39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for everton.retweets

Hi Everyone... I have been digging around the web for the last two days trying to fix this problem myself, but have come to the realization that I need some help. I have a mysql query that selects all country names from my country db, (works as described) I then …

Member Avatar for phorce
Member Avatar for MWEB

Hi everyone , I'm trying to login to a site and it does not work , I don't see the problem .. $user = 'user'; $pass = 'pass'; $url = 'http://ecat.elit.ro/Default.aspx'; $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, 'ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$LoginControl$tbLoginUser='.urlencode($user).'&ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$LoginControl$tbLoginPass='.urlencode($pass).'&ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$LoginControl$btnLogin=Intrare'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, …

Member Avatar for MWEB
Member Avatar for jennstudent

Hi guys, I have a page that contains elements (filenames of uploaded images) that dynamically update the database upon clicking and dragging them to reorder. Most of this is working wonderfully. Part of this functionality is based upon each record having a recordID column (apart from the primary key column). …

Member Avatar for jennstudent
Member Avatar for blueguy777

how to convert install_amt to comma delimited array $select = mysql_query("SELECT ac_no,cust_name,install_amt,GROUP_CONCAT(install_amt) FROM ankali_slabpay WHERE agent_id=$agent_id GROUP BY ac_no"); $a=array(); while($row1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($select)){ $installment = $row1['GROUP_CONCAT(install_amt)']; $a=explode(",",$installamt);

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for bobyx

Hello.I want to add my own slideshow that I saved it on one of my hard disk partition[E:]before,on the top of my web pages. I used joomla version 1.5.11.Would you please tell me how can I do that? Thanks

Member Avatar for bobyx
Member Avatar for harry_2

Hello Friends, Thank you for coming in this Disscussion thread. I need some helpp for you guys, Yeasterday some one ask me a question. The Question is why we use mysql_query in php. I don't have any answer of that Question. please tell me why we use mysql_query? Thank you …

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for tibor.marias

Hello everybody, I want to insert some data with an array to my mysql database, but it won't work. These are my codes, what could be the problem? register.php: if (empty($_POST) === false) { $required_fields = array('first_name','last_name','number','district','street', 'house_number', 'appointment_date', 'comment', 'anchor'); foreach($_POST as $key=>$value) { if (empty($value) && in_array($key, $required_fields) …

Member Avatar for tibor.marias
Member Avatar for siddharth_3

I'm trying to build google+ sign in feature. I'm able to get all the user data from google+, how can i insert this data into database? I know js is client-side language and it is needed to be done on server side....... my code: <span id="signinButton"> <span class="g-signin" data-callback="signinCallback" data-clientid="My-client-id" …

Member Avatar for bradly.spicer
Member Avatar for blueguy777

Array1 = array(000,400,000,500) Array2 = array(300,400,450,500) if the values of Array1 matches with Array2 values then the matching values of Array2 should be replaced with 000 i.e. Array2 = array(300,000,450,000) somebody help me. thanks in advance

Member Avatar for blueguy777
Member Avatar for mmcdonald

Hi all, I'm still playing around with OOP and to be totally honest really enjoying it! I can't believe I haven't made the switch from procedural earlier... Something I would like to know is, how can I set default arguments for methods / functions? What i'm getting at is, if …

Member Avatar for mmcdonald
Member Avatar for gurupts

i have two tables (they are fixed, not going to update any more) in my databae "phoneadd" phone_nos----name(primary id),home,office,college,friend. Examble: john 87954 45698 78965 12365 martin 45698 78962 45789 45789 trull 47896 14587 85632 14563 addresses----name(primary id),address Examble home first street,new town office second street,old town college thrid street,maxi world …

Member Avatar for tpunt
Member Avatar for JazzibAli

This is a part of addtobasket.php file i want to change the normal submit button with my stylish one but dont know how to do. here is code... ...require("header.php"); echo "<form action='addtobasket.php?id=". $_GET['id'] . "' method='POST'>"; echo "<table cellpadding='10'>"; echo "<tr>"; if(empty($prodrow['image'])) { echo "<td><imgsrc='./images/image_not_found.png' width='50' alt='". $prodrow['name'] . "'></td>"; …

Member Avatar for minitauros
Member Avatar for jobo.td

I just created an empty HTML5 project and could not run it through the new Chrome netbeans Connector feature. I have added the netbeans connector extension to my chrome browser, but I keep getting this warning "Could not access Url through external browser. Check browser configuration." I have the latest …

Member Avatar for rohan.verma.52012
Member Avatar for mmcdonald

Hi all, I've literally JUST dived into OOP and it's a totally different world. I've written some pretty awful code just to grasp OOP basics. The following code is all in the same file and runes fine, there are no warnings, errors, notices and so forth yet it doesn't work …

