39,388 Topics
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<center><table border="2"> <tr><td><p><center>YOUR SCHOOL IS </center> </p></td></tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" id="combo"> <?php require("Dbconnect.php"); $qry="select class_id,class_name from master_class"; $result=mysql_query($qry); echo "FROM"; echo "<SELECT name='combo1' size='3' >\n";/* creating Ist drop down*/ while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo "<option value='$row[0]'>$row[1]</option>\n"; } echo "</select>"; $qry="select class_id,class_name from master_class";/* creating 2nd drop down*/ $result=mysql_query($qry); echo "TO"; echo "<SELECT … | |
I have a problem with one of my php scripts. I've got a file called view.php. If I go to test.com/view?id=7575 it comes up with a 404 error. However if I go to test.com/view.php?id=7575 it works. Why is this? | |
I have this url:http://localhost:8080/skolski_portfolio/index.php?id=main&page=portfolio and i want to be http://localhost:8080/skolski_portfolio/portfolio then i make this rule in .htaccess RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^([^/]*)/([^/]*)\.html$ :8080/skolski_portfolio/index.php?id=$1&page=$2 [L] i have error! How to fix this? | |
i have a problem to redirect user to the requested page after login. 1-this are my files:login.php,register.php,protected.php,plan1.php,member.php et plan2.php,home.php 2-plan1,plan2, and member have a check before people have access. 3-when a user click on plan1 for exemple and get redirect on login.php 4-My problen is after logged in he goes … | |
Should be simple right? Well I've been at the PC for 16 hours so far and the answer is probably screaming at me in the face, but I can't hear it... # This code... # $differenceInSeconds = 448005; if($differenceInSeconds >= "86400"){ $calcDays = floor($differenceInSeconds / 86400); if($calcDays = "1"){ $daysPlural … | |
I have 2 tables for a simple massage board, one for questions and one for answers. The table forum_questions has a field called 'reply' with holds an int value for the number of answers the question has. My problem is this: I have a form to delete answers, you pick … | |
Dear Friends, I am using Simple-REST Library for my REST Web service purpose . I need to integrate "OAuth2" with my REST API skeleton. I attached the REST - API Client & Server for your reference . Please check it and help me with a good solution for implementation. Thanks, … | |
Hi, I'm doing a page where the user is logged with facebook and when he buys something. when the process is completed it shares a default text in my facebook timeline. I can't find that API code, can someone help me? Here's what i have: <?php include('header.php'); ?> <body> <div … | |
I have mobile web services written in PHP. Ant it is running on Apache Linux. Suddenly since yesterday our server became too slow. We found the reason that there are many continuous connection is coming to our server. Which is engaging bandwidth and making server slow. We have asked hosting … | |
PHP is running inside server1. Documents(.xls,.doc) available inside server2. When I am redirecting to document path from php code (available at server1) the url becomes like this *server1<path>/server2/<documentname>* But I want to open url from php code is like this *server2/<documentname>* I dont want to include server1 path as prefix. … | |
I have the following issue related to URL rewriting. I am sure there must be some good solution to this. I converted this URL domainname.com/index.php?page=product&pid=5&proTitle=Samsung Galaxy After rewrite it looks like this domainname.com/products/5/Samsung-Galaxy.html The .htaccess code looks like this. RewriteRule ^products/(.*)/(.*).html$ index.php?page=product&pid=$1&proTitle=$2 [nc] Rewrite Works fine. However, if I try … | |
Hi, I've a project is create a shopping cart system. I'm wondering how to create add option(color,size,etc) in add product page just like opencart? I'm trying to understand opencart files but too bad, I don't understand class file at all. Anyone can give me some concept about how it work? … | |
Hi,currently i m developing a PHP Cart. I have a php function is call product option value. When Admin adding product ,ajax will load my php function without refreshing page to allow admin to select the option like color,size etc. In my php function got no any submittion data but … | |
Am building a vehicle fleet management system, srevice cost is added each time a vehicle is serviced. Now, lets say vehicle A have been service 8 time, B 5 times, C 10 times ... I want to show the SUM(cost) for servicing each vehicle at the same time. I wrote … | |
$link = "http://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUser/GetPlayerSummaries/v0002/?key=90A1173C22358704FA80D2070D9C987C&steamids=76561198081118741" $file = file_get_contents($link); echo $link; echo $file; I have coded this php , when it runs the link and the file are echoed but the link is right (also I know its correct) but the file echo gives nothing , when I go to the link a … | |
