39,326 Topics
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How can I get this check box to work? the id='item' will always be the same per item no matter which I check. It always grabs the last one checked. query [CODE] $result10 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM todo WHERE complete='0' AND day='$today' ORDER BY whenby ASC LIMIT 3"); [/CODE] [CODE] … | |
Hey guys, I am making a bot for a link sharing site. I am using the request external curl class and i have a dilemma that i think you guys could help with. Query Variables appended on the end of a url such as ?something=234 I do not know how … | |
I want to use jQuery tooltip in a table which is created with php doing a while loop. I want that when i hover over a row, the tooltip fills up with data according to that row. I found something similar using asp.net, but i dont know how to implement … | |
Hi All, Newline`(\n)` is not inserting a new line on the browser. Can some body help me how can I insert a new line on the browser. I know the html tag` <br />` will help. But is there any other way ? Here is the snippet of the code … | |
hre is my code for deleting a file, wats missing? $getFields($fields); $infoFile = $doc->getFileInfo($file); $title = _l("Delete a document"); if ($action == "dodelete" && $file) { if ($doc->hasRight($_SESSION["Sid_user"], "d", $dir)) { if (!$doc->deleteFile($file)) $error = $doc->errstr(); else $error = _l("Document successfully deleted !"); } else $error = _l("You cannot delete … | |
Hi, I'm trying to finish a scripts to manage newsletter from a website but I encountered a strange weird stuff just at the end. Basically when I send emails everything seem to be alright. I sent 5 email. 3 of them was received perfectly but the other 2 not. Just … | |
Hi friends, it is weeks now I'm trying to figure out how to make simple custome theme engine for my custom PHP CMS. I want to use it for my projects. It is based on custom framework too. So I checked how Drupal does it and Joomla. They are complex … | |
Hello fellow developers, Let me just start by saying I have had an abnormal start to developing. I started first with HTML > PHP > Java. I don't have much experience with Java but I feel quite confident in making PHP applications. I have already searched the forums but nobody … | |
Hello to all, I need your help,,,I m beginner of the php... i have to generate a user id for register users & it depends upon the batch field,, <option <?php if(($batch)=="1983-86")echo "selected";?>>1983-86</option> <option <?php if(($batch)=="1984-87")echo "selected";?>>1984-87</option> <option <?php if(($batch)=="1985-88")echo "selected";?>>1985-88</option> <option <?php if(($batch)=="1986-89")echo "selected";?>>1986-89</option> i need to select batch="1983-86" … | |
I have this code [ICODE] Facilities: <?=$Product->facilities;?><br /><? } ?>[/ICODE] It's display result like this: [B]Facilities: One, Two, three[/B] Is there a way i can make it display in a [B]tabular form[/B]? I have check the databse and it display like Facilities: One, Two, three Thank you in anticipation. | |
Hi! I have some forms that is sendt to me by php mail() a few days ago these where working just fine, but suddenly yesturday i stoped recieving the emails. There ate two different types of these forms one that is connected to a mySQL server, and one that is … | |
I'm having trouble while creating FaceBook style Wall. I'm not getting how to create database and post status or images or link to database Please help me to create FaceBook style Wall Following is my wall page code [CODE] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> … | |
please someone give me a code to delete a file in a folder, ie one code to be used on a variety of file deletion | |
Hello! I am making a page where users can create a profile, but I fail everytime I try to make a update profile page. It won't take my codes, and it doesn't show errors (i have error reporting on). I have very short of time to finish this project, and … | |
i need to develop page to show the data in multiple pages.page numbers should be shown at the bottom. on click on page no. the website will show data of that page like google search.probably it is called penigation. | |
contact_us.php [CODE] <form action="contact.php" method="POST"> <table border="0" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td>Name : </td> <td><input name="nama" type="text" value="" size="30" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>E-mail: </td> <td><input name="email" type="text" value="" size="20" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Your message : </td> <td><textarea name="comments" cols=30 rows=6></textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td><input name="send message" type="button" value="send message" /> </table> </form> … | |
