39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for phpDave

Hello! I have a counter to count personal page views for users, but when the counter in the table is updated (incremented by 1)it also updates the date. Anyone know if the counter column can be updated without updating the date? Also, I need to have an update date for …

Member Avatar for phpDave
Member Avatar for Lsmjudoka

I have a script that runs a static chatroom(User has to refresh the page manually). When a user submits a post, the user's data(Username, title, user level, etc..) is stored in the DB along with the post. The script for getting the post looks something like this: [code=php] $result = …

Member Avatar for Lsmjudoka
Member Avatar for phpsteve

hi I would like to be able produce statistics on my web page by counting the numbers of rows in my sql database. for example. within my database i have 10 defects in my table called "defects". 9 defects are major, 1 defect is a minor. is there a way …

Member Avatar for edwinhermann
Member Avatar for baseballfury

Hiya Guys, Been working on the w3schools livesearch example but you can only select the option via a link. I'm trying to do it so i can submit a value to return database results. The external php code is below if anyone wants a look: I got it returning the …

Member Avatar for baseballfury
Member Avatar for rochellebeth

I can usually figure out problems like this with some testing or google searches, but nothing is working for me this time. I've installed a comments page on a website for a friend of mine, I got the code for the page from phpjabbers.com (and they aren't very much help!) …

Member Avatar for rochellebeth
Member Avatar for phpsteve

I have to create a basic php forum. I know there are free open source forums but i need to create it myself. I have a entered a number of fixed topic names into mysql and echo them (select *) into a website table. next to the printed names i …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for SCoder1

Hi when let me get straight to the point ..... I've made a database, inserted data into it and selected it on a page but I can't find out why I can't view the text in the table?????????????? :@ I'M SO PISSED OFF!!!!!!!!! I've been trying it for hours here's …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for polly89

I have a form named:"RegistrationForm.php". when i click the "submit button", there's a data inserted in the database (the prove is, there a new row in the database), but there's no value from user textfield(ic_no,name,email...) that have been inserted. It means like there's a row of data inserted but without …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Exploded Fiber

Hey Guys and Gals, I have an array: Array ( [Small] => Array ( [0] => 4 [1] => 5 [2] => 3 ) [Butters] => Array ( [0] => 5 [1] => 2 [2] => 5 ) [black] => Array ( [0] => 3 [1] => 5 [2] => …

Member Avatar for Exploded Fiber
Member Avatar for kbailey1734

Good morning all, I am having a few issues. Firstly, I am no expert whatsoever so I may not have done anything conventionally. I have been able to create a form with many fields, click submit and data is inserted into a table in my database. I was then also …

Member Avatar for kbailey1734
Member Avatar for nonshatter

Hey I hope someone can help me here because I am pretty stumped on this one... All I'm trying to do is to update my user_usr table with the submitted form data. It was working perfectly the other day so I must have changed something somewhere. The code and the …

Member Avatar for nonshatter
Member Avatar for Nemuksis

Hi guys, i want to find something out that will help me out a great deal. I am including a menu from a separate .php file using [CODE]<?php include("menu.php"); ?>[/CODE] but something that i really need to find out before i can continue with this. When I'm at eg 'Home' …

Member Avatar for Nemuksis
Member Avatar for ritzrash

I am new to php but have modified an entire code in two weeks. I have it all working, however the last change that i made is not being seen on the web page. I am dealing with php 5.1.6 and apache and since then whatever change i am making …

Member Avatar for ritzrash
Member Avatar for tryphy

Hi guys, Could anyone help me out with this... I have a multi form, which the user enter in the data and submits the data.. It also have a save button in it.. so user can save and then come back,.. then can save again, or submit.. I saved the …

