Fairly new to this, and looked around on the net and didn't readily find my answers.

I am setting up picture pages, thousands, and want to be able to change header or footer information down the road as the site expands.

I am on godaddy non windows hosting.

I need my pages to stay with .html

So when I create my header, would I create that and then use the php extension on the file? Do I need php script within that file? Special code for the header file, and is that a php or html?

Pages are quite simple http://freehelpings.com/freephotos and I am going to use a page generator to make the pages later, using each picture.

Then as I advance through this process, I will want to make a thumbnail gallery with link to each picture page.

I have some wonderfull ideas on how I want my gallery to work, but totally lack the expertice in programming to make it happen at this time.

None of the photo galleries do what I need. I am hoping also to incorporate the opendb software down the line to help in searching for the content.

Considering I have thousands of photos and going after more, I need to automate as much as possible. I tried zenphoto http://snailrider.com/zenphoto but do not really like it. It is simple and fairly easy, but I cannot optimize each picture page like I want, and I really don't care about comments etc.

So how would I set up the php header include?


Fairly new to this, and looked around on the net and didn't readily find my answers.

I am setting up picture pages, thousands, and want to be able to change header or footer information down the road as the site expands.

I am on godaddy non windows hosting.

I need my pages to stay with .html

So when I create my header, would I create that and then use the php extension on the file? Do I need php script within that file? Special code for the header file, and is that a php or html?

Pages are quite simple http://freehelpings.com/freephotos and I am going to use a page generator to make the pages later, using each picture.

Then as I advance through this process, I will want to make a thumbnail gallery with link to each picture page.

I have some wonderfull ideas on how I want my gallery to work, but totally lack the expertice in programming to make it happen at this time.

None of the photo galleries do what I need. I am hoping also to incorporate the opendb software down the line to help in searching for the content.

Considering I have thousands of photos and going after more, I need to automate as much as possible. I tried zenphoto http://snailrider.com/zenphoto but do not really like it. It is simple and fairly easy, but I cannot optimize each picture page like I want, and I really don't care about comments etc.

So how would I set up the php header include?


Is there some really good reason to have the pages end with a .html? PHP can read a plain old html file without any php coding in it. If you are on a GoDaddy server (which I have a few sites on thier servers) and it is a non windows server, most likely it is a linux or unix server. Simply change the name of index.html to index.php
To include a header in the file, design your site and break down the header and footer sections into their own page (i.e. header.php or footer.php) then use an include statement in your page

<? include('header.php'); ?>

The content of your site (body) would start just below that. After the content you would include footer.php

<? include('footer.php'); ?>

example of header.php

<!-- Begin the outer container table -->
<table width="750" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding=" 0">
<!-- begin graphical header -->
<td colspan="13"><img src="bannerImage.jpg" width="750" height="100" alt="this is my banner "></td>
<!-- end graphical header -->

footer.php example

//end container
<td width="730" height="60" colspan="12" align="left" valign="middle" background="images/Footer.jpg"><p class="footerText">Today's Date:<?php echo date(' F j,Y');?><br>
More text here if you want.

Make sure your container tags are started and ended correctly. Here I bolded the ending table row and starting table row
Your index.php page can now look like this:

<? include('header.php'); ?>
<table width="500" border="0">
<tdHere is the content of you web page</td>
<td>Set up with a table in the middle of the header and footer</td>
<? include('footer.php'); ?>

That's a very basic run through, you can do so much more!!!
Hopefully this will at least steer you in the right direction.

Yes I need html as that is what format the generator makes for the pages.

I am going to study up on your post for the future so thanks much. I want to work more with php in the future, and not real clear on the container thing, I noticed some of my forums use a container (at least in the css I see it)


Member Avatar for fatihpiristine

there is no way to do this html coding.

Do I understand correctly?

If the page is .html, the php include will not work?

That really sucks, so then I would have to use frames?

Member Avatar for fatihpiristine

in html, no! only with frames.

you cannot include any type pages to html without frames.

What is wrong with PHP, ASP etc? You wrote there already GoDaddy servers are Linux or Unix, so PHP can work on them.

you can use php in html files as long as the server is configured for it. i have my own server and i can make any extension i want. this includes .html files

I guess I'm going to have to do some experimenting.

OK a little bit off of php, but still trying alternatives to a dynamic header. What about and <object>, but I don't want to use flash buttons. Could I create a text object or have the object a php file?

I found this little tidbit, but don't think I want to use this method, but is yet another option.
(seems like a bandwidthe burglar)

You can run PHP code in .html files. If you add:

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .html

to your .htaccess file, all pages with a .html extension will also be parsed by PHP. So you can keep your current .html pages, and add PHP code to them.

I am not concerned about the footer or header being search engine friendly. So I guess frames. :(

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