39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for haribo83

Thi si probably a really simple thing to solve but I am failry new to PHP and cannot find the answer anywhere. I have a search results page that calls data from a MYSQL database. All of the correct information is displaying but one of the fields contains text on …

Member Avatar for nishchal_619
Member Avatar for Farhad.idrees

Hi... i m making script which is checking that username aur password is true or not..... i want to show alert if username or password is incorrect.then i want to redirect my page to original login page.... my code is [CODE]$alert = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">alert('Invalid UserName or Password');</script>"; echo $alert; header("Location:../Admin.php"); …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for accra

I have my hidden id [code]<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo "$id" ?>" />[/code] in my form I have my [code]$id = $_REQUEST['id'];[/code] to get the id from the url And on the update script i have [code]$navtype = $_GET['nav'];[/code] And i have [code]WHERE id=$id[/code], but it keep updating just one …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for deucalion0

Hey guys, so I have been trying to get images to appear with an SQL query using PHP. My table has a column called picture, it is datatype nvarchar50. I have a folder in my project called images and in there an image called 4.png. So in the field of …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Marty1963

Sorry I'm still very new at this and there is probably an easier way to write this code. I want to have a contest page automatically redirect to another after a certain date. I have the code to turn on and off content after a certain date and I have …

Member Avatar for Marty1963
Member Avatar for Martin C++

start_session() after <html> tags generates error, Can it be used there somehow? If so, then how ? If not then what are the alternatives cause I have a function that generates some part of my <head></head> in my themes. So the session_start() definately has to saty in that function (e.g …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Advokat

Hey guys and girls, I'm now on this forum, but looking forward to some interesting debates :) I work at an "advokat (advokatkontor)" meaning a lawfirm in danish. I work with different things, but im the only person that knows any IT advokater/lawyers = knows nothing about computers :p My …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for hhall56

[url]http://www.healthviewone.com/PHP/Meds/med-update.php[/url] The URL above takes me to the following URL which is coming out blank. Can someone review my code below and tell me why I am getting this blank page? P.S. the patient information is bogus, not real. So no HIPPA concerns at all. [url]http://www.healthviewone.com/PHP/Meds/meds-change-form.php[/url] <html><head><title>Change Record form</title> <style …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for jacob21

I am trying to add cc & bcc in below code but its not working. need suggestion [CODE]$email_from = "av@gmail.com"; // Who the email is from $email_subject = $_POST['hiddensubject']; // The Subject of the email $email_message = "Name : "; $email_message .= $_POST['name']."<br>"; $email_message .= "Message : ".$_POST['message']."<br>"; // Message …

Member Avatar for jacob21
Member Avatar for rajphp

hi, i'm looking out for a parser script that stores information like name, dob, address, contact no. from the resume. the resume can be of .doc,.txt format thanks in advance

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for ebanbury

Many apologies if this is the wrong forum. I looked through all the different forums and wasn't sure. Please let me know and I'll transfer this to whichever the appropriate forum is. I use PHP/MySQL for my website and have been using DW CS5 for Site Management/Connections. I've been trying …

Member Avatar for ebanbury
Member Avatar for Tssouthpark

Hello, when some submits this form its get send to my email. If the picture or attachment has a space in it ( ex: tom file.docx) the hyperlink gets messed up. I attach a picture of it below. Thank you so much! [CODE=php]<?php if(isset($_POST['email'])) { $email_to = "talent@itarep.com"; function died($error) …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for danielbala

Hi.. This is my validation code [CODE]<?php error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE ^ E_WARNING); //Process form if(isset($_POST['Emp_Save'])){ ////////////// //Name// //////////// if(isset($_POST['_EmpName'])){ if(!empty($_POST['_EmpName'])){ if (preg_match('/([a-zA-Z ]{5,30})/', $_POST['_EmpName'])){ $createaccnt1="t"; }else{ $createaccnt1="f"; $error1="<span class=\"error\">Five letters or more required</span><br />"; } }else{ $createaccnt1="f"; $error1="<span class=\"error\">Please add your name</span><br />"; } }//if(isset($_POST['_EmpName'])) ////////////// //Father Name// /////////// if(isset($_POST['_EmpFatherName'])){ …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for Martin C++

