39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

Hi I added a addslash before submit to database like [CODE]$bio=addslashes($_POST('bio'));[/CODE] it will add a "'" before submit .. and everything working fine .. but at the time of edit/ resubmit this form I am getting the following out put [CODE]This is old\' Line This is new' Line[/CODE] Please help …

Member Avatar for hakeemtunde
Member Avatar for sacarias40

I have a project im working on that includes an activity stream. I'm working in php and MongoDb (noSql). The site can post articles, users can promote articles or add them to favorites. How may i include these in an activity stream similar to facebook or twitter? Example: Josh, john, …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for vishi96

Hello I'm a PHP beginner, and I was looking for the best resource online for learning PHP, and also do recommend certain books for the same. Thanks

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for akshayphp

I am basically creating a registration page. Tell me where I am wrong in this code. [CODE] <?php session_start();session_destroy(); session_start(); if($_POST["regfname"] && $_POST["reglname"] && $_POST["regcname"] && $_POST["regemail"] && $_POST["regphone"] && $_POST["regwebsite"]) { if($_POST["regpass"]==$_POST["regcpass"]) { $servername="localhost"; $username="akshay"; $conn= mysql_connect($servername,$username)or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("akshay",$conn); $sql="INSERT INTO acts(fname,lname,cname,email,phone,website,password)values('$_POST[regfname]','$_POST[reglname]','$_POST[regcname]','$_POST[regemail]','$_POST[regphone]','$_POST[regwebsite]','$_POST[regpass]'); $result=mysql_query($sql,$conn) or die(mysql_error()); print "<h1>you have registered …

Member Avatar for hakeemtunde
Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

Hi friends , In one of my web portal there are more than 1000 users . I need a news letter for every week for all these users ... My system ( web account ) crashed when I tried with a for loop . Can you please suggest me a …

Member Avatar for kevindougans
Member Avatar for Viruthagiri

I'm using cubepoints. It has a module named "paid content". Paid content module hides the post content. User need to pay "X" points to view the page. But this module only hides main content. I mean it hides the content whatever "the_content" loop calls. Here is my problem. I'm using …

Member Avatar for Giggaman

Trying to set-up a simple email script. Every customer must have a login with an email address. If a potential client wants to email that user, I don't want their email posted where others can see it. So my question is how to I query an email address from the …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for jetlife76

I have a program that simulates the Powerball Lottery game, i have been working on it for weeks now. My issue is with the quick pick option. when the quick pick numbers match the winning numbers it doesn't show the matches. If the user enters the numbers manually it does. …

Member Avatar for jetlife76
Member Avatar for stereoworld

Hi Guys, Hope you can help me with this little conundrum I'm having currently. My company has a dedicated windows server with heart internet and for means of database interaction, we've been forced to move one of our php sites to there. Everythings great and works fine - except the …

Member Avatar for stereoworld
Member Avatar for jacob21

I am using TinyMCE textarea. Which will be formatted text How I can insert that formatted text into table (database) as well as print value that I have inserted (formatted text) ? [CODE] mysql_query("insert into emailtemplates (name, messagebody, status) values('".$_POST['frmname']."', '".$_POST['content']."', $status)") [/CODE] [B]where $_POST['content'] is my textarea[/B]

Member Avatar for stoopkid
Member Avatar for monzu123

Hi, I am new to PHP and looking for a help to develop below idea with PHP, MySql and Jquery. [IMG]http://i39.tinypic.com/2cy2xdu.jpg[/IMG] I want to populate matched people number from database according to dropdown slections. Please check above image to understand what i am talking about. Any help is very much …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for polinolin

hi mate. i have problem about REGEX this is my simple code [CODE]<?php $teks="hi whats up? how are you?"; $replace=preg_replace("/(you)/i",'<span style="background:yellow;">\1</span>',$teks); echo "$replace"; ?>[/CODE] what the mean \1 ? its not give effect for my text.. if i change the value to \2, the text has change.. thanks mate!

