39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for wonderland

Hi, Hello, Few hours back I implemented [URL="http://developerkarma.com/projects/phpformmail/readme-all-one-version"]phpFormMail[/URL] with simple form, and everything is working fine except after I submit form I get redirected to this page: The following information has been submitted: Name: Ultra e-mail: [email]email@email.com[/email] Comment: test email: [email]email@example.com[/email] I wanted to know why do I get email: …

Member Avatar for wonderland
Member Avatar for Benjip

I'm hoping to get some help with sorting database results based on the results themselves. I have two tables in this example, one being 'product_category_lookup.table' and the other 'products.table'. The 'product_category_lookup.table' holds data which tells the website which products are associated with which categories. The reason I have a lookup …

Member Avatar for as.bhanuprakash
Member Avatar for ryan311

in my previous question i only ask how can i delete a data using checkbox i forgot to put multiple check. here's my code [CODE]<form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action=""> <table border='1' cellspacing='0' width='612'> <tr> <th bgcolor='green'><font color='white'> <input type='checkbox' name='checkall' onclick='checkedAll();' /> </font></th> <th bgcolor='green'><font color="white">ID</font></th> <th bgcolor='green'><font color='white'>Check In</font></th> …

Member Avatar for ryan311
Member Avatar for cane23

can anyone offer some help here i have a string that contains course codes. i separate the string into the individual course codes using the explode function. however i want to run a query on each of the course codes that was present in the string and store the result …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for ruwanaru

Helloo Im new in Databases. I want to create a simple shopping cart i have a table called product [CODE] CREATE TABLE `products` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `category` varchar(150) NOT NULL, `name` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `author` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `details` varchar(10000) NOT NULL, `price` int(11) NOT NULL, `imgpath` …

Member Avatar for Benjip
Member Avatar for MDanz

[CODE]$thenumber = 0; $thenumber++; [/CODE] i've tried putting this inside the brackets for the for loop and it isn't working. the number stays as 1. theres alot of code so i can't post the whole for loop.

Member Avatar for Arianna
Member Avatar for IAuchmoody27

Hi, My name is Ian, and I’m trying to make a put together an eCommerce website. The site is for selling boxes. We have an inventory of specific boxes of specific dimensions, specific styles, board grades, and so on. I’m using Dreamweaver and to try to make my life easier …

Member Avatar for Cartweaver
Member Avatar for cane23

i have a multiple select drop down menu and i want to implode all the selections that were chosen. can any one offer some assistance on how to do this please. this is what i have so far [CODE] <?php function form() { $hostname = "localhost"; $username = "root"; $password …

Member Avatar for conord
Member Avatar for tryphy

Hi friends, I have a multi form(actually is one whole form, but split into multiple forms). From the image seen When i typed the name data in Form 1, and click the next button and go to Form 2... In Form 2 when i typed the Email data..and then i …

Member Avatar for emhmk1
Member Avatar for kimphot

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/mysite/public_html/redirect_index.php:20) in /home/mysite/public_html/redirect_index.php on line 38 I've converting as asp site to php. I'm a partial numpty in asp and complete numpty in php I keep being told this is a white space problem..... I can't see …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for verbob

My site is, basically, a single index.php page with a bunch of php includes. For example: the contact page is " index.php?category=contact " Do I have to redisgn the entire site or is there a way to get the bots to recognize that each one is a seperate page?

Member Avatar for legalizeit
Member Avatar for phpangel

hi guyz, i'm developing my own website, when creating news, i'm having this problem, i can't show news by id, i mean i have 5 news item in my db and they are stored by id 1,2,3,4,5... but when it comes to display the news they all display as a …

Member Avatar for phpangel
Member Avatar for cane23

i am having a small problem. I am having some problem getting variables from the first form into another form to be processed. in other words i am processing the same data i got from the first form twice but i want a break between the two blocks that processes …

Member Avatar for cane23
Member Avatar for cass84

I was wondering if there was a way to create a PHP Contact Form where the email that is sent can be formatted for html. So that for example the email that is received is formatted like an html page where it contains a background, images & formatted text. I …

Member Avatar for muralibobby2015
Member Avatar for tryphy

A): First I have a company form, which i create a company name and it is saved in a company table..with an autoincrement id as 001( I used Zerofill in it.) Creating the company --> I did this.. B): Then, I have a project form which create project details, in …

Member Avatar for vsmash
Member Avatar for Mohammed S

hello i am trying to pass a large serialized array (12.4kb) using POST via PHP, but it doesn't get passed completely i only recieve 269 bytes, whats wrong? i am using Godaddy linux shared hosting.

