Hi am currently new to php i know all the basics etc but wanting to learn to do bigger more complicated things can anybody reccomend any gud software or books or anywhere could have help learning any help would be appreciated fanx

Hi am currently new to php i know all the basics etc but wanting to learn to do bigger more complicated things can anybody reccomend any gud software or books or anywhere could have help learning any help would be appreciated fanx

Depends on what you call basic things.

Do you know OOP in php? that's the thing you must know these days.

I highly recommend this book:
Object-Oriented PHP: Concepts, Techniques, and Code

This book gave me a good basic but solid understanding of OOP in php, from there only daily experience writing code will help you become a better programmer

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When I started I bought the Beginner and the the Professional PHP books from Wrox. PHP and MySQL from O'Reilly was also a good buy as it went into depth about using PEAR/PECL files (e.g. extensive use of DB object) and using ezPDF to create PDF files on the fly. Be prepared to spend good money on good books. I don't think online tutorials are a good first resource. I find them good for getting to grips with stuff once you know the basics. As we all know, websites aren't usually peer reviewed, so information gleaned from them can't be considered to be 100% correct. Likewise, the books will get out of date quite quickly, so ensure any books you buy are no more than a year old (if possible).

In addition, this may sound a little bit course, but you can leave your books in the toilet and read them at leisure!

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