Hello, I have a function which is registering a navigation menu [CODE=PHP] function register_menu($name, $displayname){ if(!is_menu()){ $menu['name'] = $name; $menu['displayname'] = $displayname; $registered = TRUE; //This should be global, so that is_menu() function can use it. } } [/CODE] And another function which checks if the menu is registered [CODE=PHP] …

Member Avatar for Martin C++
Member Avatar for seacore

Hi All, I need to know if it is possible to share a servers "root" directory with other domains with either the same or a different IP address (all running Apache 2)and how? Thanks Chris

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for Martin C++

Hello, I need a php code that can detect the root foldername that my website is installed to. I need to use this constant in my bootstrap.php so it can't be relative to where the file is called from. Atm I have my root folder and admin folder. I need …

Member Avatar for Martin C++
Member Avatar for pizzipie

Hi, I am generating a table for use as a revision form. The following line: [CODE] printf("<td><input type='text' name='%s' onfocus='showDisplayName($v[1], $v[2]);' id='%s' value='%s'></input></td></tr>\n", strtolower($key), strtolower($key), $value);[/CODE] has the php function showDisplayName() embedded in it. This function will not work. If I write the identical line in a pure HTML page …

Member Avatar for pizzipie
Member Avatar for NoMansLand_MFGC

Hello, I'm normally pretty good with PHP but since updating to the latest version I can't seem to get most my script's to work. I am trying to pull two variables, from the database and count how many row's there are. [CODE] $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM notifications WHERE to='$username' …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for gandrap

Hi to everyone, I have a problem to create search engine, actually i dont have problem to create simple search engine, i have problem to create search, but with multiple criteria. I need search for recipes database. So, when u put something to search, below u have 6 options to …

Member Avatar for gandrap
Member Avatar for huntaz556

I know i have already asked this question but i didn't want to reply to an old thread :) But i have made a second table in my database named members_info the other table is named members and it holds the usernames and passwords. My question is how can i …

Member Avatar for huntaz556
Member Avatar for ayub05

Anyone can tell me what's going to my website? my website page content shows blank. But today morning i watched my webpage- [URL="http://doctorscare24.info/ph.php"]Vaccinations[/URL] This type of events happened regularly nowadays to my website. Please can anybody help me?

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for phpnewby

I am working on a forgot password page. The page allows a user to submit email and then a temp password is assigned for the user to login and then update his/her password. The problem that I am having is that the forgot password page does not update the database …

Member Avatar for Graphix
Member Avatar for tiffster

Hello forum, I am not skilled in php. A novice. I have a Joomla site and the front page is blank. After inserting a code given to me to reveal the error for the white screen. This error message is now showing. I have no idea how to correct this …

Member Avatar for tiffster
Member Avatar for anthonyjpv

Hi! im new to php programming im trying to output the file image uploaded to a directory in localhost im using xampp i tried several things im unable to get image displayed it shows only blank page if not it shows a very small icon which indicates that pic cannot …

Member Avatar for pzuurveen
Member Avatar for PF2G

Hi, I'm doing a table that list courses that are in BD, but i'm having some problem, can someone help me? [CODE]<?PHP include 'topo.php'; include 'db_connect.php'; $sql = "SELECT * FROM cursos"; $query = mysql_query($sql,$connect); ?> <table> <?PHP while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { ?> <tr> <td> <div id="navigation-block"> <ul id="sliding-navigation"> …

Member Avatar for pzuurveen
Member Avatar for Danny159

Hey, I am a programmer in PHP Procedural and have just applied for a new job to further my career as a PHP Programmer, however they said it's advised to learn PHP OOP... so I have been watching some tutorials about PHP OOP and it just looks like OOP is …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for IanArcher

I have a drop down menu on a remote page whose source i can only view/copy but cannot edit it , so i am attempting to reconstruct the page from the source code of the currently existing one. I want to select all options from the menu when so i …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for HasNor

Hi all, i have a problem when my system is not workable if running on the server, but at local host it run as usual without error.. when i want to insert the data it show "Data Not Inserted". Why it happen?

Member Avatar for HasNor
Member Avatar for jacob21

Hi, I am using query string in my page. It is working fine for only characters for example [B]javascript[/B] showing all the post related to javascript if i use [B]Html & css[/B]its not working. Query not execute because of & symbol. any solution

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for KJThaDon

Ok so what I though should be pretty easy has got me going crazy. I cannot figure out a conditional statement to get this to work the way I need it to. This is my first page index.html which is a form and will post to the next page below …

Member Avatar for pritaeas

The End.