39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for CFROG

I've noticed a lot of posts lately with "how do I do this?" and "how do I do that?" You've somehow managed to end up with an entire db full of data and not the slightest clue what to do with it or how to use it. Rome wasn't built …

Member Avatar for vsmash
Member Avatar for dan4domination

Hello, The first part of the script works regarding updating however for some reason and I cant figure out why its not inserting into my bookings table. Any ideas? [code] <?php session_start(); // is the one accessing this page logged in or not? if (!isset($_SESSION['logged']) || $_SESSION['logged'] !== 1) { …

Member Avatar for dan4domination
Member Avatar for pedroteixeira07

Hi Everyone, I'm having some issues in the construction of an algorithm for a project. This is just a fraction of the algorithm and my problem is this: I'm trying to build a PHP function that gets the values of the first and second rows of a table and subtract …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for YingKang

I am writing a PHP program with sticky form. I want to use Text area for the "comments" part, but I couldn't make it work. Can anyone help? thanks. [code] <html> <head> <title>guestbook</title> <style type="text/css"> .error {color: #FF0000;} </style> </head> <body> <?php extract($_REQUEST); $errors = array(); if(isset($_REQUEST['submit'])) { validate_input(); if(count($errors) …

Member Avatar for YingKang
Member Avatar for sDJh

Hello folks, I just updated my homeserver to PHP 5.3.1 and I get now the following error when executing my scripts: [CODE]Cannot use string offset as an array[/CODE] The variable looks like: $bes[$a[3]][$a[4]][$a[6]], where $bes is a three-dimensional array that holds all information I need during runtime. The $a's can …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for jocorok

I'm working on an app that logs on to another page, enters some data and posts form, then I display that data on my page. The basics of Curl are working great However, there are many steps that are still missing to complete the app. Is there some kind of …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for farsen

Hi. Im new to PHP/SQL, and have this little tricky problem i cant find a solution for: [CODE]$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Activities ORDER BY weekday"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo $row['weekday']; }[/CODE] Now this will output Monday Sunday Thursday Tuesday etc. - in alpabetic order. Instead, i want it …

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Member Avatar for tryphy

I have some doubts in form submission. The function that i need is adding a prompt dialog box to confirm befor the user submits the form. Eg: The user is entering some data in the form and he clicks submit..a dialog box appears and says " Are you sure you …

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Member Avatar for tryphy

Hi people, My issue is more of a MySQL issue than php. I am trying to store a 3digit integer value with a leading Zeros in front such as 001 i have a company table , which auto increments the id as 001, 002, 003...and so on... In the company …

Member Avatar for maks91
Member Avatar for forzadraco

i have a problem: i want redirect everything page in url: ex: [url]http://dracotech.biz[/url] to [url]http://www.dracotech.biz[/url] . want to add www. in everything request from user.. maybe with mode rewrite in apache but i didn't find way how to do it..

Member Avatar for rsleventhal
Member Avatar for cane23

i have a multiple select drop down menu where i select some courses however my problem is that i was to store the selected courses in an array for further use. i have tried creating an array but is is coming up empty. Can someone help me out here here …

Member Avatar for rajabhaskar525
Member Avatar for moobaa

Hi all.... Ok, so I've got 3 components, all working independently: 1) Simple HTML page 2) PHP Script (which produces 3 arrays) 3) Javascript (which processes 3 arrays) Now, I need to hook them all together through the HTML. The PHP should be called on the loading of the page, …

Member Avatar for NettSite
Member Avatar for ajithperuva

How can i rewrite [url]http://localhost/shopboxcms/?productid=62953[/url] to [url]http://localhost/shopboxcms/product/62953[/url] in wordpress using .hraccess file Please help me

Member Avatar for rajabhaskar525
Member Avatar for prem2

Hi, I am new to php.I want to read a word by word from a file.When I use fgets it read line by line.When i use fread then it read full contents from a file.File_get_contents read a full contents from a file. I need to read a each single word …

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Member Avatar for muralibobby2015

hai... i want to dispaly table like this. actually i am fetching data from database. i am displaying data in tables. but i want to display like column wise after row wise. [CODE] A F K B G L C H M D I N E J [/CODE] like this. …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for footsouljaN

I need guidance on how to show live feeds on my website from a software...All ideas and solutions are highly welcomed....

