Dear members,

I'm in serious problem. I need a tool which can get all content information of a website and at the end these information will produce a CSV. That CSV will be imported in another database...can anyone help me regarding this issue..

come on man some one plzzzzzzz rply

I need a tool which can get all content information of a website and at the end these information will produce a CSV. That CSV will be imported in another database...can anyone help me regarding this issue..

Can't you just use phpMyAdmin? It will export as csv, but why csv over sql? Are you just moving the site?

I've used something like this:

ini_set ('display_errors', 1);
error_reporting (E_ALL & ~ E_NOTICE);


   $csv_output = "Last Name,First Name,Address 1,Address 2,City,State,Zip,Phone,Email,DOB,Member"; 
   $csv_output .= "\n"; 
   $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM members"); 

   while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { 
       $csv_output .= "$row[last_name],$row[first_name],$row[address1],$row[address2],$row[city],$row[state],$row[zip],$row[phone],$row[email],$row[age],$row[member]\n";

   header("Content-type: application/");
   header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=" . date("Y-m-d").".xls");
   print $csv_output;

I hope this helps.

Dear members,

I'm in serious problem. I need a tool which can get all content information of a website and at the end these information will produce a CSV. That CSV will be imported in another database...can anyone help me regarding this issue..

Hi: I have had great success building scripts over the last several years that convert websites to csv and other formats. A previous project mined data from over 300,000 pages. I would need more information to be sure I can help you, as much depends on the structure of the data on the original site. Please contact me if you would like to discuss this further.

mozenda is what you need. just google it.

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