39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

Hi I need to do a image upload script using PHP. Please let me know how can I do it with directory permission 0755... Please help me...... My code is working if I change the directory permission to 0777 in which images are saved .. Please help me... Thanks Rajeesh

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for khr2003

hello I am trying to make a script that can upload multiple files (currently I set it to five). I made the form look like this: [CODE]$i = 1; while ($i <= 5) { $form .= "here goes the content of the form"; $i = $i + 1; }[/CODE] I …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

Hi I had a community web site and I need to show "Recent Visitors" under a profile ( just like in Orkut ) I do it successfully and that will show in the page like this ... Name1, Name2 , Name3 .. But I need to make link in each …

Member Avatar for Andrieux
Member Avatar for smhnaji

Hello friends As you know, the way to manage the code that you write, is very importnant. By manage, I mean that you have a good way to know where to control the core of the project, the objects' act, and managing separating view from object core. As I've reasearched, …

Member Avatar for death_oclock
Member Avatar for rupesh Patil

i have crated web page usng netbeans .. in my php code i have fetch the data in array now i want that data to be pass that data in js file which in that project please help me...

Member Avatar for rupesh Patil
Member Avatar for LTT

Hello! Wondering if someone could give me a hand.. Im looking to make a form kind of like this one.. "http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us" Where the fields change depending on what is slected.. I would like to link the values of the of the form to a mySQL DB. So the form when …

Member Avatar for LTT
Member Avatar for anuspan

hello everyone, im using php 5.2.6 , apache 2.2.10 and mysql 5 for my server.everything works fine excepts sessions.i have configure the php.ini file for sessions.but still its not working.im using windows platform.can anyone help me to settle this?

Member Avatar for anuspan
Member Avatar for sacarias40

i am designing a few pages. the pages have a few main divs and that is how i am inserting the background(with css) i can render the whole background to the browser but i dont get how to nest divs inside divs with OOP. any help would be greatly apreciated! …

Member Avatar for sacarias40
Member Avatar for Aamit

Hi, In my $str="DAniweb it DISCUSSION Community" I want "Each First" character is capital and rest of lower case " If String is $str="[COLOR="Red"]DAniweb it DISCUSSION Community[/COLOR]" Ans-> [COLOR="Green"]Daniweb It Discussion Community[/COLOR] How to do this??

Member Avatar for Andrieux
Member Avatar for Maidomax

Hi! I am creating a simple website, and I would like to have an option on one page to print the contents of the page by clicking a button, or seeing it in PDF format by clicking another. What is the simplest way of doing this? Mladen

Member Avatar for Yayo_SK
Member Avatar for Ragnarok

I have been working on flatfile and directory system in PHP and not that I have got the script working I want to make it more secure. What I have is one directory with sub-directorys insided them and insided the subdirectorys are about 20 files each. Forexample: [code]directory/ sub1/ sub2/[/code] …

Member Avatar for Yayo_SK
Member Avatar for anchal

i hav a problem m new to php nd i started with writin my first page but whenever i start my browser i see the complete code and nt the output i need i wrote [code=php]<html> <title>my php page</title> <body> <?php echo "hello there!"; ?> </body> </html>[/code] the output is …

Member Avatar for Yayo_SK
Member Avatar for NEPHILIM

How are you all. I have set up a PHPBB Forum with Version 3.0.0. software. I saw a PHPBB3 (Version 3.0.0) skin on phpbbhacks. I downloaded the Zip file to my C drive, and extracted the file with 7zip to folders.I used WS FTP client to upload the files and …

Member Avatar for mtvnot
Member Avatar for Ravigandha

Hello Guys, My problem is when i am attaching files and sending in mail through PHP code everything is working fine and i am getting attached files to email. But if the destination address is of yahoo or hotmail then they the attached file is not displaying. It is displaying …

Member Avatar for lordspace
Member Avatar for MDGM

Hi, Im having a wierd problem with my mysql query: I have entries in my database with a rating (out of 10) and a timestamp, and I want to pull out the highest rated entry from the past 30 days. These are the entries I have: [CODE]Primary key ----------------- Rating …

