39,326 Topics
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I was working on this script which let's you upload and everything is logged in the database. I got this error, any help? Error :You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '/home/a6771073/public_html/upload/img.png)' … | |
Hi guys, ok so here's the deal: currently I have this PHP code that allows someone to see every files that are in the directory. I would also like for them to be able to delete any files he wants. Here's my PHP code: [CODE] <?php // open this directory … | |
Hi I would like to create drop scroll show content, how to do so ? v Fiat Justitia Ruat Caelum Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer eros risus, vulputate vel iaculis vel, luctus ac arcu. Vestibulum metus ligula, dignissim nec viverra a, interdum ut magna. Donec dignissim … | |
hello everyone...I wan to add if else statement like for below code if the kilogram field input=0 then [CODE]'item_subtotal' => $item->item_qty * $item->item_price, 'item_total' => $item->item_qty * $item->item_price[/CODE] [CODE]$db_array = array( 'invoice_item_id' => $item->invoice_item_id, 'item_subtotal' => $item->item_qty * $item->kilogram * $item->item_price, 'item_tax' => '0.00', 'item_total' => $item->item_qty * $item->kilogram * … | |
Hi While i am using IMAP protocol to download mails from the Gmail.Some of the mails are skipped(Not downloaded) any ideas would be appreciated... | |
hello i want help all of you that i had made searching php page and my page working well.but i face a problem that when i search for example ssc recruitment in delhi then it not placed top after searching but it should be on top rank then after it( … | |
Hi all, I have taken from net chained select script. here is all PHP and Javascript files but i dont understand one thing there. index.php file [ICODE]<?php include('db.php'); include('func.php'); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Chained Select Boxes using … | |
I have developed the html Frame. Which contain two php pages First show the data in the table which is comming from database and refresh after 30sec and click on the tr it shows the data in the second frame as in graph(candle chart). Everything is working fine. But Problem … | |
this is my code please find the error and reply me. thanks <?php session_start(); ob_start(); //print_r($_REQUEST); //print_r($_SESSION); error_reporting(0); include("includes/conn.php"); header('Content-Language: en-us'); header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); if($_POST['opt']=='logout'){ $_SESSION['username'] == ""; session_unset(); session_destroy(); //require_once("login.php"); } // echo $_FILES["logo"]['name']; //if($opt=='Create') include("includes/conn.php"); /* $opt_multiple = $_REQUEST['opt_multiple']; foreach($opt_multiple as $key => $value){ $b.= $value . ","; … | |
Database query failed: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 3 [CODE]<?php ob_start(); require_once("includes/connection.php"); include_once("includes/header.php"); //get category id according to selected record $category_id = $_GET['cat_id']; //fetch data to populate … | |
I've been looking to secure a site that has many queries involved. I've always known about mysql real escape string for a while but recently i ran across prepared statements. I had a few questions about them. Is it a good idea to use both? is this over kill? When … | |
I'm trying to simply match these letters using php, but it's kind-of a complex matching formula... First, I have two arrays and one string. The arrays contain letters and the string is a near match of those letters. $a - [Array] Must be <= 7 $b - [Array] Must be … | |
What I an wanting to do here is have the script email me when the user count reaches X number of listeners on my RR Scanner Feed. Is This Possible? [CODE]<?php $filename = '<script language="JavaScript" src="http://api.radioreference.com/audio/listeners.php?feedId=10734"></script>'; $fp = fopen( $filename,"r"); if ($filename >= X) { //// ($email Me @ My … | |
Dear all, I am certainly not a web developer nor a computer scientist but a little biologist. I developed my tool to analyze some high-throughput biological results and I'd like to make it available online. My prototype : [URL="http://homes.esat.kuleuven.be/~sbrohee/test/new_gsea/php/"]http://homes.esat.kuleuven.be/~sbrohee/test/new_gsea/php/[/URL] Just to make it simple, the user must have the choice … | |