Member Avatar for mmcdonald
Member Avatar for cmhampton

Hello all, I am trying to build a client to consume a webservice, and have run into some strange issues. Here is my code: $securityCode = "A7D5B7D8-73E2-44D2-A6F8-4ACFB91843BF"; // The security code has been changed to an invalid code to prevent unwanted "visitors". $ProphecyConnect = new SoapClient("http://test.prophecyhealth.com/ProphecyConnect/ProphecyConnectXML.cfc?wsdl"); try { $params = …

Member Avatar for cmhampton
Member Avatar for gogs85

Dears, how to make dynamic webpage with php for example: website.com/pagename website.com/gallery website.com/page4/page6 How to do in code how to call pages?

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for NitsPatel

hello, Any One have a knowledge about My Desktop Real Estate Agent Website "www.desktop.com.au". How I Retrive Data From My Desktop Property Listing To My Website . Thanks Nits

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for renierdbruyn

the following function "ranks" the applicants and writes them to the rank_results table in the database: function rank() { $rank = 0; $sql1 = "SELECT * FROM applicant_details"; $results = $this->db->query($sql1)->result(); $sql3 = "SELECT * FROM job_advert"; $job_advert = $this->db->query($sql3)->result(); foreach ($results as $applicant) { $applicant_age = $applicant->age; $applicant_id_number = …

Member Avatar for renierdbruyn
Member Avatar for pritaeas

I'm working on an ORM experiment, and I'm looking for ideas to help choose which path to take in it's development. I currently have an index showing how to use it, two interfaces, a database class, a table base class and two auto-generated classes (representing a database table). The first …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for harry_2

Hi i m a professional website designer and interested in learn PHP for Future so can any one explain me where PHP required in website during development or design and what is the main topic which most required for Website Designer or developer I have knowledge about programing like c,c++ …

Member Avatar for Pilot122x
Member Avatar for Priti_P

Hello there, While submitting the form , though it is validated properly still it accepts ? in mobile number field **sometimes** while it is submitting to database It is not for everytime and at particular digit only so that I can find the issue, It comes rarely as sometimes like …

Member Avatar for AARTI SHRIVAS
Member Avatar for durgesh1

i need to modify this query $fields = array("lo.name", "lo.id", "lo.status", "lo.sales_status", "pt.name ptname", "lo.city", "st.name state", "co.name country", "lo.zip", "lo.phone", "lo.email"); $result = $select->selectQuery($fields, "locations lo","LEFT JOIN states st ON st.id = lo.state LEFT JOIN countries co ON co.id = lo.country LEFT JOIN location_types pt ON pt.id = lo.primary_type"); …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for andreiviziru

i have this class <?php ob_start(); session_start(); include 'db_con.php'; /** * * @Create Breadcrumbs Trail. * * @copyright Copyright (C) 2008 PHPRO.ORG. All rights reserved. * * @version //autogentag// * * @license new bsd http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php * * @filesource * * @package Breadcrumbs * * @Author Kevin Waterson * */ class …

Member Avatar for minitauros
Member Avatar for andreiviziru

this is the code if (file_exists('/user/'.$_SESSION['Username'].'/avatar.jpg')) { echo 'Exists'; } else { echo 'Doesn't exist'; } and i get the negative case

Member Avatar for paulkd
Member Avatar for NitsPatel

Hello, I heard about the multisite in wordpress . I search and do some steps apply for that .I make a network setup .But now what to do after network setup. please give me some suggestions Thanks in Advance Nits Patel

Member Avatar for NitsPatel
Member Avatar for lelemkop

Hello to all. I have a problem I can not solve. I have a table where there is a date field (datatime) where it goes automatically inserted the date and time of insertion. So 2013-09-02 12:00:00 AM. For me, this field is essential. Now I wanted to make a search …

Member Avatar for lelemkop
Member Avatar for sajidk25

Hello, I am making a wordpress theme by myself. I register the menus in my theme's function.php and show the menu using wp_nav_menu(). But problem is that the registered menu is not showing on wordpress dashboard>appearance>. In appearance tab there are themes and editor tab but no menu tab. **my …

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for muzique18

I already have a php file that catches data from an uploaded CSV file to MySQL but the problem is, every time I upload the csv file, it duplicates the data into the MySQL What i really want is, if I uploaded the first csv file, and edit some data …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for lewashby

I'm getting this -> [Tue Sep 10 10:42:46 2013] [error] [client] PHP Warning: SQLite3::exec(): unable to open database file in /var/www/ET/insert.php on line 21, referer: http://localhost/ET/ I changed the owner of the DB file (et.sqlite3) to www-data and now this is what I'm getting. Before I changed the owner …

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The End.