39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for kunyomi

Hi guys, I'm trying to UPDATE the image that has been already in the database with another image using a form in PHP. I got the uploading working all fine already. Just the edit part. With this code, I get no error, but the MySQL table is not written with …

Member Avatar for kunyomi

Hey guys, I've just started coding php, for a school project. I'm creating a member login system with functions to add/edit contacts. Currently I'm stuck at updating the contacts. I'm able to pull up data into a form in a page called 'edit.php', but after updating and clicking submit, it …

Member Avatar for kunyomi
Member Avatar for z_jun

Hi, I'm having problems with the update function in Sybase. I printed out the query and copied and pasted it into Sybase database and it worked. But, when I run it from the website, the code does not update the info in my database. Why is that so? Is there …

Member Avatar for lll_ari_lll

Hi, i am facing problem in log out section, which redirects to the file logout.php. where after unset-ing and destroying the session, it redirects to index page again, but when i type the following page address which should be seen only when an user is logged in, shows.. can anybody …

Member Avatar for lll_ari_lll
Member Avatar for gsanluis

My knowledge on web designing is kindly novice and i'm having issue redirecting my site using GoDaddy control panel. Installed the latest phpBB to my root domain and working perfect, i need to redirect that forum to my domain. I have check GoDaddy control panel under Content but i don't …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for pmarcusss

Hello! I wrote simple script which gets referer header (if sent) and looks for google keywords (and then highlight them). All works fine, when I have JavaScript turned OFF for Google (NoScript), otherwise there's always "http://google.com" in referer because of hashmark used to handle 'old' GET vars. Is there any …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for Encrypted

I've been scratching my head for a bit now and I can't think of a way to make a mysql_query pull a set of data that matches a number in an array. It's easier to explain what I want to do with code.. so here goes.. Then I need my …

Member Avatar for Encrypted
Member Avatar for Phil++

Hey, I'm trying to implement an email system.. I'm just wondering whether it's possible that when the user registers it creates an email address like: username @ mydomain.com If you understand? Thanks for any help :)

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for z_jun

Hi, I am having problems with the passing of a variable to the next page. I want to pass the $title so that I can use it in the changejob.php page. The following is my code:- [CODE]<td> <a href="changejob.php?id = "<?php $title; ?>""><?php echo $title; ?></td>[/CODE] Please help me. Thanks.

Member Avatar for z_jun
Member Avatar for phpsteve

hi, i am using the following code to retrieve information for todays date: [CODE]<?php $query = "select * from CUSTOMER where DATE (date) = DATE(NOW())"; $result = @mysql_query($query, $connection) or die ("Unable to perform query.<br />$query<br/>"); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); echo "$num_rows"; ?>[/CODE] i cant seem to find any code to …

Member Avatar for phpsteve
Member Avatar for Barrett1

Display Div tags after 4 results not from database [CODE] $a = 0; while(){ if($a == 4){<div class="result"><p>}//Display after 4 results $results .=''.$result.''; if($a == 4){</p></div>}//Display after 4 results $a++; } example: <div class="result"><p> result 1 result 2 result 3 result 4 </p></div> <div class="result"><p> result 5 result 6 result …

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Member Avatar for mrcniceguy

i have this weird problem and i dont know how to make it work. the problem appears after i consider the OR statement.without or statement the first part is working . So idont how to use this statement in mysql. i hope someone can help me. Down is my script. …

Member Avatar for mrcniceguy
Member Avatar for SCoder1

My code I'm working on has a table db the data is 4.5 I wanted it to be 4.50 any help would be great. here's my code: [code] <?php $con = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", ""); if(!$con) //If we can't connect then stop trying and say so { die("Could not connect to …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for rahul8590

i have written a code for the user to select his area of expertise with respect to fields. i am able to display selected checkboxes for those fields. But when i want tio process further like when the user clicks on the particular checkbox and then submits i am not …

Member Avatar for Fest3er
Member Avatar for chakde

Hi, I'm trying to insert data from a form into a Database. I can send static information to the database, but as soon as I write "'$_POST[gname_$i]'" I get an error. The error message is: [B]Parse error:[/B] syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE, expecting ']' in ... on line 5. I don't …

Member Avatar for Krstevski
Member Avatar for Dan08

Hello everyone, well I'm having some problems changing line every time my PHP code writes something to a file. Right now, it's writing the time of everyone, who visits my website, then it adds a comma and his ready to write the time of another person that visits the website. …

Member Avatar for Dan08
Member Avatar for Frankey

Hi there, I am building a blog at the moment i have a amazing script that search a post for the images in it. So i can just setup a post template, call the images that are in the post and go. In this way i put the images unedited …

Member Avatar for Frankey
Member Avatar for sutt0n

New to Mod_Rewrite and have some of the basic fundamentals down, but am stuck right now and need a bit o' help from someone who's experienced. Right now I have a .htaccess page that replaces "index.php?page=pagehere" with "pagehere.php". Well, I want to put another GET variable on the end of …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for ItecKid

Hello, I am new to PHP language, but not to programming or Regular expressions. I am using [code]preg_match_all ($pattern, $file, $matches)[/code] in my code, where $pattern contains two groups of capturing parentheses. I understand that each element of $matches[1] is an element captured by the first group of parentheses, and …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for azegurb

hi all I have CMS system with Mysql storage. in this system there are options to add news title, news subject, news theme and image upload features. i would like to add PHP bbcode options to the theme section of this code. for ex i need to write smth bold …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for OmniX

Yes I know you are not able to refresh in php, but insert meta tags into an echo statement that can refresh, or use javascript, etc. The problem is I have tried all these solutions and it still does not work. :( So I will tell you my problem and …

Member Avatar for ax8l
Member Avatar for cwarn23

Hi, I have made an encryption and decryption script for those who want to encode data and decode the encoded data. This script may especially be useful for those who do not have the mbstring library installed as it uses a math grid. So for example you can store the …

Member Avatar for niksfak

I am trying to use the pc as a recognition service I want to take the calls (the number of the caller) and use it to an html form I really need the part that i take the phone number of the caller and pass it to a form then …

Member Avatar for vasuka
Member Avatar for mysqlnewbie

Hi, I have a search form that picks users of class name of course name. Now I have a problem viewing data in categorization from mysql database with php. For Example I need the following: Course Name: Name Class Name: Name 1. Name Surname(User) 2. Name Surname(User) 3. Name Surname(User) …

Member Avatar for jesicca

If your PHP scripts do not show the correct time, the reason is that most probably your hosting server is in a different timezone. This can be easily resolved by changing a setting in PHP called date.timezone. Depending on your location you can set a specific date.timezone value in PHP …

Member Avatar for niths

Hi all, I am new to php. i need file upload and download codes with comments. so please anyone.....

Member Avatar for prem2
Member Avatar for tristan17

Hi, I am looking for the algorthim for converting rgb to hsv values. Does anyone know of any program or algorithm in php?? thanks in advance, tris

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for kraver

Hi All, Anybody who have good recommendations for howto guide on how to write plugins from A to Z. I will start programming plugins for a number of sites. Many thanks. /Kraver

Member Avatar for tersty
Member Avatar for joeedel89

Hello and Thanks, I am trying to create a teacher grade book for my school, I have a mysql database 'gradebook' and two tables 'students' and 'data' (mysql code below) to start, I am also using PHP. I have googled this to death and can't seem to come up with …

Member Avatar for sallecpt
Member Avatar for baseballfury

Hi there, I've created a page that uses 2 seperate functions for passing variables. The first runs when the page loads and requests categories from a database to fill a dropdown box. The second function sends a date value and the contents of the select from the dropdown box to …

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The End.