This code does not update my mysql. [CODE] //the $q is sent from ajax and looks like this thumbsup.546 or thumbsdown.567 //the $q is sent trough a working ajax function and looks like this <a href="#" onclick="thefunction(thumbsup.'.$row['wallid'].');">[+]</a> $q = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['q']); $findme = 'thumbsup'; $pos = strpos($q, $findme); if($pos == TRUE){ … | |
hi ... is there a script that make make my v viewers read pdf file online..thanks | |
Am having a hard time printing all record percent in my db my sql statement [CODE]$query="SELECT *, duedate,(TO_DAYS(duedate) - TO_DAYS(CurDate())) as difference FROM vehicle_info ORDER by svreg"; //$query="SELECT * FROM vehicle_info WHERE id='$id' ORDER by vreg"; $pager = new PS_Pagination($conn,$query,10,10); $accra = $pager->paginate(); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($accra)) { $id = $row['id']; … | |
Hello, I have a problem with the response text of an ajax request. I want to use the answer of the php script ("true" or "false") to do different things with a if-condition, but it always takes the false option. Here is the code. [CODE] var hr = new XMLHttpRequest(); … | |
[ICODE]Is there a way to expand and collapse included PHP content? Any code examples pls. [/ICODE] | |
Hello I wonder if anyone could help me with the following please? I have scratched my head and played around but not been able to move forward. I am creating a script to redirect a user to a random link on my site. The first part of the code extracts … | |
Hello Friends...:) I am a part time web designer and small time PhP developer by side. I recently got a request from one of my clients that he needs a site in which he is offering some service( some spiritual advice kind of stuff based upon your date of birth … | |
Please i want to set sessions in my php file which includes a form but the session doesn't work.This is my code sample. I need help please! [CODE=php] <?php $conn=mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); mysql_select_db("my_db"); session_start(); if(isset($_SESSION['count'])) $_SESSION['count']=$_SESSION['count']+1; else $_SESSION['count']=1; if(!($_SESSION['count']=$_POST['reg'])) die("SESSION NOT SET SUCCESSFULLY!"); else echo "SESSION SUCCESSFUL!"; ?> <html><head></head><body> <form method="POST" action="<?php … | |
<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="Raphael.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> <?php include("class.logger.php"); //path to class.logger.php file $log = new logger(); //Instentiate the class $log->dbconnect(); //connect to database //pass the name of the table as the parameter. I.e. 'logger" $log->createtable('logger'); //set date and year text for the info bubble that appears … | |
I have a very simple script (below) that works fine when sending email to a single email address, however when I add another (as I have in the script below) by seperating with a comma, the script just sends the email to one of the addresses twice and not to … | |
hi please can someone help? I have designed an applicant form that posts data to session variables then at the end of the application it puts all session variables in an array. I then have a template.rtf file which I copy and rename to $_session['last name']_timestamp.rtf I then open for … | |
I'd like to start by thanking whoever reads this for their help. I've been trying to learn Test Driven Development (TDD) in a php environment. I've read a lot about it and stumbled upon both PHPUnit and simpletest. I've spent the past 8 hours searching the internet for tutorials and … | |
plz can u give me the code for Add button using php..thnx | |
Im building a simple yet robust small e commerce site what i wanna know is: is it more safe and secure to add the mysql commands such as select add update delete in the same html form or create another php file for that as a process? example: i have … | |
Hello Everyone ! How to split each array to own variable and display that variable separately . I got code from IP API provider to display user's location, [CODE]include 'ip2locationlite.class.php'; $ipLite = new ip2location_lite; $ipLite->setKey('c86c104532b5466bda7620b48e20b10ca53ad9070b8cc52b5a5d90a6e57b9bb3'); $locations = $ipLite->getCity($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $errors = $ipLite->getError(); echo "<strong>First result</strong><br />\n"; echo count($locations); echo '<br><br>'; foreach … | |
I developped a cms system to upload images with php to a mysql database and a upload folder on the server. Firefox version 5.0.1 for MAC and earlier have no problems with file uploading through the script. But after that version it is impossible to upload images bigger then 250kb. … |
The End.