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126 Posted Topics
Re: So, either your lazy and can't be bothered to do the program for yourself OR you haven't been paying enough attention in class because from my experience, they wouldn't give you a task without teaching it. | |
Hey, I'm trying to work on a project that asks a question and tyhen give three possible answers. The problem is that I want the answers to be in random places.. So like the answer could be in in the second place 1 time and at the top again. I've … | |
Okay, I created an application that used SQL. It works perfect on the computer that I compiled it on, but, when I release the application it shows an error like: "Cannot open this application, missing components" ... Also, on the computer I compiled it on, it shows the database file … | |
Hello, I'm a little confused about something.. Is association the same as Interfaces in C#? Thanks :) | |
Hello, I'm trying to create a script where when a user clicks on a button, it will send them an email.. The code compiles, however, when I click on the button it says "Failure sending mail" Here is the code: [code] private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string mailServerName … | |
Re: Hey.. In order to do this, you're going to have to use some form of storing, whether it be a datafile or a database. Remember, to use a localised database rather than a hosted one. Show the code (If you have any) | |
Hello,I have a function that draws a rectangle on a form (different widths and heights) [code] public void drawRectangle() { Graphics g = pictureBox1.CreateGraphics(); Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(50, 50, 60, 50); g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, 10, 10, 10, 10); } [/code] I have a picturebox called picturebox1 but how would I get … | |
Hey, I would like to show a prompt when a user clicks on the "X" button on my form, but it doesn't seem to be working.. Here is the code: [code] private void Form_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosedEventArgs e) { if (e.CloseReason == CloseReason.UserClosing) { MessageBox.Show("YES"); } } [/code] Any ideas? | |
Hello, I have a few checkboxes thatwhen you check them, they set a varible to bool. For example, if someone selected that they want to see a square it would then change the bool "square = true" however, when someone unchecks the checkbox, I want the boolen to go back … | |
Hello, I'm really confused.. If I have a string in Java, let's say "Phillip" and I wanted to store this in an array... e.g. [code] name[] = { "P", "H", "I", "L", "L", "I", "P } [/code] would I use a for loop for the string? Helo? | |
Hello, I'm trying to create an application that when you click on a button, it just displays a string but it doesnt work. Here's the code: [code] import java.io.*; import java.awt.*; import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.event.*; public class main extends Applet { TextField input; Button convert; public void init … | |
Hello, Does anyone know how to set the text colour but for a specific character? E.g. If I enter "Phillip" I want it to display: P[COLOR="Green"]H[/COLOR]illip So that just 1 character is coloured? Heres the code I've written: [code] public void paint(Graphics g) { String elements; elements = nameField.getText(); char … | |
Hello, I have a calculator that has a set of memory buttons that I want to store the result of a calculation in.. Here is the code: [CODE] ActionListener memPadListener = new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String memOperator = e.getActionCommand(); double numForMem = 0.0; if (memOperator.equals("M+")) … | |
Hello, I'm creating a windows like calculator using Java, I seem to be having some problems.. It will let me calculate two numbers together e.g. 2 + 2 (It will display 4) however, if I want to do multiple calculations... e.g. 2 + 2 + * 3 It will only … ![]() | |
Hey, Does anyone know what a plain text substitution might be? For example, If I had to find the plain text substitution of "Hello World" would I count the characters? I'm really confused, anyone have any ideas? Thanks :) | |
Hello, I have two forms (Main, Login) when the user logs in and has the right email / password.. I would like it so I can display the username on the main screen.. I have a class and I'm setting the values inside the class however when I try to … | |
Hello, I'm trying to crate a login form that basically logs users in.. Now, I have created the database, and queried the table to see if the user exists.. But how do you check if the query returns whether it is or not? E.g. in PHP you'd use like.. [CODE] … | |
Hello, I'm creating a project in C# that requires me to use access a remote MYSQL server.. I have an online hosting account, that is hosting the database HOWEVER, i don't know how to access it.. In the 'Remote MYSQL' part of the site it just has this: 192.168.1.% So … | |
Hey, I have a problem.. I'm working on my final project and wanting to do some database intigration, now I have chosen MYSQL to do it in, however, when I try and create a database (locally) it won't let me connect.. This is annoying! So, is there any way that … | |
Hello, I am trying to connect to a database "database1" using C#, however, everytime that I try to connect I get this error: [I]Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts.[/I] This is the code that I am using to connect to database1 [code] string connString = "Data … | |
Hello, I'm doing my final project and I'm thinking about creating an application that is user based.. A user can login (See their score etc) and also register if they haven't got an account yet.. I'm thinking about doing this using SQL and I haven't really done it before, other … | |
Hello, I'm working on a project that once ran (the main window) becomes maximised and then another window (Form2) pops up allowing the user to login OR register. I have created the main project and added a form (called form2) but when I try to display Form2 when Form1 loads … | |
Ok, I have a slight problem.. I know that Binary is a base 2 system (1, 0) I know decimal is a 10 base number (1, 10) But I need to know which number system has a base of 7? Thanks in advanced! | |
Okay, I'm confused right.. I have been given three values (0 0 1) which is three inputs, but what operator would I use? Like, AND, OR, or NOT? I have tried to use an AND gate but it doesn't help. Also, i'd only need THREE inputs (switches) right? Regards | |
Hey, I'm looking for some help and advice on set theory. Is set theory like arrays in C# and C++ for example? Like: [CODE] S = {1,2,3,4,5,6} // is a set of integers [/CODE] But how do you access each member? For example, in C++: [CODE] cout << S[1]; // … | |
Hello there, I'm working on a project and for this I'm using classes, in my main I'm using an array of objects. When I compile it, it works fine, but when I try to enter values, it displays this message: "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException at main.main(main.java:25)" Here is my … | |
Hello, I'm trying to open a file from a folder called "Assginement" however, when the program get's released, it might not be in a folder called this. What could I do? I've tried everything. The other problem is that it creates a file a file, and places it within the … | |
Hey, I'm trying to download a file from the internet and save it to my desktop.. The code compiles but at runtime it does not download the file: [CODE] try { WebClient fileDownloader = new WebClient(); fileDownloader.DownloadFile("http://www.google.com/logos/2010/lebanonind10-hp.jpg", "/Users/p/Desktop"); } catch(Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine ("The file cannot be downloaded!"); } [/CODE] … | |
Hello, Right, basically I'm trying to write some HTML to a file, now the problem is that I do not want to write the whole of the HTML in the C# program, incase I ever need to change the HTML file. All I want to do is change a few … ![]() | |
Hey, I have a function that replaces a string within a file: [code] public static void WebPage(int gradeA, int gradeB, int gradeC, int gradeD, int gradeE, int gradeF) { // read the HTML file TextReader webpage = new StreamReader ("/Users/Desktop/Assignment/webpage.html"); string LookUp; while ((LookUp = webpage.ReadLine()) != null) { string … |
The End.