Member Avatar for xylude
Member Avatar for IAuchmoody27

I want to include some variables in an HTML table. The variables are stored in phpmyadmin and my site a CartWeaver site, I'm using Dreamweaver. How do I insert variables into separate table cells? I thought this would work but it isn't so: [CODE]<?php echo($row_rsCWResults["product_ShortDescription"] . "<br />") ?>[/CODE]

Member Avatar for CFROG
Member Avatar for azegurb

hi all PHP masters and newbies i have a question about pagination. this news script displays 4 little images and links at the right side and one large image at the left side. and all the links submitted shows below. i need let at the page displays 8 news with …

Member Avatar for azegurb
Member Avatar for conord

Ok - I've got an easy one for you all on this Friday. I know the answer is staring me in the face, but I can't seem to figure it out. The problem is that the following function does not return a value for me. However, if I insert a …

Member Avatar for conord
Member Avatar for pedroteixeira07

Hello there, I'm not getting the result's I want with my code. So this is my table: P_ID Latitude Longitude 9001 15 10 9002 23 54 9003 2 23 9004 23 12 9005 54 23 And here is my code: [CODE] //connect //ordering the latitude $query="SELECT Latitude FROM Position ORDER …

Member Avatar for conord
Member Avatar for fobos

Hello, im in a jam, i have tried to use count for my database to count a row, but i was wondering how to count individual things by name. ex.. +++++++++++++++ + id + name + color + +++++++++++++++ + 1 + joe + blue + + 2 + frank …

Member Avatar for fobos
Member Avatar for YoungCoder
Member Avatar for ismael ahm@d

Hello, i m new one in php/mysql, i m facing problem to calculate the two fields, in my database i have two fields the one is "debit" and second one is "credit"(and third one is (may be wrong) "Balance") Now i m wana to subtract "debit" from "credit" and then …

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for muralibobby2015

here is my code. this is working fine but small prblm is here.fading text is working only one time. it is not working multiple times. can anybody check what is the prblm is der? rotation not working.just copy paste this codeand see what is the prblm is there.first time loop …

Member Avatar for pushpakalpana
Member Avatar for tchiky

Hello I would like to create a reference field. I would like it ti have a fixed number of charaters/numbers, just like the videos reference of YouTube. Is there a mysql/php function to handle that? I mean a function that generates a unique string that doesn't exist already in the …

Member Avatar for tchiky
Member Avatar for slyme

I don't want slashes in my $_POST values. I want to deal with that kind if thing myself. I am having problems getting rid of said slashes. You can see the results of the following code here: [URL="http://www.slyme.co.uk/sanitise.php"]http://www.slyme.co.uk/sanitise.php[/URL] View the source - htmlentities seems to work, stripslashes doesn't unless I …

Member Avatar for slyme
Member Avatar for solarb

hi! I have a form to add content in database(addcontent.php) and one file which shows the content(content.php).Database has id,title,content columns. IS it possible to make the content.php to "$_GET" the id's from the database and show them on the page as : content.php?id=1 And other thing. i have buttons in …

Member Avatar for solarb
Member Avatar for lisles

i want to display a confirmation message when a user clicks delete.can any1 tell me how i could do it with javascript and php here's my code [code=php] $id=$r["sr_no"]; if($r['district']==1 || $r['district']=='North') { $r['district']=North; echo "<tr><td >{$r['sr_no']}</td><td >{$r['name']}</td><td >{$r['designation']}</td><td >{$r['dte']}</td><td >{$r['ph_o']}</td><td >{$r['ph_m']}</td><td >{$r['ph_r']}</td><td >{$r['district']}</td><td >{$r['taluka']}</td><td >{$r['pan_name']}</td><td><a href='edit.php?cmd=edit&id=$id'>Edit</a></td><td><a href='edit.php?cmd=delete&id=$id' >Delete</a></td></tr>"; echo …

Member Avatar for muralibobby2015
Member Avatar for killgja

I have a working form passing the information to me via email but need to add one more item to the form which I'm not sure how to do or that it is possible with PHP. I have an image which needs to have sections change color on mouseover, mouse …

Member Avatar for maba001
Member Avatar for xuexue

[code=php] <?php mysql_connect("", "root", "r00tb33r") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("spc_grinding_c1_dbo") or die(mysql_error()); $qt=mysql_query("SELECT DataReading FROM SPC_DataReading WHERE StationNumber = 'STATION2' && MachineName = 'GN-07' && ParameterName = 'outside diameter (2.4912)' && Date_Captured = '02-25-2010' && ReadingType = 'AVERAGE'") or die(mysql_error()); header ("Content-type: image/jpg"); $x_gap=40; // The gap between each point in y …

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The End.