here is html and php code i like to pass video from my database to this via jquery on click action i try to do something like this but it fail jquery code `jQuery("#player").val(data["video"]);` <p> <label style="width:87px">Video:</label> <div id ="show_image2" style= ""> <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" id="player" name="player" width="500" height="300"> <param name="movie" … | |
Evening Sirs, I got some problems in PHP when using while loop in tables. My problem is that I can't make the rows be the same width. This is my preview:  I want the blue part of the table, to be equal width with every relative white part. … | |
`<a href="#" onclick='contacts($code)'>Contact Details</a>` This runs a jquery code with the value $code. in Firebug I can see it gets the correct rowset value, the jquery is below: function contacts(code){ jQuery.ajaxSetup({async:true}); jQuery.post("php/contact.php", {code: code}, function(data) { $('#results').hide(); $('#results').fadeIn(2000); $('#results').show() .html(data); }); } it is supposed to post this value to … | |
Hi all, I need to parse an XML file, which includes CDATA and HTML <br> tag I would like to include for my output. I would like to replace <br> with <br /><br /> - Two spaces, but it doesnt seem to happen. This is an example on the XML … | |
Hi all, I'm having that oldschool issue with saving rich text content to MySQL and then retreiving it. As far as I'm concerned I thought I was doing it correctly - but one of you lucky devils is about to tell me otherwise :D When I'm saving to DB: if(isset($_SESSION['auth'], … | |
I have a website developed in PHP. I have recently done the URL rewriting which works fine. However, I just found out that my pages with parameters are also accessible. For eg. I converted this URL domainname.com/index.php?page=product&pid=5&proTitle=Samsung Galaxy After rewrite it looks like this domainname.com/products/5/Samsung-Galaxy.html Everything works just fine. However, … | |
hello, I get a following error in my localhost in contact page only in IE(internet explorer) other page work properly.In Firefox whole site run properly including contact page The error is: `Sorry, the IP address of localhost is not public. For security reasons, validating resources located at non-public IP addresses … | |
I'm not sure I undestand the second dimension of the three dimensional array that I created in `$rowData`. `test.xlsx` contains 3 row and 2 columns of string values. Also `count($rowData)` returns 12, not 6. <?php // Include PHPExcel_IOFactory include '../PHPExcel/Classes/PHPExcel/IOFactory.php'; $inputFileName = 'c:\DOCS\test.xlsx'; // Read your Excel workbook try { … | |
I m using xampp 1.8.2 on windows xp , i was testing my word pres plugin it shows queries not executed or show a blank page while when i upload my plugin to byethost online server all codes working properly . My question is , why a same code show … | |
I am a total php newbie and hope to find someone who could help on a few issues: Site CMS=joomla 2.5; the component breezingforms/contentbuilder requires certain php code to link a field to a task i.e. referring to a URL. I have more detail for someone willing to help. | |
Hi Frendz, I need to login with a site to get the content. I'm using the below code to do the same. <?php include_once('simple_html_dom.php'); extract($_POST); if($submit) { $username = '*************'; $password = '*************'; $loginUrl = 'https://secure-admin.booking.com/booking.html?bn=685763648&hotel_id=439210&code=57ed501f25de55965e13ab29fcd936a3'; $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $loginUrl); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, 'loginname='.$username.'&password='.$password); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, … | |
I didn't expect to find this so difficult, but I'm trying to set a user variable in MySQL to contain an array of values. I have no clue how to do this so tried doing some research and was quite suprised to find no answer. | |
I have a form that i am getting info from and then I want to update certain fields in the database only not all the fields it then sends out an email to the person that filled out the form with a randomly generated ticket number that they can then … | |
I am not sure why I keep getting the error message below(Pleae see the Asterisks ) Notice: Undefined index: myusername Notice: Undefined index: mypassword Notice: Use of undefined constant myusername - Fatal error: Call to undefined function stripslashed() Here is my code <form action="Main_login.php" method="post" name="fromLogin"> <table width="300" border="0" align="center" … | |
How can I replace <br>, \r, \n with " ". Which is an empty space. Is there a way to detect these characters in a string and replace them with a single white space? |
The End.