Member Avatar for MDGM
Member Avatar for serdas

this is code diplays everything in one page how can i make this show more then one page? thak you [code]// Addon Specific Function function viewallusers_display_addon_link() { // Show the link for the menu $display = '<a href="index.php?action=addon_viewallusers_showpage1">View All Agents</a>'; return $display; } function viewallusers_display_addon_page() { // display all the …

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Member Avatar for serdas

hi, i have a program that i am using from an open source, it does not have a privete messaging system like this web site has, is there any way i can find some kind of a code to cretae one for the site, is something like that possible, i …

Member Avatar for lordspace
Member Avatar for nicolemcgrgr50

Can anyone help me i need to make it so that my customers can click a button and it will preform this mysql query *UPDATE Users SET groupid = 'P' WHERE userid = '$id';* and then re-direct them to a specific page. Thanks

Member Avatar for anuspan
Member Avatar for gpittingale

Invalid query: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''12' at line 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seen as someone kinda helped me with the last thread i posted i have now been issued with …

Member Avatar for FlashCreations
Member Avatar for serdas

this is a very messy code, i tried to copy from one to other. it displays images and the name and last name of the person. it does it vertically and i need to show let say in two columns so the third image and the name last name falls …

Member Avatar for serdas
Member Avatar for Morty222

I have a feed for UPS that gets real time shipping costs for packages shipped throughout the US. The feed works fine, except if someone enters AE or AP as the state if they are shipping to a military base overseas. I get this error: 111286:AE is not a valid …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for gpittingale

So i have this script, instead of having the output as what is in th script below, i would like to have it in a table i have had a couple of gos at this and failed......MISERABLY!!!. Could anyone help me out with an example. ps there are more fields …

Member Avatar for Devendar Singh
Member Avatar for gpittingale

Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/sites/miraclehosting.co.uk/public_html/scdc.php on line 169 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Can anyone help here this is doin ma ed in!! gggrrrhhhhh i get the above result when Load the script into the browser. here is the form: [code=html]<form action="scdc.php" method="post" name="chooser"> <label>Select Parish …

Member Avatar for gpittingale
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

I have been using WAMP to setup my forum (PHPbb3) and and a site. For some reason I don't know, PHP installation of WAMP was crashing with message can't find logger.dll. I removed my www directory and uninstalled WAMP and re installed, that is when I knew that I forgot …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for serdas

hi, i am very very new to php. have a some code like this [code=php]// Get file name from URL and remove any bad filename chars. $url_parts = explode('/', $url); $num = count($url_parts)-1; $file_name = $url_parts[$num]; $badchararray = array(" ", "'", "\"", "$", "&", "%", "-", "#", "^", "*", "(", …

Member Avatar for death_oclock
Member Avatar for nicolemcgrgr50

I'm new to php, but not to programming, and i'm using very basics of sessions to manage a user being logged into my site. When testing it, everything works until I move away from my site. I would like the session to be destroyed if you navigate away, is there …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for aparnesh

The project specs requires that I send some data to a remote server, where records based on the data that I send will be searched from a MySQL db, and returned to the caller. I developed a class that resides in the remote Web server with MySQL. The local php …

Member Avatar for aparnesh
Member Avatar for ade92uk

I have used preg match to find in a page all img tags: [CODE]<(img)[^>]*?>[/CODE] Can someone please tell me how i would check if it has a full url and if it does not replace it with a full url from a variable called $link2. I would also like to …

Member Avatar for jrdark13
Member Avatar for tyop

I'm having a problem with newline characters and nl2br(), Basically I have a form with a textarea, it reads from a XML file and puts the contents into the text area. Then changes can be made to the text, button clicked, XML updated. Viewing the XML after it gets updated …

Member Avatar for mschroeder
Member Avatar for redgem

I have a database that I want query and pull an users specific details into a "$profile" variable. the url would be: "[I][url]www.website.com/profile.php?id=12345[/url][/I]" Thus, I use the $_REQUEST["id"] to put the id number into a variable and then I query the database using this id number. The code is below: …

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The End.