39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for tahirkhanafridi

Dear respected senior php web developer i m new to php webdeveloping and hoping for a good coder one day inshaALLAH SIR i have problem with my image hosting script [url]http://pashtoaudio.com/tahir/upload.php[/url] is for uploading images and [url]http://pashtoaudio.com/tahir/photos.php[/url] is for displaying all uploaded images how ever i want to show there …

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Member Avatar for Jashandeep
Member Avatar for BleepyE

Hey Guys, Ive got a MyBB forum and im looking at making a plugin to see what day had the most posts. In theory ive worked out how to do it, but I cant put it down in code. In the MyBB stats table (mybb_stats), I have a dateline (unix …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for davy_yg

tampil_produk.php [CODE] //Langkah 2: Sesuaikan perintah SQL echo "<table>"; $tampil = "select * from produk order by id_produk desc LIMIT $posisi,$batas"; $hasil = mysql_query($tampil); $result=mysql_query("select * from produk order by id_produk desc LIMIT $posisi,$batas"); $no = $posisi+1; while ($data=mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $harga = number_format($data['harga'],0,",","."); $deskripsi = nl2br($data['deskripsi']); // membuat paragraf $isi = …

Member Avatar for smith32
Member Avatar for shamsidah

hye.. i have a problem to display only numbers of date according the month automatically. I want to display in the table like this date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17............31

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for websoftcreation

Somebody can help me to learn wordpress customization by hard code.send me link of tutorial websites asap.

Member Avatar for Jfunch

I have this code which takes data from an sqlite3 database and prints out the all the data from the data into an html table. Like so: 1 jake asdlfj lakdsjfl lkajsdgklj kafdlgjkalg 2011-12-04 2 Bill asdfohdf oijasdofij qoasjgfoiq oaisjdfae 2011-12-04 3 Tim lakdsfgaie aogoie ;lasjdlo asdfgae 2011-12-04 4 hello …

Member Avatar for simplypixie
Member Avatar for enrekan2011

please help me...i need some help from you all....because i still new in writhing php code. thanks... actually right now im doing a vote list name member for the committee members. so, the name for the list Committee members i take from my database. After that, i want when the …

Member Avatar for smith32
Member Avatar for RCrizt

is there posible way to create a excel template and upload it again to your system? //==TO DOWNLOAD FILE (.xls) header("Content-type: application/octet-stream"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=excelfile.xls"); header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("Expires: 0"); //===TO upload the file (excelfile.xls) // include class file include 'reader.php'; // initialize reader object $excel = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Reader(); // read …

Member Avatar for jatinder_44

hello, I have written some code for it but it's not displaying date's in <td> where is the problem can any body tell me. [code=php] <?php //Get year 2008 $year = date('Y'); echo "Year $year</br>"; //get month $month = date('n'); echo "Month $month</br>"; //get day $day = date('j'); echo "Day …

Member Avatar for shamsidah
Member Avatar for aecha

Hi. I want to ask is it possible to do break statement first then to the continue statement? Like example, I want to do counting and have a break at the certain time then continue the counting back and stop back.Is it possible for me to do that? I already …

Member Avatar for markdean.expres
Member Avatar for tgr0ss83

I'm trying ot query the same table twice, with different Name's for the values. [CODE]$query_rt_lmp ="(SELECT rt_lbmp.lbmp as nyc FROM rt_lbmp WHERE rt_lbmp.`date`='$date' and name='N.Y.C.') UNION ALL (SELECT rt_lbmp.lbmp as millwd FROM rt_lbmp WHERE rt_lbmp.`date`='$date' and rt_lbmp.name='MILLWD')";[/CODE] when i do [CODE]<?php echo $row_rt_lmp['nyc'];?> <?php echo $row_rt_lmp['millwd'];?>[/CODE] I get this: array …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for suhnako

what's wrong with my coding?please help. [CODE] <?php $a= $_POST['ques']; $sql="SELECT * FROM $question WHERE question=$a"; $query=mysql_fetch_array($sql); while($result=mysql_fetch_array($query)){ $result['id']; } ?> [/CODE] or this one [CODE] <?php $sql="SELECT * FROM $question WHERE question='".$_POST['ques']."'"; $query=mysql_fetch_array($sql); while($result=mysql_fetch_array($query)){ $result['id']; } ?> [/CODE]

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for dave086

Hi, I have a website that I'm trying to embed a blogger feed into. My client doesn't want the user to be taken to the blogger site, but to click a link in the left hand side bar, and the relevant post load in a new page. What is the …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Draucia