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Member Avatar for iniyanmani

Hi, I am new to PHP. I wanna know how the button reacts on the click event. [B]This is my code snippet.[/B].. [code]Name: <input type="text" name="fname" /> <input type='button' name='Release' onclick='hello()' value='Submit'> <script type="application/javascript"> function hello(clicked) { alert(clicked); return false; } </script>[/code] Whenever I click the button, it triggers javascript …

Member Avatar for OS_dev
Member Avatar for justinmyoung

This is a dumb question, but I used MAMP and I don't know how to access my phpmyadmin. I used to have it on my localhost server, until I had to reinstall it with MAMP. Now I don't know how to access it? Thanks

Member Avatar for audioholic
Member Avatar for network18

Hi, The dynamically created rows are appended at the end of the table i.e. after the last row of the table (found by table.rows.length) and those individual <tr> contains 8 more <td>s carrying some texts and their respective text fields. Now we have one such default <tr> , which also …

Member Avatar for Banderson
Member Avatar for Anarionist

im having trouble understanding why this won't work. I'm extremely new to php (my primary language is c++) [CODE]<html> <body> <?php if(strpos($_GET['codev'], 'ddd') !==FALSE){ if(strlen($_GET['codev'] ==3) { echo "<p>Welcome</p>"; } ] ?> </body> </html>[/CODE]

Member Avatar for Anarionist
Member Avatar for baseballfury

Hello, I'm returning results from a database but they are showing as yyyy/mm/dd I would like them to display as dd/mm/yyyy is there a simple way to format $newrow5['StartDate'] to do this. while ($newrow5 = mysql_fetch_array($result5)) { echo "Starts on the: {$newrow5['StartDate']}"; } thanks in advance, Tom.

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Member Avatar for Motorider

I have searched for a solution to this problem on daniweb and google to no avail. You folks have been so kind as to help me before. This portfolio piece, slash website for my father incorporates a MySQL PHP search form in the left div, and the search results in …

Member Avatar for EvolutionFallen
Member Avatar for mrcniceguy

HI everyone!!i have this got this function, and i dont know what is going wrong here. in the table, the field for date i saved as timestamp, meaning time is automatically inserted when the record inters. [code=php] function time_stamp($session_time) { $time_difference = time() - $session_time ; $seconds = $time_difference ; …

Member Avatar for mrcniceguy
Member Avatar for sweetorangepie

Hi Guys, basicly what im trying to do is upload a file to a folder on a server. here is the html form: [CODE]<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="upload.php" method="post"> <fieldset> <legend>Upload File:</legend> <input type="file" name="upload" />&nbsp;<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" /> </fieldset> </form>[/CODE] and here is the php code: [CODE]<?php #upload.php ini_set('display_errors',1); error_reporting(E_ALL|E_STRICT); …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for sassenach

Hi, I am trying to create a RewriteRule for my site. I got the first part correctly. This means say /index.php?mid=#. This passes correctly. Here is the example: [url]http://www.orchot-hagilboa.com/דף_הבית[/url] But how do I add another param? Say I am passing /index.php?mid=#&smid=# ???? Here is my rewriterule in htaccess: [code] Options …

Member Avatar for sassenach
Member Avatar for codeblock

Hello everybody, I've posted this question before but i got no help, may be i wasn't clear enough or it can't be solved but i really need someones help. The problem is my if else statement. My if else conditions will block the first two int values but then allow …

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Member Avatar for sassenach

Hi, I have a website where you need to login. The login works fine, it saves the session variables as I need. After browsing the site, maybe one minute, the session times out before it should. I am not sure if this is related, but I moved my site a …

Member Avatar for sassenach
Member Avatar for dan4domination

Hello all, Just wondering if I could pick some brains, I'm currently learning PHP and have been messing around with a fun project, currently developing a simple login / register script. The error that I keep getting is - [b]Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ELSE in /home/danhumph/public_html/smithy/login.php on line 27[/b] …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for tryingtofindout

[CODE] 1. CREATE TABLE details ( 2. s_no int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, 3. 4. content1sno varchar(50) NOT NULL, 5. 6. content1name varchar(50) NOT NULL 7. 8. content2sno varchar(50) NOT NULL, 9. 10. content2name varchar(50) NOT NULL, 11. 12. content3sno varchar(50) NOT NULL, 13. 14. content3name varchar(50) NOT NULL, …

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The End.