Fairly new to this, and looked around on the net and didn't readily find my answers.
I am setting up picture pages, thousands, and want to be able to change header or footer information down the road as the site expands.
I am on godaddy non windows hosting.
I need my pages to stay with .html
So when I create my header, would I create that and then use the php extension on the file? Do I need php script within that file? Special code for the header file, and is that a php or html?
Pages are quite simple http://freehelpings.com/freephotos and I am going to use a page generator to make the pages later, using each picture.
Then as I advance through this process, I will want to make a thumbnail gallery with link to each picture page.
I have some wonderfull ideas on how I want my gallery to work, but totally lack the expertice in programming to make it happen at this time.
None of the photo galleries do what I need. I am hoping also to incorporate the opendb software down the line to help in searching for the content.
Considering I have thousands of photos and going after more, I need to automate as much as possible. I tried zenphoto http://snailrider.com/zenphoto but do not really like it. It is simple and fairly easy, but I cannot optimize each picture page like I want, and I really don't care about comments etc.
So how would I set up the php header include?