I have a question secuirty. Is it safe enough to do: [CODE] $fname = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlentities($_POST['fname'])); $lname = .....($_POST['lname'])); etc [/CODE] and insert it into the table like: [CODE] mysql_query("INSERT INTO North_America (first_name, middle_name, last_name, email, phone, country) VALUES('$fname', '$mname', '$lname', '$email', '$phone', '$country') ") or die(mysql_error()); [/CODE] Or do I …

Member Avatar for jlego
Member Avatar for dinhunzvi

how do i rewrite the following code using the ternary operator [CODE] if ( isset( $page_title ) ) { echo $page_title; } else { echo 'Welcome to Auto-Zim'; } [/CODE] thanks in advance

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Psyho

Hello all. The problem: I have started a session. Now I would need to set an expiry time (24 hours) on the cookie it creates (if it creates it). How do I achieve this? Thanks to all, who anwsers.

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for moroccanplaya

hi i just started php, my code works on ie, bit when i open the webpage on firefox and chrome the image does not display?, can anyone help [CODE] $car = "C:\wamp\www\porche.jpg"; $banner = "<img src=\"$car\" "; $banner .= "width=\"380\" height=\"110\" border=\"0\" >"; echo($banner); [/CODE]

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for furlanut

I am trying to send results to a new page.The results are fine. i.e. once the form is submitted and all input validated I want the result to appear on the results.html page. I have been able to display the results.html but no data displayed. I attach some relevant code: …

Member Avatar for moneeshot
Member Avatar for sharathg.satya

i referred a site which said that using the include() we can include code of another page into the current page But i am not getting the output as they showed. this is my code [CODE] <html> <head> <style type="text/CSS"> body { background-color:#696565; font-style:italic; } h1 { color: green; text-decoration:underline; …

Member Avatar for moneeshot
Member Avatar for rphp

Hi, I am a new PHP developer. Actually just started today and I wanted to know which MAMP stack to use ? I came across MAMP and AMPPS : [url]http://www.mamp.info[/url] [url]http://www.ampps.com[/url] Which one should I use ? From the looks of it I think AMPPS is easy to use. I …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for manc1976

I have created a form that uses a drop-down box to save information to a MySQL database using a php script I wrote. That works perfectly, but the problem I have is when I am trying to edit the information in the database. I have created an edit form that …

Member Avatar for manc1976
Member Avatar for abhinav1986

Hello to all, I am trying to solve this problem but i did not find the solution. please help me to find the solution. Error: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1 [CODE]<?php $con = mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("hotel", $con); …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Ritesh_4

Hi I need to add the following sample url, [url]http://www.mysite.com/home[/url] to my .htaccess file to redirect it to the following url: [url]http://www.mynewsite.com/welcome[/url]. I've seen that my htaccess uses RewriteCond, and tried a code like this: RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.mysite\.com/home$ [NC] RewriteCond ^(.*)$ http://www.mynewsite.com/welcome$1 [R=301,L] However am getting Internal Server Error 500. …

Member Avatar for skraps
Member Avatar for shamsidah

[CODE]<?php include 'connection.php'; $qry = mysql_query( "SELECT g.totalDaily, p.COUNT(DISTINCT bodyNo) AS qty FROM grandTotal AS g, paintshop AS p ") or die('error'); while ($rows = mysql_fetch_array($qry)){ ?> <td><?php $dpu = $rows['g.totalDaily'] / $rows['qty']; echo $dpu;?></td> <?php } ?>[/CODE] i want to display the $dpu which is defect per unit..the information …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for geneh23

hello everyone! I have a php blog once again that I can't seem to get to work..when I register an admin to all the editing options and what not..the processing gets weird..instead of outputting all the other errors..it simply goes to the error "User Not Added". Did the script skip …

Member Avatar for geneh23
Member Avatar for jeddsal

i have a data entry form in which i need to look-up to another page hence the pop-up page which contains a table from the database with a column named checkno. now from the main form i will clicked a button then it will display the popup page(i have already …

Member Avatar for xcarbonx

Hello, I'm trying to create user registration for a class website using WAMP. I have the register and activation pages working, but I am getting the same error for login, logout, forgot password, etc pages. The error is: An error occurred in script 'C:\wamp\www\login.php' on line 42: Cannot modify header …

Member Avatar for xcarbonx
Member Avatar for BrickZ28

Hello, I have been beating my head over this issue for almost a week now. I have my pages setup to where the user can register and I can display these members. Here is where it gets fun. Where the applicants are display they are in the rows so that …

Member Avatar for bloodbender
Member Avatar for bloodbender

Hello Daniweb, I've searched all over including a few threads here on this topic and it looks like I'm running out of options. I'm developing a travel reservations website with a promotional code field on the payment page. The admin wants to be able to create coupon codes with an …

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The End.