39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for Mujahid MMS

I am starting to learn php and web designing but I don't know how to start so I need your help.Some tutorials and environment on which I will do programmig. Please help me. Email me at <EMAIL SNIPPED> Thanks

Member Avatar for emiola
Member Avatar for pentest

Hello, just recently I have experience the following error message: "Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/ptremail/public_html/admin/newmail.php on line 431" If anyone could help I would greatly appreciate it. I have pasted the entire code below. Thanks! [ICODE]<script language="javascript"> function clear(){ for (i=1;i<=240;i++){ document.getElementById(i).checked=false; …

Member Avatar for prabugenius
Member Avatar for jober

++++Here is my code in to call the records from the list box that must be display in the datagrid. [code=php]<?php $a = $_GET[$query1]; $b = $_GET[$query2]; mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "") or die ('Error'.mysqlerror()); mysql_select_db("sched"); $query="INSERT INTO try (section,grp) values ('".$a."','".$b."')"; mysql_query($query) or die ('Error Cannnot Insert Records!'); ?> <?php // …

Member Avatar for smartness

How to include something that is a directory before the file like: public_html/includes/sources/yt.php the file yt.php must include a file which is in: public_html/includes/fetch.php what will it be like? [ICODE]include_once(../file.php)[/ICODE] or?:'(

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for qwertyas

i am trying to send SMS to multiple users. SMS string is being generated in a loop and is sent with that loop. The code which does the actual sending is below [icode] $host = "http://alertbox.in/pushsms.php"; $fp = fsockopen("alertbox.in", 80); if (!$fp) { echo "$errstr ($errno)<br />\n"; } else { …

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for wickedsunny

Hiiz is there a way that i can rewrite .htaccess from a php file? well actually i am using a cms for my site and whenever i make a new page i have to rewrite it in htaccess to make it work and SEO friendly. so i was wondering if …

Member Avatar for wickedsunny
Member Avatar for CasTex

Hello coders, I have a script that saves the values to database. I have this value [CODE]$uzuncuk = $cummle." is easy to use. We suggest you to install ".$cummle." to your computer and view the features of the product. For your safety, please have a decent antivirus installed, with updated …

Member Avatar for CasTex
Member Avatar for lifeworks

Hi Im creating a list of tutorials on my website and I want to group them by the designer. Is it possible, to write a MySQL query which will function on a PHP website which prints the designer name once and then lists all of his tutorials underneath... in one …

Member Avatar for lifeworks
Member Avatar for khr2003

I am not sure where to post this topic but I though this section is the right one. I have a large amount of data in a MS word file. Basically, I want to automate the posting of this data into my website through the normal form of posting topics …

Member Avatar for khr2003
Member Avatar for smartness

Hi people... I have phpVideoSearch script, and want to add a feature, that if someone a specified page, to add to mysql a +1 value... Example this is the page: [CODE]watch.php?title=Riz+Khan&link=http://www.youtube.com/v/[B]xE0wOa5R6KY[/B][/CODE] i've set a code to create a id for this video like: [B]yt_xE0wOa5R6KY[/B] Can someone help me create a …

Member Avatar for mwasif
Member Avatar for arvindikchari

Hello, I want to design a page, where the user specifies a regular background color and a mouseover background color for a menu(ie ordered list of items) and these are dynamically applied to and shown in a preview section. Is it possible to do this and how to code it …

Member Avatar for jrdark13
Member Avatar for Avalon

I have recently turned my site into a [URL=http://casino.finditjack.com]php site[/URL]. The only problem is I am trying to run more than one banner at the top. I don't want one underneathe the other. I would like them side by side and centered. Also, I have seen on some sites similar …

Member Avatar for KCNS
Member Avatar for Smurf_UK

I am building a website where models and photographers can regsiter a profile. During registration I am wanting to allow a maximum of 6 images to be uploaded. However, I want to either append the file name with the name of the user, so the image stored on the server …

Member Avatar for somedude3488
Member Avatar for arvindikchari

Hello, I want to design a page, where the user specifies a regular image and a mouseover image for a menu(ie ordered list of items) and these are dynamically applied to and shown in a preview section. Is it possible to do this and how to code it Thanks Arvind

Member Avatar for CasTex

Can someone tell me where is the problem ? [CODE]<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.forumistan.net/analiz/analiz.php?site=http://www.forumistan.net"></script>[/CODE] analiz.php [CODE] <? Header("content-type: application/x-javascript"); ob_start(); include 'all.php'; ob_end_clean(); echo "document.write(\"<div class=\"txt\">Pagerank: $rank->pagerank <br>\")"; echo "document.write(\"Alexa: $rank->alexa_rank</div>\")"; ?>[/CODE]

