39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for mfv

Hello, I can't give an array a value from within a recursive function, I'm trying to iterate a multi dimensional array and get the items that match the if statement. I tried both techniques suggested above but none of them worked, here is my code: [CODE] $path = array(); function …

Member Avatar for softheart

Disabling of hyperlink can be done by the help of Javascript, but can anyone tell me the code, how to disable a hyperlink by the help of php coding. In the web page, it is desired that when a user signs in as an administrator, he could access the hyperlink, …

Member Avatar for surenkumar
Member Avatar for fx_4118

From this code the values are added, but the values are pasted on the same location of the dropdown box, for eg: Location1:Mango,Apple, etc. how to add the values on the same dropdown box & how to do the allocation dropdown box. code: <select name="dropdown" > <option value="">-See Here- </option> …

Member Avatar for dks1383

Hi All I want to write a program by PHP for scrapping results of google automatically, but I have heard that if google recognize that a client is trying to access it automatically, then google will block the IP address of that client. Is it true or false? And if …

Member Avatar for clueless07

I am trying to print out the results of a sql query into a table i haven't finished the table yet but im already getting an error please help the error is Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in C:\xampp\htdocs\minterface.php on line 45 [code]<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC …

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Member Avatar for fx_4118
Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for whiteyoh

Hi All, I have sent a GET request to a third party and it has responded with XML. I would like to know how to extract the information from that response and convert it into a standard php variable. [code] <GetGuidResult> <ErrorNumber>0</ErrorNumber> <ErrorMessage/> <Guid>40d505ba438049a68eafc9a95e7fefcf</Guid> </GetGuidResult> [/code]

Member Avatar for whiteyoh
Member Avatar for CoolAtt

Hi All, I have [B]roundcube webmail,phpBB forum & wiki[/B] hosted on one machine using [B]apache virtual hosts[/B]. The problem is i have to log into each of the services(mail.domain.mu , forum.domain.mu ,wiki.domain.mu) to get access. All of the 3 sites uses LDAP for authentication and hence a user provides same …

Member Avatar for yara1

hi How do I write php code to check if checkbox is checked or not ? correct my red line please :) [code]<html> <head> </head> <body> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> function add() { <?php extract($_POST); [COLOR="Red"]if(category[0].checked)[/COLOR] $query = "INSERT INTO mytable (cat) VALUES ('1') [COLOR="red"]if(category[1].checked)[/COLOR] $query = "INSERT INTO mytable (cat) …

Member Avatar for ravibose
Member Avatar for anasp

Hi! I am new in PHP. I have a table which stores user surnames and 12 months each having a value of 1 or 0. I need via a form in PHP to check whether or not this value is 1 or 0, and be able to control this values …

Member Avatar for anasp
Member Avatar for rukshilag

So here is my search query set [CODE]/all possible input combinations //name and id combinations if($q != '') { if($id != '') { $sql = "select * from course_participant where name LIKE '%$q%' and nic='$id'"; $result = mysql_query($sql); $num_rows= mysql_num_rows($result); }else{ $sql = "select * from course_participant where name LIKE …

Member Avatar for khess

It's true. [URL="http://www.oracle.com"]Oracle[/URL] is now, with its acquisition of Sun Microsystems, the world's largest purveyor of open source software. Does that surprise you? It did me too, until I started digging and realized that Oracle has a history of supporting free and open source software. Their support didn't start with …

Member Avatar for songjie
Member Avatar for Pooja J.

Hello to all, Please tell me the error from the following code. When I choose a file from 'file' field, then it update the image, but when I dont choose a file. It doesn't keep the same image, i.e. the image get disappear. What is the problem in my 'If.....else …

Member Avatar for Pooja J.
Member Avatar for ErlendHL

I have studied some AJAX, and tried to understand it. The AJAX works; i just want to write a right php document too. With the AJAX, I load the php file write.php. Here is what is in write.php: [CODE]<?php $NAME = 'data.txt'; $HANDLE = fopen($NAME, 'w') or die ('CANT OPEN …

Member Avatar for danishanila
Member Avatar for ameen3388
Member Avatar for rukshilag

so there are 2 tables course participant and past participant - both have same fields. i want to write a query that selects both from course participant and past participant if search option "find all" is called. i out everypossible combination but it just doesnt get right - pls help

Member Avatar for rukshilag
Member Avatar for ezpro

Hi all, I just joined DW as I'm trying to find a "hopefully" relatively simple solution but I don't know enough php. I have a plugin called wp-noexternallinks (can be seen [URL="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-noexternallinks/"]here[/URL]). Essentially, it will take a link on one of my posts and instead of just going straight to …

Member Avatar for motters

hi i am doing some research into LDAP and php is there any where i can learn how to uses LDAP systems like how to fetch info from in and into my php form and LDAP login systems like tutorial videos pages thanks any help is great [B]i do not …

Member Avatar for Tekkno
Member Avatar for avilporwal

Hello, I am stucked while making code in PHP. I actually want to make a table in database with name as username (of the respective user). (table should be formed only when no such table exisit before) I used session to get username and every thing is right except formation …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for anish.anick

Hi All, I need to implement a searching feature in my web site. My web site is a Shopping site having different categories (like ebay). There is a general search textbox at the top of the page, if a user types in "Guitar" and clicks the search button it should …

Member Avatar for Reliable
Member Avatar for manolisvl46

Hallo there everyone, i am using a command on the server (kinit)and after that a password is required to type in the thing is that i would like that to be done automaticaly from the php code! i found that one [URL="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/187736/command-line-password-prompt-in-php"]http://stackoverflow.com/questions/187736/command-line-password-prompt-in-php[/URL] but is not what i want(and is not …

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Member Avatar for andydeans

Hi, My MYSQL database has set columns for the data. The users have spreadsheets setup with their own columns which holds pretty much the same data on it. name, address etc. is the simpliest way to import it, to change the column headings on the spreadsheet for each user to …

Member Avatar for andydeans
Member Avatar for xxmp

i would like to encrypt some data and i do not know how? How i can make a secure log in to a web server? Thank you very much

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for smartness

I know this may be a apache related question, but can anyone help me on this issue... I need help on paginating my script, so the and I want to use [U]search[/U].html for the first page (without page number) [U]search[/U]-[B]2[/B].html for the second page [U]search[/U]-[B]3[/B].html for the third page and …

Member Avatar for cwarn23

Hi, I have some strings but I want to convert them to binary (1 way). Are there any functions other then the compression functions that will convert strings to binary? Thanks. cwarn23

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for 6pandn21

Hello guys! I am trying to implmenent a jQuery library and it worked fine when I ran it out of server. When I tried to run from a XAMPP based web server at home; the images doesn't show and keeps giving this error: 'You don't have permission to access the …

Member Avatar for 6pandn21
Member Avatar for MDanz

what i'm trying to do.. first column 1 cell, next column 2 cells(row span 2), next column 3 cells(row span 3) etc how can i alter the below code to do that. the below code displays results across from column to column then once $max(column max) has been reached displays …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for sitie_aniem

i am creating a system and have problem with the function to convert year - year, month and date. the thing that i understand is the year is round for 365 days, and others i am not really understand of all. can you give explanation for this function so that …

Member Avatar for daryll1
Member Avatar for D4n1sD

I would like to know how to put a commenting box into my website I am not that much php expert but I need to know how to do it, I would appreciate if u wont just post a source but explain where to put it. I would also like …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for daryll1

Hey, I'm having some trouble building code to insert values from my form. The form prints out from the username, whether the account has been confirmed and the level of the user from the database. I am having trouble getting the data to go back in once amended, this is …


The End.