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Psyho

Hello all. I have a bit of a problem. I have a few php pages all encoded utf-8. A MySQL database, where it is possible to have characters like: 'á'é'ú'Å‘'ü' and so on, i have set with phpmyadmin to be utf8_hungarian_ci character encoding. Funny thing is, that when I write …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for dan420

Hello, I have a table with 10 rows. each row has 3 columns. column1 is product name column2 is a drop down box with values from 1to10. column3 is a check box. When the checkbox is checked I would like to get the entire row value (product name, quantity) Can …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for mana_panigrahi

Hi, I am trying to call a function by "onclick" event of the button. When I do that it shows error message. Can anybody help me out on this so that when I click on the button it should call the function and execute it. My code looks like: -------------------------- …

Member Avatar for john_lane
Member Avatar for Aamit

Hi, I am trying to upload file and save data to DB. IN File only 10 row and 5 column data.(normal sample data) File has only 24.0 KB (24,576 bytes) I am using..reader.php and oleread.php to upload file But It taking More than 650MB memory (681574400 bytes) Is any [B]other …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for harsha.netpem

Hi, I want to select multiple option using check boxes(all values of checkboxes are come from database 1 ) and insert into the particular table in other database using php form.

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for jerrinfive

i have two tables in a single database sales... one is product other is order... i want someones help to know how can i do one operation.... i.e when i click on order i want to subtract that one order from the product table.... can u help me with the …

Member Avatar for qazplm114477
Member Avatar for djbrown

As a newbie at 63, I have learned how to build an SQL database from scratch, interrogate it and present results, but I just cannot wrap my bhead around the following issue. I am in the process of constructing a site that will return a list of suppliers to a …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for morrisproject

Hi I am using the following code to logout: my logout button calls logout.php [U][B]logout.php[/B][/U] <? session_start(); session_destroy(); header("location:site.php"); ?> This doesnt seem to reidrect to my site.php page, it just loads a blank logout.php page, any ideas?

Member Avatar for hakeemtunde
Member Avatar for Metophase

[CODE] <?php $oldumask = umask(0); mkdir($url, 0777); umask($oldumask); $myFile = $url."/index.php"; $fh = fopen($myFile, 'w') or die("can't open file"); $stringData ="lots of things"; ?> [/CODE] Why am I not being allowed to write files to my website, it was recently working, my host had some technical issues yesterday,, and now …

Member Avatar for Metophase
Member Avatar for jcarbillon

Guys, need help again, I cant get my mail script working... here is my code [CODE]<?php require_once "Mail.php"; $from = "Sandra Sender <sender@example.com>"; $to = "Ramona Recipient <recipient@example.com>"; $subject = "Hi!"; $body = "Hi,\n\nHow are you?"; $host = "ssl://mail.example.com"; $port = "465"; $username = "smtp_username"; $password = "smtp_password"; $headers = …

Member Avatar for jcarbillon
Member Avatar for cip6791

Hi all, I'm doing some tests with ajax and php. The below code works when I load the page, but I would like to call it when I click a button. How can that be done? index.php: [CODE]<script type='text/javascript'> $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "test.php", data: "name=name&location=location", success: function(msg){ alert( "Data …

Member Avatar for cip6791
Member Avatar for thedonedeal

I don't know where I went wrong but I'm generally trying to write a .htaccess file that will redirect all files which end in .tsv to .txt instead. (I don't know why but my extension is insisting on renaming the file back. Which is fine, since it's required by another …

Member Avatar for garyrichard

Hello everyone.. .. Plz help me ..How to work for a payment through net banking.. in PHP.... So that client client can pay through net banking and amount will be transferred into my bank account.. I hear that it requires a payment gateway.. . If is it so then how …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for Mahesh57

Hi sir I want to pay the payments using PayPal i didn't how to use it and how to work upon PayPal please help in programming on PayPal or Send how to Create Please Send the Solutions to my Mail SNIP Thanking you sir

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for rse

Hello, I have a php variable $birthday, I am showing it's value like this: [icode] <div id= "dob" class="pick_number">Day of Birth: <?php echo $birthday ?></div> <div id="test"></div> // value should be printed back in here. [/icode] I need to pass the value of $birthday via ajax, I had the following …

Member Avatar for rse
Member Avatar for eltonpiko

hi hope someone can help me out how do i include a autoreferece or auto code inside my php form so each form that i submitted will have its own number or an id of some sort to track how many form have been submitted.when form is sent to email …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for k90tour2

Hi. I've three websites on a VPS Server running Apache 2. Each website has been successfully uploading files until now. None of them can upload a pdf file but has no problem with other file types that I allow, such as jpeg. If I examine the $_FILES array, when uploading …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for phorce

Hello, I'm developing a system that emails people like a week before a particular date.. But they don't actually have to visit the page to receive the email, is this possible? Thanks :)

Member Avatar for pritaeas

The End.