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for dourvas

hallo, i ve created a dynamic form. A user can select The number of fields he d like to fill in (test creation) [code=php]echo '<form method="post" action="createxml.php">'; for ($i =1; $i <=$number; $i+=1){ // THE $NUMBER CONTAINS //VALUE -ok- echo '<fieldset width ="20%">'; echo '<legend class = "login">WRITE A QUESTION</legend>'; …

Member Avatar for Yayo_SK
Member Avatar for dev.smith

hi all, Can I use a variable from a .php file to give a value to an HTML FormMail form field thus:? please reply soon. Thanks -----------------------<URL SNIPPED>

Member Avatar for death_oclock
Member Avatar for bipinsth

hey is there any one who can help me in learning PHP and Mysql.... I have keen interest in it but I am not gettin someone who can really help me in it.... If you can then please reply me in <EMAIL SNIPPED> or in <EMAIL SNIPPED>....

Member Avatar for it2051229
Member Avatar for BeerGuzler

Hi, I'm trying to put together a PHP Ajax search against an mySQL database yet doesnt seem to work .. HELP! I had to resort to using frameset which I dont really want to do. what I'm trying to is perform a search against a mysql database and display the …

Member Avatar for it2051229
Member Avatar for marcmm

I'm trying to use some dynamic path names for an image upload page. In a tutorial they had something like this: [code] <?PHP $directory_self = str_replace(basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), '', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); // this echoes something like " /foldername/ " presumbing that the php file is set inside that folder in the root. $uploadsDirectory …

Member Avatar for Yayo_SK
Member Avatar for mangel.murti

hi all new to php ..... how to protecte links on userpage when he login successfully. i want that out side user who not logged in ,can not see page after copy those links in browser.any example. thanx in advan......

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for shibobo2001

I would like to delop a search facility allowing the user to search other user by name, matching users should be listed, each matching user should have a hyperlink labelled"Make Friends", could anybody help me write an ajax code for this, many thanks

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for jzimmerman

New PHP person here.. I am setting up an event registration page. The users must select from two arrival dates for hotel and flights. from my database, I am able to populate a dropdown with the two dates. [code] "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(firstarrival, '%d %M %Y') as newfirsta, DATE_FORMAT(secondarrival, '%d %M %Y') …

Member Avatar for jzimmerman
Member Avatar for stevehart808

Hi, Just hoping someone could point out how to do this: Users can either [COLOR="Red"]insert a link to audio or upload audio[/COLOR]. Rather than have 2 separate fields in my mysql table (that would lead to more probs) I want to insert depending on which form field has been entered. …

Member Avatar for jrdark13
Member Avatar for culebrin

I have a SP (sp_test_procedure) created from a SQL Server Project in my SQL Server 2005 database, inside this SP I have a call to another SP which inside calls to a SP in another Database Server (SQL 2000) through a cross-linked connection. When I execute it from the Management …

Member Avatar for culebrin
Member Avatar for itsyllabus

Lear PHP Search engine optimization and MYsql from the scratch <URL SNIPPED> Regards Mike

Member Avatar for blueskin

Hi, I have a form with an array. kidname, age and lesson. [URL="http://jawaweb.com/e1.jpg"]http://jawaweb.com/e1.jpg[/URL] I fill up with 2 kids to join, when i click on send, there are 2 email sent to same addresses and all the informations going to mysql database. confirmation pagina shows. [URL="http://jawaweb.com/e1.jpg"]http://jawaweb.com/e2.jpg[/URL] When i view a …

Member Avatar for blueskin
Member Avatar for anirbanb2004

Hi All , Recently I have bought an excellent image rating PHP script from [url]http://www.hotornotclone.com/[/url]. For a Long time I was searching for the script and finally this is the solution what I was looking for. But I am not able to customize the colour and menus yet. Can any …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

Hi I make a php file upload script and uploaded in my ftp server. And works fine when I changed the permission of the folder into full ( ie world can write, execute and read ) . The images are saved in that folder...... How much it is secured ?? …

Member Avatar for MVied
Member Avatar for emclinux

Is there a way to gather the HTTP header send from a server so that I can check if it is a code 200 or a code 404 and base the output from that. Thanks for the help EmcLinux

Member Avatar for emclinux

The End.