39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for ruelk

First of all, I have absolutely know knowledge of using C# for communicating with websites. I am under some time constraints so I am trying to crash through it but I getting more lost than anything. What I have is a windows application that a user can build content files. …

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Member Avatar for palaboy
Member Avatar for emclinux

I have a PHP/MySQL app that when a user enters a description of there club that it reports back on a group page. When a user enters there information the line breaks are removed and all becomes one long string. Is there anyway that I can keep there line breaks? …

Member Avatar for emclinux
Member Avatar for isomillennium

Hi All, im having difficulty trying to match lets say a string that is between 1 to 3 chars long and are all capitals.. i tried .{1,3}[A-Z] but it didnt work.. for ex.. "blah blahBLAh" .. what would be the reg ex code to match the BLA in the middle …

Member Avatar for MVied
Member Avatar for Book38

Can anyone tell me what language this code is: $T7FC56270E7A70FA81A5935B72EACBE29 += (ord($TF186217753C37B9B9F958D906208506E[$T3A3EA00CFC35332CEDF6E5E9A32E94DA]) >> 4); if ($T7FC56270E7A70FA81A5935B72EACBE29) { $T9D5ED678FE57BCCA610140957AFAB571 = I need to find a translator for it. It was in the footer of a php script I have and I want to translate the entire code to HTML. Mike

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for dami06

I'm trying to create a simple login page by following a tutorial i saw online. I did everything it required but i got this error [B] // Check if session is not registered , redirect back to main page. // Put this code in first line of web page. Warning: …

Member Avatar for MVied
Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

hi I had a web site made in php. I need to collect visitor data ( ip address, visiting time) and store in it a database. I wrote the code like this [CODE]date_default_timezone_set('Asia/Calcutta'); $time= date('D,F j, Y, H:i:s A'); $ip=getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"); mysql_query("INSERT into visitordetails (ip,time) VALUES ('$ip','$time')") or die(mysql_error());[/CODE] and this …

Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn
Member Avatar for mirainc

Im using dreamweaver with PHP. I have items in my shopping cart which is then passed on to the transaction page. How do i add the amount of items in the shopping cart? Any help is appreciated! Thanks!

Member Avatar for humbug
Member Avatar for PinoyDev

hi.!!I have been developing an online enrolment system for a client in php...ive encountered a problem during the middle situation.The client added a situation that when the student click on the first year link, the subject of that year will just pop-up under the link.example: first year - Filipino - …

Member Avatar for PinoyDev
Member Avatar for khr2003

hi I am making a script to extract data from a table from a website using explode function and then insert the data into the database. I have stuck with foreach loop, this is how it looks: [CODE] $table_data = explode('<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding=1" width="90%" border="0" bgcolor="#EFEEEE">', $data); $end_table= explode("</table>", $table_data[1]); …

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Member Avatar for sleign

I'm not exactly sure where to post this - in html, php, or mysql area but since this is mostly php oriented, I figure I'll post it here for starters til I get yelled at >< Background info: This is not for the general public, nor attached to any website, …

Member Avatar for TommyBs
Member Avatar for vicky_rawat
Member Avatar for it2051229
Member Avatar for techie
Member Avatar for Cilice11
Member Avatar for cali_dotcom

hi everyone, i keep on getting this error when i try to insert a value into a table via php. Duplicate entry '' for key 2 i've tried a lot of solutions from the web including changing the the primary key from int to bigint. i also flushed the database …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for mirainc

Hey all, My situation is this.. A user has already selected the items into the shopping cart. Now it is on to the transaction table. So all the items are added to the transaction table for the user to purchase the items. When it goes to the transaction, the shopping …

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for mrcniceguy

i have a script which works as i were using it in localhost(wampserver),for uploading photo in a directory then the file path to the database. My problem is that now i`m trying to use the script in the website server where i uploaded my site files,and its giving me the …

