39,388 Topics
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Hi, I have index.php on root. Session register using $_session['user'] and redirected to abc/demo.php session not working in directories . but on this location abc/demo.php session not working. is that any [B]setting in php.ini[/B] or anything? Same thing [B]working on local[/B](xampp) [B]but on working on live[/B] server. How to solve … ![]() | |
Hi, I would like to setup a htaccess for my dating site, where only US and UK IP ranges would be allowed, as well as my own IP, which is from EU. All other countries and proxies have to be blocked. I've searched on the net, but found nothing conclusive, … | |
trying to create a simpleprogram that will read a text file and output information and calculations using the data in the text file. I have 4 radio buttons which represent an item Number. when one is selected the output form should print to a table the ID,Part,Count, Price, and the … ![]() | |
Hello all of you . I'll try to explain what I want as clear as possible and if there will be some type of things that yo are unclear with please let me know . I built a live chat using PHP and MySQL (It's a chat programme where when … | |
Hello, I'm coding a site in php, and i want to add another language/ I used poedit to do po file I used the _e() func, e.g _e('hello world') but when i tried to run the site in the localhost, i get an error. but when i changed the func, … ![]() | |
Hi, I need to change [B][url]http://localhost[/url] to [url]https://localhost[/url][/B] 1. I am working on the Apache(Xampp). 2. Operation System -> Windows Machine. 3. Am having [CODE]"DIGITAL CERTIFICATE"[/CODE] (license one - Am not using a self signed certificate) 4. I don't know how to configure this "DIGITAL CERTIFICATE" in my Apache Web … | |
On a MySQL table the Date column is set at YYYY-MM-DD with some dates shown as 0000-00-00 (Default set at NULL) where no date is available. This is OK until I display the web page that contains the php code for the SELECT query. All the 0000-00-00 dates are displayed … | |
[CODE] function isValidURL($url){ return preg_match("^([\d\w-.]+?\.(a[cdefgilmnoqrstuwz]|b[abdefghijmnorstvwyz]|c[acdfghiklmnoruvxyz]|d[ejkmnoz]|e[ceghrst]|f[ ijkmnor]|g[abdefghilmnpqrstuwy]|h[kmnrtu]|i[delmnoqrst]|j[emop]|k[eghimnprwyz]|l[abcikrst uvy]|m[acdghklmnopqrstuvwxyz]|n[acefgilopruz]|om|p[aefghklmnrstwy]|qa|r[eouw]|s[abcdeghij klmnortuvyz]|t[cdfghjkmnoprtvwz]|u[augkmsyz]|v[aceginu]|w[fs]|y[etu]|z[amw]|aero|arpa|biz |com|coop|edu|info|int|gov|mil|museum|name|net|org|pro)(\b|\W(?<!&|=)(?!\.\s|\.{3}).*?))(\s|$)^", $url); } [/CODE] Hi! Anyone knows what's the exact equivalent JAVASCRIPT code for the above PHP code? THANKS! | |
i had build ontology with my protege but i want to make search engine to seek ontology file with technology semantic web like use SKOS, SPARQL... can guess hel me? | |
Hi, I am using the backbone.js and full calendar script in my website. However, on clicking OK in the popup to add events, no action is taking place. Actually the event should be displayed on that specific date on clicking OK. the cancel button is working fine. I am using … | |
need help, is it possible to save DATA from different table, in just one SUBMIT?? what is the query, or how is it? i cant find a TAB, for it... anyone can help me..? | |
When a person logs into my site i need to check a value in a database for their roleid, and dependent on that i need to allow/deny access to a page. I have this code but it says that the $_SESION variable 'Access' is undefined, i cant see why? [CODE] … ![]() | |
Right. Im trying to communicate with the expedia travel API, exchanging xml feed with them. It goes somehow like this: I send them info of the query I want, they send me the query back in xml form. Here is an example of a query I would want to send … | |
Hi every body i was create some forms for uploading files. when i tried to upload some files with less than a MB there is no problem and it works well but when the size of file that i want to upload it, is over than 10 MB i faced … | |
Hey, I have a database of events... and I need to add a row for each day for a year... so there will be 365 rows in the database, but the date format must be as follows: Row 1 Start Date: 2012-01-01T00:00 End Date: 2012-01-01T23:59 Row 2 Start Date: 2012-01-02T00:00 … | |
