume can be of .doc,.txt format thanks in advance | |
Many apologies if this is the wrong forum. I looked through all the different forums and wasn't sure. Please let me know and I'll transfer this to whichever the appropriate forum is. I use PHP/MySQL for my website and have been using DW CS5 for Site Management/Connections. I've been trying … | |
Hello, when some submits this form its get send to my email. If the picture or attachment has a space in it ( ex: tom file.docx) the hyperlink gets messed up. I attach a picture of it below. Thank you so much! [CODE=php]<?php if(isset($_POST['email'])) { $email_to = "talent@itarep.com"; function died($error) … | |
Hi.. This is my validation code [CODE]<?php error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE ^ E_WARNING); //Process form if(isset($_POST['Emp_Save'])){ ////////////// //Name// //////////// if(isset($_POST['_EmpName'])){ if(!empty($_POST['_EmpName'])){ if (preg_match('/([a-zA-Z ]{5,30})/', $_POST['_EmpName'])){ $createaccnt1="t"; }else{ $createaccnt1="f"; $error1="<span class=\"error\">Five letters or more required</span><br />"; } }else{ $createaccnt1="f"; $error1="<span class=\"error\">Please add your name</span><br />"; } }//if(isset($_POST['_EmpName'])) ////////////// //Father Name// /////////// if(isset($_POST['_EmpFatherName'])){ … | |
Hello, I have a function which is registering a navigation menu [CODE=PHP] function register_menu($name, $displayname){ if(!is_menu()){ $menu['name'] = $name; $menu['displayname'] = $displayname; $registered = TRUE; //This should be global, so that is_menu() function can use it. } } [/CODE] And another function which checks if the menu is registered [CODE=PHP] … | |
Hi All, I need to know if it is possible to share a servers "root" directory with other domains with either the same or a different IP address (all running Apache 2)and how? Thanks Chris | |
Hello, I need a php code that can detect the root foldername that my website is installed to. I need to use this constant in my bootstrap.php so it can't be relative to where the file is called from. Atm I have my root folder and admin folder. I need … | |
Hi, I am generating a table for use as a revision form. The following line: [CODE] printf("<td><input type='text' name='%s' onfocus='showDisplayName($v[1], $v[2]);' id='%s' value='%s'></input></td></tr>\n", strtolower($key), strtolower($key), $value);[/CODE] has the php function showDisplayName() embedded in it. This function will not work. If I write the identical line in a pure HTML page … | |
Hello, I'm normally pretty good with PHP but since updating to the latest version I can't seem to get most my script's to work. I am trying to pull two variables, from the database and count how many row's there are. [CODE] $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM notifications WHERE to='$username' … | |
Hi to everyone, I have a problem to create search engine, actually i dont have problem to create simple search engine, i have problem to create search, but with multiple criteria. I need search for recipes database. So, when u put something to search, below u have 6 options to … | |
I know i have already asked this question but i didn't want to reply to an old thread :) But i have made a second table in my database named members_info the other table is named members and it holds the usernames and passwords. My question is how can i … | |
Anyone can tell me what's going to my website? my website page content shows blank. But today morning i watched my webpage- [URL="http://doctorscare24.info/ph.php"]Vaccinations[/URL] This type of events happened regularly nowadays to my website. Please can anybody help me? | |
I am working on a forgot password page. The page allows a user to submit email and then a temp password is assigned for the user to login and then update his/her password. The problem that I am having is that the forgot password page does not update the database … | |
Hello forum, I am not skilled in php. A novice. I have a Joomla site and the front page is blank. After inserting a code given to me to reveal the error for the white screen. This error message is now showing. I have no idea how to correct this … | |
Hi! im new to php programming im trying to output the file image uploaded to a directory in localhost im using xampp i tried several things im unable to get image displayed it shows only blank page if not it shows a very small icon which indicates that pic cannot … | |
Hi, I'm doing a table that list courses that are in BD, but i'm having some problem, can someone help me? [CODE]<?PHP include 'topo.php'; include 'db_connect.php'; $sql = "SELECT * FROM cursos"; $query = mysql_query($sql,$connect); ?> <table> <?PHP while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { ?> <tr> <td> <div id="navigation-block"> <ul id="sliding-navigation"> … | |
Hey, I am a programmer in PHP Procedural and have just applied for a new job to further my career as a PHP Programmer, however they said it's advised to learn PHP OOP... so I have been watching some tutorials about PHP OOP and it just looks like OOP is … ![]() | |
I have a drop down menu on a remote page whose source i can only view/copy but cannot edit it , so i am attempting to reconstruct the page from the source code of the currently existing one. I want to select all options from the menu when so i … ![]() | |
Hi all, i have a problem when my system is not workable if running on the server, but at local host it run as usual without error.. when i want to insert the data it show "Data Not Inserted". Why it happen? | |
Hi, I am using query string in my page. It is working fine for only characters for example [B]javascript[/B] showing all the post related to javascript if i use [B]Html & css[/B]its not working. Query not execute because of & symbol. any solution |
The End.