Member Avatar for saiprem
Member Avatar for psathish2

warning error came.. Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at D:\hshome\blackray\demo.blackraycreatives.com\gym\testing\final\employees.php:1) in D:\hshome\blackray\demo.blackraycreatives.com\gym\testing\final\captcha.class.php on line 21 Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at D:\hshome\blackray\demo.blackraycreatives.com\gym\testing\final\employees.php:1) in D:\hshome\blackray\demo.blackraycreatives.com\gym\testing\final\captcha.class.php on line 21 i have catcha.class.php include captcha.class.php …

Member Avatar for ismael ahm@d

Hello Everybody, i m facing problem that how i increment the values, first when i set the ID_No as auto increment in php/mysql after the debugging when i delete 2 no; row from the table next time the ID_No starts from the 3rd one row and basically i dont wana …

Member Avatar for saiprem
Member Avatar for tinudeshmukh

hi... i need to automate my system.... for which i need to run a c++ program from a php function.. how cani do this plz help...!

Member Avatar for saiprem
Member Avatar for tejateja

Hi, I am trying to get the directions between two points in google map.becoz i need to insert directions into database.i have a script wich get and display directions using div id .i am trying to send that id to another function in which i am assigning that id to …

Member Avatar for tryphy

How do i send a form data in html format in a php email.. ? Use of html tags in $message = ' '; Any sample example.. cos i tried many.. and coudnt able to work... ur help is much appreciated... thanks again tryphy..

Member Avatar for saiprem
Member Avatar for scmsimplybest

Hello There, I M having Problem with Getting Page Name With JavaScript in WordPress. I have Used This Code To Get Page Name In WordPress. [CODE]function GetCurrentPageName() { //method to get Current page name from url. //return page name in small . var sPath = window.location.pathname; var sPage = sPath.substring(sPath.lastIndexOf(‘/’) …

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Member Avatar for lamakun

Hi all, this is my first post, so I would like to say hello to all members and will try to help when possible. What I am trying to do is to split a word document with N pages into N documents (one for each page) and give each of …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for niths

hi all, i am not getting inserted the dropdown value to the back end except that everything is inserting. so can u please help me. [CODE]<?php ob_start(); @session_start(); require_once ("check.php"); createsessions($username,$password,$userid,$projectid); $con=mysql_connect("","invensis","invensis"); if(!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("database_myproject",$con); $sql="SELECT projectname from projects where createdby='$_SESSION[username]'"; mysql_error(); $result=mysql_query($sql); …

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Member Avatar for jobojo

Good evening everyone. I have a php based site which was designed a few years ago. I have done very little with the site since I purchased it because I was not very familiar with PHP. Well I still am not very familiar with PHP, but I am more familiar …

Member Avatar for JRM
Member Avatar for 6pandn21

Hello guys, I am trying to make a very simple booking system. The booking will be either for the current or the next year only. There are three fields; number of person, type of meal and date. In any particualr day and meal, the number of person can't exceed 100. …

Member Avatar for teajayo

Hi. I haven't been able to figure out how to allow names with apostrophes such as mine, O'Connor , to POST. Also someone tried to post a smiley face like :) and that also threw an error. I have tried adding this :: mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'"); // UTF 8 support!! …

Member Avatar for teajayo
Member Avatar for D4n1sD

I saw it on this website I searched it on google, and I might not searching with the right keywords do u know how it is called or give me a website?

Member Avatar for bondo
Member Avatar for Reliable

Although I've read about it it still doesn't sink in when you will need to pass in a variable. I think I know how i just don't know for what reason. If someone could provide that information for me i would appreciate it. Also, is PHP variable passing more efficient …

Member Avatar for Reliable
Member Avatar for D4n1sD

$_COOKIE['ID_my_site']; am I supposed to change ID_my_site? or $_COOKIE['Key_my_site'];

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for D4n1sD

How can I make in php remember me box? I mean is it all about how long the session of the cookies will last or I have to do something else?

Member Avatar for Tekkno
Member Avatar for smush

Hi everybody, I just started learning PHP and was asked to write a BMI calculator. I did all that but now I'm stuck with an if ... elseif that doesn't seem to want to work. I'm sure it's just a syntax error but could somebody look over it and see …

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The End.