Hey, My code epic fails... I get delivery failed when sending an email to the email addess that pipe's to this script: [CODE]#!/usr/bin/php -q <?php ini_set('memory_limit', '256M'); //The concern here is having enough mem for emails with attachments. // read from stdin $fd = fopen("php://stdin", "r"); $email = ""; while … | |
Hi all, been lurking for ages and though I'd join to ask the following: I have created a PHP script which'll automatically carry out a series of actions which'll save a lot of people a lot of time. It's highly configurable and comes in at ~350 lines of code. I … | |
I originally posted this over on the [URL="http://wordpress.org/support/topic/incorrect-page-content-passed-to-plugin-in-firefox"]WordPress forums[/URL], and got no responses. Eventually I figured out what the problem was and fixed it, but thought I'd repost here in case anyone else is experiencing similar issues (I couldn't find any related articles in my initial search on the symptoms.) … | |
Hi guys, I am working on something that is driving me crazy, I'm just trying to get my php skills better and so the help with this or guide in the right direction will be a greatly appreciated. the script for this looks like this [CODE]<html> <head> </head> <body> <table … | |
l need to be able to add a custom contact page to a third party login user from my facebook app. Can someone point me in the coorrect direction, tutorials or clear documentation | |
Hi I have a phpcode that fetches data from database , I want to lock a row when a user reads that row and want to release it when he exits. Can any one help me plz | |
Hi.. I need some help. I have a problem to insert 2 values or variable from drop down list to database at the same time. i want to insert name_relation into db, at the same time want to insert IcNo into db. here my code: [CODE]<?php include ("ConnectDB.php"); ?> <select … | |
Hi All, I have a "Change Password" script I am battling a bit with. At first I could not get the update to recognise the correct user and now that I have that sorted and the update does insert the new hash value for the correct user I cannot login … | |
Hi, In my server, just i have installed XAMPP with the PHP version 5.3.1 and the apache version Apache/2.2.14 (Win32) DAV/2 mod_ssl/2.2.14 OpenSSL/0.9.8l mod_autoindex_color PHP/5.3.1 . Am having a website, its run using http protocol : [B]http:[/B]//www.example.com I wants to make it to [B]https:[/B]//www.example.com I don't how to complete this … | |
Hello, it's me with oop again, So now I understand what are oop and how to use it, but I have 2 questions: [1] - How to use controllers models views libs [2] - Is there any tutorial on how to create a cms using oop even if I should … | |
Hi there, please someone suggest a php code for changing site background image/color in every 30 minutes... I have 10 images 1.jpg to 10.jpg in www/images folder. I have.... body { .... ... ... ... ... ... background: .... url('background.php') 50% 0 fixed; background-color: .....; } in style.css what will … ![]() | |
Hi, How can we edit the select button option using radio button which is already selected in the output and we can select other option, using PHP form and also update in mysql database. For E.g:- Agreement Received :- O Y es O No In the output, If the agreement … | |
Greetings, I am trying to write XML using SimpleXML for a web service call. I was having success until the XML got a little more complicated. Here is the XML format where I am running into problems: [CODE] <Agent> <Person Last='Smith' First='John'> <Addresses /> <PhoneNumbers> <Phone Type='1' Number='888-555-1212'> </PhoneNumbers> </Person> … ![]() | |
Dear all, Hear my case. My project, Android project, when user launch the application, it will send device's travelling speed and location to web server, 2s interval. Then from the web server, it need to return a location if device's travelling speed is less than 30kmh. So my problem is … | |
Hi i have some variables in one file - index.php looking like this: [CODE] $kPoln = floor(($getPoln*255)/$max); $kPolnW = floor(($PolnW*255)/$max); $kWsch = floor(($getWsch*255)/$max); $kPoldW = floor(($PoldW*255)/$max); $kPold = floor(($getPold*255)/$max); $kPoldZ = floor(($PoldZ*255)/$max); $kZach = floor(($getZach*255)/$max); $kPolnZ = floor(($PolnZ*255)/$max);[/CODE] and i want to send them to another file - image.php - … ![]() |
The End.