below is my code.. bt cant delete the file, help please...y cant it delete? function deleteFile($id_file) { $infoFile = $this->getFileInfo($id_file); $folderPath = $this->folderPath($infoFile["id_folder"]); if (substr($infoFile["file_name"], 0, 3) == ".ht") { $this->error = 6; return false; } if (!file_exists($this->root . "files" . $folderPath . SEP . $infoFile["file_name"])) { $q = "UPDATE … | |
I have a Simple file browser on my php, and everytime I enter Open index.php file in my localhost, the file appears, but when I upload them in my server, the file cannot be seen, I made all the file permissions to 777 and still no luck... I think i … | |
I have a simple form which echoes data from db. when name typed. It works fine when name is typed and submit pressed. But I see that even when no name is selected or, when existing results on screen, pressing submit brings up ALL names from table not just row … | |
Hi, I was trying to import the excel values in mysql DB. While trying, am facing this error. Please help me out: [CODE]Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_real_espace_string() in E:\xampp\htdocs\read.php on line 49[/CODE] CODING: [CODE]<?php ini_set('memory_limit', '16M'); set_time_limit(0); require_once("E:/xampp/htdocs/phpexcel/Classes/PHPExcel.php"); $inputFileName='./xls/test_data.xls'; /** Identify the type of $inputFileName **/ $inputFileType=PHPExcel_IOFactory::identify($inputFileName); /** … | |
Hello guys, i created a form and i want to form to serve a dual purpose of sending data to my database contacts and and another database for newsletter. so the task is as follow: one form serving two databases at one click on submit. i need your help. thank … | |
I want to derive a table from this code: [CODE]<? if($Product->facilities!=NULL){ ?>Facilities: <?=$Product->facilities;?><br /><? } ?>[/CODE] How can i do that? it is a list. | |
Hello Everyone, I`m Using this code to pass javascript associative array to php using jquery ajax [CODE]function install (loc) { var mydata = []; //lightbox(); switch(loc){ case "step1": { mydata['step'] = '1'; mydata['SiteName'] = $("#siteName").val(); mydata['SiteDesc'] = $("#siteDesc").val(); mydata['AdminEmail'] = $("#adminEmail").val(); mydata['username'] = $("#username").val(); mydata['password'] = $("#password").val(); } break; case … | |
Hi there, I've made this page in html: [url]http://www.greenbeanbaby.com/retailers.php[/url] with drop-down menus that work. But when I try to make it dynamic for my client to update it, I'm stuck! The drop downs don't work. Here is the code I'm using: [CODE]$r=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM retailer"); $varloop=1; echo "<div id='wrap'>"; while(list($idr, … | |
Hello, I want to fetch data from a MySQL database's table and order the selected data by date. Which data format is ordered most precisely by MySQL? I also want the date format to be unique. Please express the format just like PHP's one, example: h:i:s. Thanks, Nahiyan | |
Hey looking over sessions was confusing the hell out of me but I found my solution again on this forum... now I have a session that as a time out and 'logs out' the user after 10 mins so next time they try do something it takes them to the … | |
Hi all, This is a ? about Ajax, PHP and form processing. When I submit the form further below, nothing happens! I didnt set the form-"action" to anything. I left it out, to make the form submit to the same page, so I can validate on the same page too … | |
Hey everyone, I have the following varaibles: $_POST['month'] $_POST['day'] $_POST['year'] I need them to be put into a string format such as '2012-02-15' (Year-Month-Day). Could someone please help me do this in php? I've tried a few times but can't connect them with the "-" successfully. Thanks for your help. | |
Hello all, I've ran into a bit of a problem and I can't figure out how to get out of it. Basically, I have an autosuggest input field on my website and I would like to get data from 2 mysql tables. It is similar to yell.com where you search … | |
| Hi all, been dipping my toe into OOP and am getting on OK, but I'm hitting a bit of a wall with a current project. classes: db (a PDO extended class) User Timetable The db is just a few shorthand ways of running PDO The User is just for handling … |
The End.