Member Avatar for mschroeder
Member Avatar for mirainc

Hey all How can i capture the username, which is being input in a textbox, and pass it to another page? [U]Login.php[/U] Example, username: admin Welcome.php it should display, Welcome, admin How can i achieve this? Using dtreamweaver with PHP language Thanks

Member Avatar for humbug
Member Avatar for welbyobeng

I have a script where it convert regular file such as mpg to flv. Now when I upload mpg it converts to flv fine. but when I upload avi it does not convert probably and the size of the file is 0. Here is the encoding part of the script. …

Member Avatar for dream party
Member Avatar for alexgv14

I have this word press plug in that scrolls text across the screen like a marquee. Instead of it scrolling I want to to revise so that the text fades in and out. I have not been able to do it. Below is the plugin if there is a way …

Member Avatar for naneus

I work in an office that has an Intranet site for office use. We have two Windows 2003 Servers. One Server has the Intranet site on it and all of the files (php html pdf txt etc) that are used in our Intranet site. The problem is we do not …

Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

hi i am learning how to make a user login script in php. And I wrote a html page and 2 php pages. Visitors will access through html page using their password and username... And when click on submit then the second page will process it .... I make one …

Member Avatar for mschroeder
Member Avatar for Lensva

hello gents, i have two pages: page1.php takes user input, page2.php should process it and then return page1 either error or success messages. there seem to be an error(s) i cant figure out: when you fill the form with correct data you get: [code]Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in …

Member Avatar for Lensva
Member Avatar for php2sheik

hi, i download the zend framework1.7.2 and extracted as folder, in htdocs of apache server. is there any change in php.ini file? i add another include_path in php.ini file. there is already one include_path in php.ini file. is this possible to two include path in php.ini file.. if it is …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for shah0101

Hi there, I have a problem that I have called a PHP script in IFRAME and I want to release that IFRAME once the tasks are completed. Parts of the scripts are as follows: Process_form.php: [code=php]if($send_back_to_form == "yes") { $redirect_to = $form_page_name."?done=1"; } else { $redirect_to = $success_page; }[/code] ===> …

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Member Avatar for Bakerlayouts

Can you point me in the right direction: I am looking for Instructors/ Tutors in these fields: HTML, CSS, PHP, XML, ASP, JAVA SCRIPT, FLASH, DREAMWEAVER, FIREWORKS, PHOTOSHOP, and more. I need them for online classes and tutorials. I need to populate my [URL="http://bakerlayouts.com/learn/"]Web Design Classes[/URL] section. Where should I …

Member Avatar for VIeditorlover

Hi, I am looking for a free tool which let me write pure html + user defined special tags, which would be transformed on demand into php file. For example I can define source like this: [code=php]<html><body> <config/> <mysql> <form name="frm" action="nextstep.php"> <select name="xxx"> <query sql="select value, name from table …

Member Avatar for Fest3er
Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

Hi I am working in a shopping database with php. For this I need to create a Id ( automatically) for each product when I add a new item in to the database and I am using php. I want to create that id automatically and without repetition. It can …

Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn
Member Avatar for mirainc

Hey all.. Im in desperate need to solve my shopping cart problem. Im doing it for a school project. The situation is my products are listed in a table. Users will select which product they want by selecting the add to cart link. Once they select it, the product information …

Member Avatar for mirainc
Member Avatar for CasTex

I am getting error at the second line of the code, what is the problem :-/ [ICODE]$content = '<' . '?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?' . '>'; $content .= "<entry xmlns='http://purl.org/atom/ns#'>"; $content .= "<title mode='escaped' type='text/plain'>".$title."</title>"; $content .= "<issued>".$issued."</issued>" $content .= "<generator url='http://www.yoursitesurlhere.com'>client's name</generator>"; $content .= "<content type='application/xhtml+xml'>"; $content .= "<div …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

Hi I am making a online shopping site. In that I want to add online payment option. Paypal will take 5-7 days to process .. I need help in this chapter.. Any one know the solution ?? I am from India and used php code for building the site .... …

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The End.